New ! Computer Applications MCQ Practise Tests

12th Standard Computer Application Revision Model Question Paper With Answer Key

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Applications

Time : 02:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 70


    Note : i) All Questions Are Compulsory.

     ii) Choose The Most Suitable Answer From The Given Four Correct Alternatives.

    15 x 1 = 15
  1. One of the disadvantages of the multimedia is its __________









  2. _______ is a DTP software.


    Lotus 1-2-3







  3. _____ represents a “tuple” in a relational database?









  4. ______ stores more than one value of same data type in single array variable.






    Indexed array


    Multidimensional array

  5. What will be the output of the following PHP code ?
    < ?php
    if (\($\)x == 0)
    print “hi” ;
    print “how are u”;
    print “hello”
    ? >


    how are uhello






    no output

  6. What will be displayed in a browser when the following PHP code is executed:
    < ?php
    for (\($\)counter = 20; \($\)counter < 10;
    echo “Welcome to Tamilnadu “;
    echo “Counter is: $counter”;
    ? >


    Welcome to Tamilnadu


    Counter is: 20


    Welcome to Tamilnadu Counter is: 22


    Welcome to Tamilnadu Welcome to Tamilnadu Counter is: 22

  7. How PHP files can be accessed?


    Through Web Browser


    Through HTML files


    Through Web Server


    All of Above

  8. How many parameter are required for MYSQLi Close function in PHP ?









  9. Which of the following system securely share business's information with suppliers, vendors, partners and customers.









  10. Which medium is used in the optical fibre cables to transmit data?




    Infra red





  11. Which of the following is not correctly matched


    The First Wave of Electronic Commerce: 1985 -1990


    The Second Wave of Electronic Commerce: 2004 – 2009


    The Third Wave of Electronic Commerce: 2010 – Present


    Dotcom burst: 2000 – 2002

  12. Which of the following is true about Ransomware


    Ransomware is not a subset of malware


    Ransomware deletes the file instantly


    Typopiracy is a form of ransomware


    Hackers demand ransom from the victim

  13. What is the keyboard shortcut to open a PageMaker file?


    Ctrl + Q


    Ctrl + M


    Ctrl + N


    Ctrl + X

  14. Each super key is called a _________ key.


    Foreign key


    Candidate key


    Composite key


    Primary key

  15. Boolean is a data type which denotes ___________


    Integer numbers


    Decimal point numbers


    True or False state



  16. PART-II

    Note : i ) Answer any Six Questions and Question.No: 24 is compulsory.

    6 x 2 = 12
  17. Define Multimedia Production.

  18. What are the ACID properties?

  19. Write the syntax for an if statement in PHP.

  20. Write any Two rules for input HTML.

  21. What is the uses of mobile networks?

  22. What is meant by champ connector?

  23. What is tooltip?

  24. What is a "Super Key"?

  25. What is webserver?

  26. PART-III

    Note : i ) Answer any Six Questions and Question.No: 33 is compulsory.

    6 x 3 = 18
  27. Describe the features and techniques of animation.

  28. Write few commands used by DBA to control the entire database.

  29. Write the features Looping Structure.

  30. Differentiate web address and URL

  31. Write a note on physical product dispute of E-Commerce.

  32. What are the phases involved for development of complex multimedia projects?

  33. Write the steps to create a new Master Page

  34. Describe about Web Browser.

  35. Write a PHP program to display the following

  36. PART-IV

    Note : i ) Write all the following Questions.

    5 x 5 = 25
    1. Write the steps to place the text in a frame.

    2. Explain concepts of HTTP Uploading process.

    1. Differentiate Proprietary and open source software

    2. How do Webcasting and Video Conferencing, Digital Multimedia Libraries and e-publishing works in multimedia technology applications?

    1. Tabulate the ER diagram notations

    2. Write in detail about The Interner Explosion?

    1. Compare 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G.

    2. Explain briefly about Ethernet cards and ports along with RJ45 jack.

    1. Explain the advantages of Credit card.

    2. Write about EDIFACT message in detail.


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