New ! Computer Applications MCQ Practise Tests

Forms and Files 3 Mark Creative Question Paper With Answer Key

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Applications

Time : 00:45:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 45

    3 Marks 

    15 x 3 = 45
  1. Sample PHP program to open and closing a file.

  2. An HTML code to demonstrate From and For controls (Login form)

  3. Write the Validation rules for HTML input fields.

  4. Explain briefly about fopen( ) function

  5. Explain briefly about fread( ) function.

  6. Explain briefly about fclose( ) function.

  7. Explain briefly about fwrite( ) function.

  8. Write short note on Appending a File

  9. Write short notes on Web development process?

  10. Write the important feature of Checkbox and Radio box?

  11. How to append a file and What are the parameters used in appending a file?

  12. Draw the HTML form page which has text field, radio button, check box and button.

  13. Write short note on fread ( ) function and give the example.

  14. Write about fclose ( ) function with an example.

  15. Write a simple PHP program to open, close the file and also to write the file.


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