New ! Computer Applications MCQ Practise Tests

12th Standard Computer Applications English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - Part Nine

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Applications

Time : 00:10:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 10

    Answer all the questions

    10 x 1 = 10
  1. GIF use _______ color look up table.


    8 bit


    13 bit


    8 MB


    13 MB

  2. Shortcut to close a document in PageMaker is ______.


    Ctrl + A


    Ctrl + B


    Ctrl + C


    Ctrl + W

  3. __________ Command is used to delete a database.


    Delete database database_name


    Delete database_name


    drop database database_name


    drop database_name

  4. A PHP script should start with __________ and end with _________:


    < php >


    < ? php ? >


    < ? ? >


    < ?php ? >

  5. Which innovation made the people to use Internet?


    Social web


    Mobile technology


    Mobile App


    Both a & b.

  6. TCP/IP is a combination of two protocols:
    i. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
    ii. Internet Protocol (IP)
    iii. Selection Protocol (SP)
    iv. Captial Protocol (CP)


    i, ii


    i, iii


    iii, iv


    ii, iii

  7. Which connector is used in the Ethernet cables?









  8. Choose the Correct Pair from the following to build NS2


    UNIX & TCL


    UNIX & a. C++


    C++ & OTcl


    C++ & NS2

  9. ______ host the e-books on their websites.


    Bulk-buying sites


    Community sites


    Digital publishing websites


    Licensing websites


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