New ! Computer Applications MCQ Practise Tests

Introduction to Database Management System 3 Mark Creative Question Paper With Answer Key

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Applications

Time : 00:45:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 45

    3 Marks

    15 x 3 = 45
  1. What re attributes in database?

  2. List few commonly used databases.

  3. What are the roles of Database administrator?

  4. What are the major parts to form a database

  5. Write a note on MySQL.

  6. Write a short note on Row (or Record or tuple)

  7. What are the major the functions performed using SQL?

  8. What is a database? How are the data stored in a database?

  9. What is a Relational Data Base Management system?

  10. What is called Administrative MySQL Commands?

  11. List any 5 features of RDBMS.

  12. What is Attribute-Domain?

  13. Explain Degree of a Relationship.

  14. Discuss on designing databases?

  15. What is SQL? List its types.


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