New ! Computer Science MCQ Practise Tests

All Chapter 2 Marks

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 02:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 128
    Answer The Following Question:
    64 x 2 = 128
  1. What is a subroutine?

  2. Define Function with respect to Programming language.

  3. What is recursive function?

  4. Give an example of impure function.

  5. Differentiate constructors and selectors.

  6. What is a Pair? Give an example.

  7. Give an example of implementing an ADT

  8. Write a note on pair datatype

  9. Why scope should be used for variable. State the reason.

  10. What do you mean by Namespaces?

  11. Define variable.

  12. Write the output of the following program
     print a
    Disp 1():
    print a

  13. What is an Algorithm?

  14. Define Pseudo code.

  15. What is algorithmic solution?

  16. What does analysis of an algorithm deals with?

  17. What are the different modes that can be used to test Python Program?

  18. What is a literal? Explain the types of literals?

  19. Assume the value of a = 100 and b = 75. Evaluate the following expression.
    (i) a==b
    (ii) a!=b
    (iii) a//b
    (iv) a>=b

  20. Write the description of the following Escape sequence character.
    (i) \n
    (ii) \t

  21. List the control structures in Python.

  22. Write is the syntax of if..else statement.

  23. Write a program in python to check if the accepted number us even or odd (use alternate method of if-else).

  24. Draw the flowchart that illustrates the working of continue statement in python.

  25. Write the different types of function.

  26. How to set the limit for recursive function? Give an example.

  27. What is meant by block in python?

  28. Write the syntax of variable - length arguments.

  29. What is String?

  30. What is slicing?

  31. How will you manipulate the strings?

  32. Write a note on the function center ().

  33. What will be the value of x in following python code?
    List 1 = [2, 4, 6[1, 3, 5]]
    x = len (List 1)

  34. Differentiate del with remove( ) function of List.

  35. Name the four collections of data types in python programming language.

  36. Write the syntax of using for keyword to access all elements in the list. Pg 136 x 9.

  37. What is instantiation?

  38. What is the purpose of Destructor?

  39. Write the syntax for the following
    (i) Creating objects
    (ii) Accessing class members

  40. Differentiate python class function and ordinary function.

  41. What is the difference between Hierarchical and Network data model?

  42. What is normalization?

  43. What is database?

  44. Differentiate data and information.

  45. Write a query that selects all students whose age is less than 18 in order wise.

  46. What is the difference between SQL and MYSQL?

  47. What is the use of WAMP?

  48. Explain the following SQL TCL commands.
    (i) Commit
    (ii) Roll back
    (iii) Save point

  49. Mention the default modes of the File.

  50. How will you sort more than one column from a csv file?Give an example statement.

  51. Why CSV file is known as flat file?

  52. What is called modification?

  53. Differentiate compiler and interpreter.

  54. What is the use of modules?

  55. Differentiate static typed language and dynamic typed language.

  56. Write the syntax and example of
    (i) os.system ( ) 
    (ii) getopt ( )

  57. Mention the users who uses the Database.

  58. Write the command to populate record in a table. Give an example.

  59. What is the reason behind defining a SQL command with triple quotes?

  60. Write the placeholders which supported by SQlite3 module Execute.

  61. List the general types of data visualization.

  62. How will you install Matplotlib?

  63. Write note or Box plot.

  64. What is pip?


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