New ! Computer Science MCQ Practise Tests

Model 3 Mark Creative Questions (New Syllabus) 2020

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 78

    Part A

    26 x 3 = 78
  1. Explain the syntax of function definitions.

  2. Write a note on Data Abstraction.

  3. Write a note on access modifiers of a class.

  4. Write a pseudo code for bubble sort algorithm

  5. Fill in the blanks.
    >>> city = \(\overset { (1) }{ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ } \) ("Enter your City")
    Enter your city \(\overset { (2) }{ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ } \)
    >>> print ("I am from", \(\overset { (3) }{ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ } \))
    I am from Chennai

  6. Write a Python program to get the following output.
    Enter Number 1: 50
    Enter Number 2: 50
    The sum of 50 and 50 is 100

  7. Identify the type of literals.
    (i) OX13B
    (ii) i+34j
    (iii) 12e05
    (iv) 0346

  8. Draw a flowchart that illustrates the working of while loop.

  9. Draw a flowchart that illustrate how looping construct gets executed.

  10. Write a note on "Required arguments".

  11. Write a note on format () with an example.

  12. Write a program to accept a string and print it in reverse order.

  13. How will you find the length of a list? Explain with an example.

  14. What is the output for the following code?

  15. Write the output for the following.
    list = [36, 12, 12]
    (I) print (list. count (12))
    (ii) print (list. index (12))
    (iii) print (list. reverse ())

  16. How will create a set in python? Give an example.

  17. Write a note on object.

  18. Why the following program give an error while displaying the value of n2. Give Reason.

  19. Write the advantages of DBMS.

  20. Explain the data model that represent parent child relationship.

  21. Write the function performed by DDL.

  22. How will you generate queries and retrieve data from the table? Explain?

  23. Write a program to read a file with default delimiter comma.

  24. How to import modules in python?

  25. Explain how a connect to be made to a database (Academy through python SQlite3.

  26. List the buttons in matlibplot window.


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