New ! Computer Science MCQ Practise Tests

Sample 3 Mark Creative Questions (New Syllabus) 2020

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 81

    Part A

    27 x 3 = 81
  1. Write an algorithm to check whether the entered number is even or odd.

  2. Write a note on Data Abstraction.

  3. How will you ensure the principle of data encapsulation in object - oriented programming?

  4. Write a pseudo code for Binary search

  5. Write a pseudo code for Insertion sort.

  6. Fill in the blanks.
    >>> city = \(\overset { (1) }{ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ } \) ("Enter your City")
    Enter your city \(\overset { (2) }{ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ } \)
    >>> print ("I am from", \(\overset { (3) }{ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ } \))
    I am from Chennai

  7. Write a short note on comment statement.

  8. Write a python program to print all numbers from 10 to 15 using while loop.

  9. Draw a flowchart that illustrate how looping construct gets executed.

  10. How will you invoke the function after, the parameters are recognized by their parameter names? Explain with an example.

  11. Write a note on format () with an example.

  12. Write the syntax and example of using string characters.

  13. Write the output of the following statements.
    strl = 'mammals'
    (i) std. find ('ma')
    (ii) std. find ('ma', 2)
    (iii) std. find ('ma', 2, 4)
    (iv) std. find ('ma', 2, 5)

  14. Write the out put for the following statement.
    strl = "Raja Raja Chozhan"
    (i) print (strl. count ('Raja'))
    (ii) print (strl. count ('R'))
    (iii) print (strl. count ('A'))
    (iv) print (strl. count ('a'))
    (v) print (strl. count ('a', 0, 5))
    (vi) print (strl. count ('a', 11))

  15. Read the following program and write the output according to the print statement mentioned
    list = ['T', 'H', 'N', 'M']
    del list [1]
    (i) print (list)
    del list [1:3]
    (ii) print (list)
    del list
    (iii) print (list)

  16. How will create a set in python? Give an example.

  17. Write the output of the following program.
    class Sample:
    def _init_(self, var):
    self. var=var
    print("The object value is = ", var)
    print("The count of object created Sample.num) =",

  18. Write a python program that illustrate the use of destructor.

  19. Read the following program. Answer the following question. Class sample:
    x, y= 10, 20
    s= sample ()
    print (s. x + s. y)
    1. What does sample denotes?
    2. What does x, y denotes?
    3. What does s denotes?

  20. Write a short note on Relational data model.

  21. What is Relational Algebra?

  22. List the data types used in SQL.

  23. Which constraint helps to set a limit value placed for a field?

  24. Write a program to read a file with default delimiter comma.

  25. How to import modules in python?

  26. Explain how a connect to be made to a database (Academy through python SQlite3.

  27. List the buttons in matlibplot window.


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