CorelDRAW 2018 Model Question Paper

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Technology

Time : 01:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 50
    10 x 1 = 10
  1. _____________ is a vector graphics application








    MS Word

  2. __________ are also known as raster images.


    Vector graphics






    None of these

  3. ___________ is next to Standard tool bar.


    Property bar


    Title bar


    Menu bar


    status bar

  4. Which tool is used to draw a circle?


    Shape tool


    Ellipse tool


    Rectangle tool


    Crop tool

  5. How many types of Spirals are there?









  6. _________ key is used to select the Freehand tool.









  7. To exit CorelDraw, press ____________


    Ctrl + F4


    Ctrl + F3


    Shift + F4


    Alt + F4

  8. _________ key combination is used to create a duplicate of a selected object


    Ctrl + D


    Ctrl + C


    Ctrl + S


    Ctrl + A

  9. To break apart a combined object, press __________


    Ctrl + K


    Ctrl + C


    Ctrl + S


    Ctrl + A

  10. To combine two or more objects press _________


    Ctrl + D


    Ctrl + L


    Ctrl + S


    Ctrl + A

  11. 6 x 2 = 12
  12. What is CorelDRAW used for?

  13. Write the steps to start CorelDRAW.

  14. What is a property bar in CorelDRAW?

  15. Why is a ruler used for in CorelDRAW?

  16. Write the steps to group objects.

  17. Write the steps to ungroup a grouped object.

  18. 6 x 3 = 18
  19. What are the differences between Vector graphics and bitmaps?

  20. Write the steps to draw a rectangle in CorelDRAW.

  21. What are the two types of spirals? Explain.

  22. To correct your mistake in CorelDRAW what should you do? What is the keyboard shortcut to do it?

  23. How will you assign a fill colour and outline colour to an object?

  24. What do you achieve by welding objects? Write the steps to weld objects.

  25. 2 x 5 = 10
  26. Write the steps to draw a spiral.

  27. Write the steps to draw a grid.


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