New ! Economics MCQ Practise Tests

12th Standard Economics English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - Part Two

12th Standard

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Time : 00:10:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 10

    Answer all the questions

    10 x 1 = 10
  1. Identify the other name for Macro Economics.


    Price Theory


    Income Theory


    Market Theory


    Micro Theory

  2. Find the incorrect match


     Capitalistic Economy - Capitalism


    Command Economy -  Socialism


    Socialistic Economy -  Globalism


    Mixed Economy-  Mixedism

  3. GNP = _________ + Net factor income from abroad








    Personal income

  4. In case of transfer payments of nation income, expenditures towards payment incurred by the government like old age pension ________?


    should be included


    should not be included





  5. Keynes attributes unemployment to__________


    A lack of effective supply


    A lock of effective demand


    A lack of both


    None of the above

  6. A situation in which every able bodied person who is willing to work at the prevailing wage rate, is employed_________?


    Less than full employment


    Full employment




    structural employment

  7. As national income increases


    The APC falls and gets nearer in value to the MPC


    The APC increases and diverges in value from the MPC.


    The APC stays constant


    The APC always approaches infinity

  8. The basic distinction between M1 and M2 is with regard to


    post office total deposits


    saving deposits with post office savings bank


    Terms deposits of banks



  9. Credit creation means


    Multiplication of loans and advances







  10. Terms of Trade of a country show __________.


    Ratio of goods exported and imported


    Ratio of import duties


    Ratio of prices of exports and imports


    Both (a) and (c)


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