New ! Economics MCQ Practise Tests

Important Questions Part-III

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 60

    Part - A

    60 x 1 = 60
  1. Who is regarded as Father of Modern Macro Economics?


    Adam Smith


    J M Keynes


    Ragnar Frisch


    Karl Marx

  2. An economy consists of


    consumption sector


    Production sector


    Government sector


    All the above

  3. The subject Economics is classified into two branches, namely,


    Micro Economics and Minor Economics


    Micro Economics and Macro Economics


    Positive and Normative economics


    Deductive and inductive economics

  4. Identify which is not an example of capitalistic economy.


    The USA economy


    Germany economy


    Indian economy


    Australia economy

  5. In a free-market economy the allocation of resources is determined by:


    Votes taken by consumers


    A central planning authority


    By consumer preferences


    The level of profits of firms

  6. National income is a measure of the__________ performance of an economy









  7. The financial year in India is__________


    April 1 to March 31


    March 1 to April 30


    March 1 to March 16


    January 1 to December 31

  8. Inventories of finished and unfinished goods are called _________.


    Net Investment




    Gross Investment


    Both 'a' and 'b'

  9. Transfer earnings is referred to ______.


    Pension payments to retired persons


    Income paid as rent to landlord


    An interest payments to a capitalist


    Medical payments made to an employee of a company

  10. (i) Firms, (ii) Households, (iii) Government, (iv) Rest of the world and (v) Capital sector are different elements of _________?


    social accounting method


    private accounting method


    public accounting method


    social accounting model

  11. ________ theory is a turning point in the development of modern economic theory.









  12. The basic concept used in Keynes Theory of Employment and Income is_____.


    Aggregate demand


    Aggregate supply


    Effective demand


    Marginal Propensity Consume

  13. ______________ returns takes place as more workers are employed.


    Law of diminishing marginal


    Law of equi demand


    Law of demand


    None of the above

  14. Assertion: In developing countries like India, the nature of unemployment is different from that of developed countries.
    Reason: In developed countries, the unemployment is purely temporary or cyclical or frictional.


    Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A


    Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A


    A is true but R is false


    A is false but R is true

  15. Unemployment means that


    People are not willing to work at the going wage rate


    At the going wage rate, there are people who want to work but cannot find work.


    There are some people who will not work at the going wage rate


    There is excess demand in the labour market

  16. The MPC is equal to :


    Total spending / total consumption


    Total consumption / total income


    Change in consumption / change in income


    none of the above

  17. The sum of the MPC and MPS is________.









  18. K=1/MPS= ____________






    Value of multiplier


    Value of accelerator

  19. _____ is also known as ‘sequence multiplier’. In real life, income level does not increase instantly with investment.


    Dynamic multiplier


    Super multiplier


    Static multiplier


    Government multiplier

  20. Which of the following is not correct:


    MPC declines as income increase


    MPC is positive but less than one


    MPS is always positive


    All the above

  21. MV stands for


    demand for money


    supply of legal tender money


    Supply of bank money


    Total supply of money

  22. During depression the level of economic activity becomes extremely









  23. Barter system was introduced by________


    Mesopetamia tribes




    Both 'a' and 'b'


    None of the above

  24. Assertion: Reduced capital accumulation may discourage entrepreneurs and business men from taking business risk.
    Reason: With reduced capital accumulation, the investment will suffer a serious set-back which may have an adverse effect on the volume of production in the country.


    Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)


    Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)


    (A) is true, but (R) is false


    (A) is false, but (R) is true

  25. Which is not a major anti-inflationary fiscal measures are the following


    Reduction of Government Expenditure


    Public Borrowing


    Augmenting Foreign Investment


    Enhancing taxation

  26. A Commercial Bank is an institution that provides services


    Accepting deposits


    Providing loans


    Both a and b


    None of the above

  27. Central bank is_____ authority of any country.








    National Income

  28. Expand FEMA.


    Factory Exchange Management Act


    Foreign Exchange Management Act


    Foreign Economic Management Act


    Foreign Exchange Maintenance Act

  29. Expand SIDC


    State Industrial Development Company


    Small Industrial Development Corporation


    State Investment Development Corporation


    State Industrial Development Corporation

  30. The RBI uses three policy tools to manipulate the money supply: ______ which affect reserves and the monetary base; changes in _____, which affect reserves and the monetary base by influencing the quantity of discount loans; and changes in _____, which affect the money multiplier.


    market operations; the discount rate; margin requirements


    open market operations; the discount rate; reserve requirements


    the discount rate; open market operations; margin requirements


    the discount rate; open market operations; reserve requirements

  31. In general, a primary reason why nations conduct international trade is because


    Some nations prefer to produce one thing while others produce another


    Resources are not equally distributed among all trading nations


    Trade enhances opportunities to accumulate profits


    Interest rates are not identical in all trading nations

  32. Components of balance of payments of a country includes


    Current account


    Official account


    Capital account


    All of above

  33. Which is of the following statement is modern theory of trade


    It presents a one factor (labour) model


    It attributes the differences in the comparative costs to differences in the productive efficiency of workers in the two countries


    the phenomenon of international trade on the basis of labour theory of value


    It presents a multi - factor (labour and capital) model

  34. The earliest statement of the principle of comparative advantage is associated with


    Adam Smith


    David Ricardo


    Eli Heckscher


    Bertil Ohlin

  35. The classical trade theories of Smith and Ricardo predict that


    Countries will completely specialize in the production of export goods.


    Considerable trade will occur between countries with different levels of technology


    Small countries could obtain all of the gains from trade when trading with large countries


    All of the above.

  36. Which of the following is not the member of SAARC?




    Sri Lanka





  37. The term BRIC was coined in









  38. Which is latest member of IMF as 189th member


    Czech Republic






    Republic of Nauru

  39. The name “International Bank for Reconstruction and Development” was first suggested by ___________ to the drafting committee.









  40. Where is the head-quarter of ASEAN located?






    New Dehli



  41. The direct tax has the following merits except








    civic consciousness

  42. Deficit Budget means


    An excess of government's revenue over expenditure


    An excess of government's current expenditure over its current revenue


    An excess of government's total expenditure over its total revenue


    None of above

  43. Financial operation of the government  _____________




    Bills of payment


    Bills of exchange


    All the above

  44. Find the author of following statement. “Public finance is an investigation into the nature and principles of the state revenue and expenditure”.








    Adam Smith

  45. Find the meaning of following statement. “Paid by a shopkeeper or retailer, who then shifts the tax burden to customers by charging sales tax on goods and services.”


    Trade Tax




    Sales Tax


    Revenue Tax

  46. Electronic waste is commonly referred as _______


    solid waste


    composite waste




    hospital waste

  47. Alkali soils are predominantly located in the _______ plains?






    Gangetic plains


    All the above

  48. __________ are the particles, and gases out comes during the construction and agricultural activates to affect the air.


    Dust particles


    Gaseous emission




    Oxygen gas

  49. _____________ is the example of negative consumption externality.






    Chain smoker



  50. The alkali soils are predominantly located in the _____________


    Indo-Gangetic plains




    Southern Peninsula


    Western Ghats

  51. Which of the following plan has focused on the agriculture and rural economy


    People's Plan


    Bombay Plan


    Gandhian Plan


    Vishveshwarya Plan

  52. Short-term plan is also known as________


    Controlling Plans


    De-controlling Plans


    Rolling Plans


    De-rolling Plans

  53. ________ plan is made for the period of five years.


    Short term plan


    Long term plan


    Medium term plan


    Annual plan

  54. Economic development refers to


    economic growth


    economic growth plus changes in output distribution and economic structure


    improvement in the well-being of the urban population


    sustainable increases in Gross National Product.

  55. Most mixed or capitalist developing countries are limited to an indicative plan, which indicates expectations, aspirations, and intentions


    but falls short of authorization


    with immediate implementation


    of the central bank


    of implementation through foreign aid.

  56. Who stated that statistics as a science of estimates and probabilities.


    Horace Secrist


    R.A Fisher





  57. If Y = 2 - O.2X, then the value of Y intercept is equal to








    All of the above

  58. Who said “Econometrics is concerned with the empirical determination of economic laws”




    H Theil





  59. What is the term given for the following sequence of action?
    “Economic theory, Mathematical model of the theory, Economic model of the theory, Data Estimation of econometric model, Hypothesis Testing, Forecasting or prediction Using the model for control or policy purpose”.


    Anatomy of Economic Modeling


    Anatomy of Mathematical Economic Modeling


    Anatomy of Econometric Modeling


    None of the above

  60. The branch of economics wherein mathematics and statistics are used to measure and analyze economics activities is called _________.


    Applied Economics






    Macro Economics

  61. Part - B

    35 x 2 = 70
  62. Define ‘Economic Model'.

  63. What do you mean by Socialism?

  64. What are the different models of circular flow of income?

  65. Mention any two limitations of macroeconomics

  66. Mention the any three Socialist Learning economies.

  67. Write the formula for calculating GNP.

  68. What is Gross Domestic Product?

  69. What is Net Domestic Product?

  70. What is effective demand?

  71. What are the components of aggregate supply ?

  72. What is Technical Unemployment?

  73. Write any two Criticisms of Say’s Law.

  74. Draw the diagram of effective demand

  75. What do you mean by propensity to consume?

  76. What are the “Leakages of Multiplier"? Leakages of multiplier.

  77. Mention any two uses of multiplier concept.

  78. What is commodity money?

  79. What is creeping inflation?

  80. What is Recovery?

  81. Define Commercial banks.

  82. What is meant by Regulation of consumer's credit?

  83. Write a brief note on Bank Rate Policy.

  84. What do you mean by Balance of Payments?

  85. How Modern theory of International Trade attributes international differences in comparative costs to?

  86. What are The Three Regulatory Pillars of the “World Economic Order”?

  87. Differentiate tax and fee.

  88. What the term ‘fiscal economics’ means?

  89. Define Global warming.

  90. List the examples of Home E-Wastes.

  91. Distinguish between economic growth and development.

  92. Mention the predominant characters of UDCs

  93. What are the differences between centralized and decentralized plan?

  94. What is Statistics?

  95. What are the kinds of data?

  96. Comment – “Statistics and Education”

  97. Part - C

    25 x 3 = 75
  98. Distinguish between Capitalism and Globalism.

  99. What are the limitation of Macro Economics.

  100. Write briefly about national income and welfare

  101. What are the five types of final goods and services that GNP includes?

  102. What do you mean by aggregate demand ? Mention its components.

  103. Write the criticism of Say's Law.

  104. Specify the limitations of the multiplier.

  105. Write the formula for APC, MPC, APS, MPS.

  106. State Cambridge equations of value of money.

  107. Explain “The Keynes Equation” Keynes equation is expressed as:

  108. Give a brief note on NBFI.

  109. Explain the Net Barter Terms of Trade and Gross Barter Terms of Trade.

  110. List out the limitations of Modern Theory of International Trade?

  111. Mention the difference between FDI and FPI.

  112. Mention the various forms of economic integration.

  113. Write briefly about “Structural Adjustment Facility”

  114. Mention any three methods of redemption of public debt.

  115. What is the difference between Capital Budget and Revenue Budget?

  116. Brief the linkage between economy and environment.

  117. Explain the types of water pollution.

  118. Trace the evolution of economic planning in India.

  119. Explain the concept "economic development".

  120. Discuss the important statistical organizations (offices) in India.

  121. State the types of correction on the basis of number of variables studied.

  122. Part - D

    10 x 5 = 50
  123. Explain the concepts of macro economics.

  124. Discuss the method measuring the National Income by Income Method.

  125. Comparison of Classicism and Keynesianism.

  126. Explain Keynes psychological law of consumption function with diagram.

  127. Explain Marginal propensity to consume and multiplier, with the help of a diagram.

  128. Distinguish between NBFC and Other Commercial Bank.

  129. Discuss the state of FDI in India.

  130. What are the taxes levied and collected by the union but assigned to the states?

  131. Explain non-economic factors determining development?

  132. Explain the steps involved computing the correlation Coefficient.


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