New ! Economics MCQ Practise Tests

National Income Model Question Paper

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 02:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 60
    10 x 1 = 10
  1. Net National product at factor cost is also known as


    National Income


    Domestic Income


    Per capita Income



  2. Tertiary sector is also called as __________sector









  3. NNP stands for___________


    Net National Product


    National Net product


    National Net Provident


    National Net Provident

  4. The average income of the country is________


    Personal Income


    Per capita income


    Inflation Rate


    Disposal Income

  5. The largest proportion of national income comes from___________


    Private sector


    Local sector


    Public sector


    None of the above

  6. A country which has no economic relations with other countries in termed as


    Open economy


    Closed economy


    Planned economy


    Command economy

  7. GDP calculate at market price is known as __________.


    GDP at factor price


    NDP at factor price


    GNP at factor price


    GDP at Market price

  8. Net Domestic = GDP - _________.









  9. The difference between value of exports and imports of goods and services is known as


    X - M


    G + I


    X x M


    All the above

  10. _________ Income is the buying power of nominal income.


    Gross Income


    Real Income


    Percapita Income


    National Income

  11. 5 x 1 = 5
  12. Product Method

  13. (1)

    Industry sector

  14. Expenditure method

  15. (2)

    Economic Welfare

  16. Secondary sector

  17. (3)

    Double counting

  18. NNP

  19. (4)

    Net National Product

  20. PQLI

  21. (5)

    Outlay method

    2 x 2 = 4
  22. Concepts of National Income
    (a) Gross National Product
    (b) Gross Domestic Product
    (c) Net National Product
    (d) Output = Income = Expenditure

  23. Per Capita Income
    (a) The total income of a country
    (b) The average income of a person
    (c) National Income / Population
    (d) GDP / Population

  24. 8 x 2 = 16
  25. Define National Income.

  26. What is the difference between NNP and NDP?

  27. Trace the relationship between GNP and NNP.

  28. Define GDP deflator.

  29. Write the formula for calculating NDP.

  30. What do you mean by Real Income?

  31. What is Gross Domestic Product?

  32. What are capital gains?

  33. 5 x 3 = 15
  34. Differentiate between personal and disposable income.

  35. Give short note on Expenditure method.

  36. List out the uses of national income.

  37. What is Depreciation?

  38. What are the steps involved in income method?

  39. 2 x 5 = 10
  40. Explain the importance of national income

  41. Discuss the importance of social accounting in economic analysis.


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