New ! Economics MCQ Practise Tests

Public Exam Model Question Paper Part-X 2019 - 2020

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 02:45:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 90

    Part I

    Answer all the questions.

    Choose the most suitable answer from the given four alternatives and write the option code with the corresponding answer.

    20 x 1 = 20
  1. Quantity of a commodity accumulated at a point of time is termed as ____________..









  2. With what kinds of topics does macroeconomics concern itself?


    Economic activities of individual firms, households, and other organizations


    Forces of supply and demand in a particular market


    Consumer behavior and firms output decisions


    Aggregate economic phenomena like the rate of unemployment and inflation

  3. Expenditure method is used to estimate national income in_______


    Construction sector


    Agricultural Sector


    Service sector


    Banking sector

  4. Output = Income = _________








    None of these

  5. In Keynes theory of employment and income, ___________ is the basic cause of economic depression


    Less production


    More demand


    Inelastic supply


    Less aggregate demand in relation to productive capacity

  6. The Keynesian remedy for unemployment is to


    decrease aggregate demand


    reduce tax rates or lower interest rates


    decrease government spending


    decrease private consumption and investment

  7. Higher Interest rates likely to


    Reduce investment


    Decrease the cost of borrowing


    Discourage saving


    Increase borrowing and spending

  8. During inflation, who are the gainers?






    Wage and salary earners



  9. The Functions of commercial banks are broadly classified into


    Primary Functions


    Secondary functions


    Other functions


    a, b, and c

  10. Exchange rate for currencies is determined by supply a!ld demand under the-system of


    Fixed exchange rate


    Flexible exchange rate




    Government regulated

  11. Trade is of _____ types









  12. SDR stands for __________.


    Special Drawing Resource


    Special Drawing Rights


    Special Daily Rights


    Special Detail Rights

  13. The tax possesses the following characteristics




    No quid pro quo


    Failure to pay is offence


    All the above

  14. _________ refers to the system of assigning the source of revenue to the Central as well as State Governments for the efficient discharge of their respective functions.


    Public Economics


    Federal Economics


    Federal finance


    Fiscal Economics

  15. Ecosystem is smallest unit of









  16. Environmental Economics is an area of economics that studies the financial impact of ______________ issues and policies.









  17. Sarvodaya Plan was advocated by__________


    Mahatma Gandhi




    S.N Agarwal 


    M.N. Roy

  18. What is the count of classification of countries as per World Development Report?









  19. Who stated that statistics as a science of estimates and probabilities.


    Horace Secrist


    R.A Fisher





  20. The correlation would be __________ if the amount of change in one variable does not bear a constant ratio to the amount of change in the other variables.








    downward always

  21. Part II

    Answer any 7 questions. Question no. 30 is compulsory.

    7 x 2 = 14
  22. What is Mixed Economy?

  23. Write the formula for calculating GNP.

  24. List out the assumptions of Say’s law.

  25. Write a note on “wage-price flexibility” of classicals

  26. What are Ceteris paribus constant extraneous variables?

  27. Define Money.

  28. Write few examples of NBFI.

  29. Point out any two ways in which IBRD lends to member countries.

  30. State the meaning of environment.

  31. What are the two main approaches to the concept of development?

  32. Part III

    Answer any 7 questions. Question no. 40 is compulsory.

    7 x 3 = 21
  33. Distinguish between Capitalism and Globalism.

  34. Write a note on social account method of national income.

  35. According to classical theory of employment, how wage reduction solve the problem of unemployment diagramatically explain.

  36. Assume the level of saving that would take place in an economy is - Rs.200 even when aggregate output is zero. Also assume that the marginal propensity to save is 0.1. Derive the algebraic expression for the saving function and the consumption function.

  37. Explain Effects on Production of Inflation.

  38. Write a brief note on flexible exchange rate.

  39. Write a short note on TRIMs

  40. State the meaning of e-waste.

  41. List the economic and non-economic determinants of economic development.

  42. Discuss the important statistical organizations (offices) in India.

  43. Part IV

    Answer all the questions.

    14 x 5 = 70
  44. Describe the types of unemployment.

  45. Explain Keynes psychological law of consumption function with diagram.

  46. Distinguish between Fisher’s and Cambridge Equation.

  47. Elucidate the functions of Commercial Banks

  48. Explain the types of Terms of Trade given by Viner.

  49. Explain the any two types of Exchange Rates.

  50. Bring out the functions of World Bank.

  51. Explain the methods of debt redemption.

  52. List the Revenue of Union Sources.

  53. Briefly explain the relationship between GDP growth and the quality of environment.

  54. Compare and contrast the “Planning Commission” and NITI Aayog”.

  55. Estimate the coefficient of correlation with actualmean method for the following data.

    Age of cars in years 3 6 8 9 10 6
    Cost of Annual Maintains 1 7 4 6 8 4
    1. Compare the features among Capitalism, Secularism and Mixedism

    2. Discuss the importance of social accounting in economic analysis.


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