New ! Economics MCQ Practise Tests

Public Exam Model Question Paper Part-V 2019 - 2020

12th Standard

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Time : 02:45:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 90

    Part I

    Answer all the questions.

    Choose the most suitable answer from the given four alternatives and write the option code with the corresponding answer.

    20 x 1 = 20
  1. A steady increase in general price level is termed as_____________.


    wholesale price index


    Business Cycle




    National Income

  2. In addition to household and firms, inclusion of the government sector make this model a ________ model.


    Single sector model


    Two sector model


    Three sector model


    Four sector model

  3. The largest proportion of national income comes from___________


    Private sector


    Local sector


    Public sector


    None of the above

  4. (i) Firms, (ii) Households, (iii) Government, (iv) Rest of the world and (v) Capital sector are different elements of _________?


    social accounting method


    private accounting method


    public accounting method


    social accounting model

  5. If every able bodied person who is willing to work at the prevailing wage rate is employed called _______.


    Full employment


    Under employment




    Employment opportunity

  6. Capital stock and technological knowledge are given in the ______________


    medium run


    long run


    short run


    none of the above

  7. Theory of ____________ states the effect of investment upon the level of income.




    J.B. Say's Law of market theory


    General theory


    Classical theory of employment

  8. ___________inflation occurs when general prices of commodities increases due to increase in production costs such as wages and raw materials.




    demand pull





  9. Central bank is_____ authority of any country.








    National Income

  10. Tourism and travel are classified in which of balance of payments accounts?


    merchandise trade account


    services account


    unilateral transfers account


    capital account

  11. International trade forces domestic firms to become more competitive in terms of


    The introduction of new products


    Product design and quality


    Product price


    All of the above

  12. Expand the term ECM


    European Common Market


    Equal Common Market


    East Asian Common Market


    England Custom Market

  13. Methods of repayment of public debt is




    Sinking fund


    Funded debt


    All these

  14. _________ cosists of capital receipts and capital expenditure.




    Capital budget




    Supplementary budget

  15. The process of nutrient enrichment is termed as




    Limiting nutrients





  16. 1 EcoSystem i. The presence of harmful or objectionable material to damage water quality.
    2 Pollution ii. The increase in temperature of the Earth’s surface, due to greenhouse gases.
    3 Water Pollution iii. Residual discharges of contaminants into the natural environment to the air or water
    4 Global warming iv. The interacting system of a biological community and its nonliving environmental surroundings.

    (1) – (i) (2) – (ii) (3) – (iv) (4) – (iii)


    (1) – (ii) (2) – (iii) (3) – (iv) (4) – (i)


    (1) – (iv) (2) – (iii) (3) – (i) (4) – (ii)


    (1) – (i) (2) – (ii) (3) – (iii) (4) – (iv)

  17. NITI Aayog is formed through_______


    Presidential Ordiance


    Allocation of business rules by President of India


    Cabinet resolution


    None of the above

  18. Trace the author of following statement “Economic Planning in the widest sense is the deliberate direction by persons incharge of large resources of economic activity towards chosen ends”




    Arthur Lewis


    Arthur Schumpeter


    None of the above

  19. The data collected by questionnaires are_______


    Primary data


    Secondary data


    Published data


    Grouped data

  20. Expand the term MOSPI.


    The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation


    The Ministry of Statistics and Probability Implementation


    The Ministry of Statistical and Programme Improvements


    None of the above

  21. Part II

    Answer any 7 questions. Question no. 30 is compulsory.

    7 x 2 = 14
  22. Write down the countries that have capitalistic, economy.

  23. Define GDP deflator.

  24. What is the main feature of rural unemployment ?

  25. What is Say's law of market?

  26. What is the Meaning of Marginal Efficiency of Capital (MEC)?

  27. What is gold standard?

  28. Define a financial intermediary.

  29. Write the meaning of Special Drawing rights.

  30. Define Global warming.

  31. What is financial planning?

  32. Part III

    Answer any 7 questions. Question no. 40 is compulsory.

    7 x 3 = 21
  33. Indicate the demerits of socialism.

  34. What is Per capita income?

  35. Give short answer to the following
    (i) Seasonal unemployment
    (ii) Frictional unemployment
    (iii) Educated unemployment

  36. Explain the uses of multiplier

  37. Draw the diagram of Fisher’s Quantity theory of money.

  38. Describe the subject matter of International Economics.

  39. Write a short note on TRIMs

  40. What is land pollution? Mention the causes of land pollution.

  41. What are the six basic characteristics of under developed economy?

  42. What are the functions of Statistics?

  43. Part IV

    Answer all the questions.

    14 x 5 = 70
    1. Compare the features of capitalism and socialism.

    2. What are the difficulties involved in the measurement of national income?

    3. Describe the types of unemployment.

    4. What are the differences between MEC and MEI.

    5. Explain Measures to Control Inflation.

    6. Explain the role of Commercial Banks in economic development.

    7. Explain the types of Terms of Trade given by Viner.

    8. Explain Adam Smith’s Theory of Absolute Cost Advantage.

    9. Explain the objectives of IMF.

    10. What are the reasons for the recent growth in public expenditure?

    11. Distinguish between Balanced and Unbalanced Budget.

    12. Explain the importance of sustainable development and its goals.

    13. Explain non-economic factors determining development?

    14. Distinguish between correlation and regression.


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