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12th Standard English Medium Accountancy Subject Accounts of Not-For-Profit Organisation Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II

12th Standard

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Time : 00:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 15

    Part I

    5 x 3 = 15
  1. From the following particulars of Trichy Educational Society, prepare Receipts and Payments account for the year ended 31st December, 2018

    Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
    Opening cash balance as on 1.1.2018 20,000 Locker rent received 12,000
    Investments made 80,000 Sale of furniture 5,000
    Honorarium paid 3,000 General expenses 7,000
    Donation received 80,000 Postage 1,000
    Audit fees paid 2,000 Subscription received 10,000
  2. How will the following items appear in the final accounts of a club for the year ending 31st March 2017? A club received subscription of Rs. 25,000 during the year 2016-17. This includes subscription of Rs. 2,000 for 2015-16 and Rs. 1,500 for the year 2017-18. Subscription of Rs. 500 is still outstanding for the year 2016-17.

  3. Compute capital fund of Karur Social Club as on 31.03.2018

    Particulars as on 31.03.2018 Rs.
    Furniture 50,000
    Buildings 40,000
    Subscription outstanding for 2017-18 10,000
    Subscription received in advance for 2018-19 5,000
    Loan borrowed 10,000
    Investments 20,000
    Cash in hand 4,000
    Cash at bank 6,000
  4. State the differences between Receipts and Payments Account and Income and Expenditure Account

  5. How the following items are dealt with in the final accounts of not–for–profit organisation?
    a) Sale of sports materials
    b) Life membership fees
    c) Tournament fund


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