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12th Standard English Medium Accountancy Subject Ratio Analysis Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

12th Standard

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Time : 00:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 25
    5 x 5 = 25
  1. Calculate the current ratio from the following information.

    Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
    Current investments 15,000 Trade creditors 36,000
    Inventories 29,000 Bills payable 10,000
    Cash and cash equivalents 5,000 Expenses payable 8,000
    Trade receivables 5,000    
  2. From the following trading activities of Jamal Ltd. calculate
    (i) Gross profit ratio
    (ii) Net profit ratio
    (iii) Operating cost ratio
    (iv) Operating profit ratio

    Statement of Profit and Loss
    Particulars Rs.
    I. Revenue from operations 10,000
    II. Other Income  
    Income from investments 100
    III. Total revenue (I +II) 10,100
    IV. Expenses:  
    Purchases of Stock-in -trade 8,500
    Changes in inventories -500
    Finance costs 150
    Other expenses (Administration and selling) 1,200
    Total expenses 7,850
    V. Profit before tax (III - IV) 800
  3. Calculate quick ratio of Babu construction Ltd., from, the information given below

    Particulars Rs.
    Total current liabilities 2,00,000
    Total current assets 4,00,000
    Inventories 70,000
    Prepaid expenses 30,000
  4. From the following Balance Sheet of Ambika Ltd. as on 31.03.2017 calculate
    (i) Debt-equity ratio
    (ii) Proprietary ratio
    (iii) Capital gearing ratio

    Balance sheet of Ambika Ltd. as on 31.3.2017
    Particulars Amount Rs.
    1. Shareholders' funds  
    (a) Share capital  
    Equity share capital 3,00,000
    8% Preference share capital 4,00,000
    (b) Reserves and surplus 3,00,000
    2. Non-current liabilities  
    Long term borrowings (9% Debentures) 8,00,000
    3. Current liabilities  
    Short -term borrowings from banks 50,000
    Trade payables 1,50,000
    Total 20,00,000
    II. ASSETS  
    1. Non-current assets  
    Fixed assets 15,00,000
    2. Current assets  
    (a) Inventories 2,40,000
    (b) Trade receivables 2,00,000
    (c) Cash and cash equivalents 55,000
    (d) Other current assets  
    Expenses paid in advance 5,000
    Total 20,00,000
  5. From the following figures obtained from Sun Ltd; calculate the trade payables turnover ratio and credit payment period (in days).

    Particulars Rs.
    Credit purchases during 2018 - 2019 1,00,000
    Trade creditors as on 1.4.2018 20,000
    Trade creditors as on 31.3.2019 10,000
    Bills payable as on 1.4.2018 4,000
    Bills payable as on 31.3.2019 6,000


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