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12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

12th Standard

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Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 50

    2 Marks

    25 x 2 = 50
  1. What is reproduction?

  2. List out two sub-aerial stem modifications with example.

  3. What are clones?

  4. Differentiate Grafting and Layering.

  5. Give the names of the scientists who rediscovered Mendelism

  6. What is back cross?

  7. When two different genes came from same parent they tend to remain together.
    i) What is the name of this phenomenon?
    ii) Draw the cross with suitable example.
    iii) Write the observed phenotypic ratio.

  8. If you cross dominant genotype PV/PV male Drosophila with double recessive female and obtain F1 hybrid. Now you cross F1 male with double recessive female.
    i) What type of linkage is seen?
    ii) Draw the cross with correct genotype.
    iii) What is the possible genotype in F2 generation?

  9. gamete types Number of progenies
    1 ABC 349
    2 Abc 114
    3 abC 124
    4 AbC 5
    5 aBc 4
    6 aBC 116
    7 ABc 128
    8 abc 360

    i) What is the name of this test cross?
    ii) How will you construct gene mapping from the above given data?
    iii) Find out the correct order of genes.

  10. What is the difference between missense and nonsense mutation?

  11. What are the materials used to grow microorganism like Spirulina?

  12. You are working in a biotechnology lab with a bacterium namely E.coli. How will you cut the nucleotide sequence? explain it.

  13. What are the enzymes you can used to cut terminal end and internal phospho di ester bond of nucleotide sequence?

  14. Write the various steps involved in cell suspension culture.

  15. What are ecological equivalents? Give one example

  16. Distinguish habitat and niche

  17. ‘Green algae are not likely to be found in the deepest strata of the ocean’. Give at least one reason.

  18. What is Albedo effect and write their effects?

  19. Discuss the gross primary productivity is more efficient than net primary productivity.

  20. Pyramid of energy is always upright. Give reasons

  21. Give four examples of plants cultivated in commercial agroforestry.

  22. How are microbial inoculants used to increase the soil fertility?

  23. Write the cosmetic uses of Aloe.

  24. Give definitions for organic farming?

  25. Which is called as the “King of Bitters”? Mention their medicinal importance.


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