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12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 10

    2 Marks

    25 x 2 = 50
  1. What are the term micropropagation refers to?

  2. Name the four anther wall layers.

  3. Name the two types of tapetum based on its behaviour.

  4. At which cellular stage, does the pollen grains are usually liberated from anther?
    What happens to the generative cell if the pollen reaches the stigma?

  5. Why pollination in gymnosperm is said to be direct?

  6. Define the following terms.
    (a) Protandry
    (b) Protogyny

  7. Coconut is an albuminous seed. Why?

  8. What is scutellum?

  9. Provide any four intergenic gene interactions.

  10. Give the proper terminologies for the following statement
    (a) Single gene affecting multiple traits
    (b) Single trait affected by many genes.

  11. What are bivalents? When does this condition is noticed in a cell?

  12. Write the formula to calculate recombination frequency.

  13. Comment on the chromosomal condition; 2n - 2.

  14. What are deficiency loops?

  15. What is Restriction Endonuclease?

  16. Classify vectors and explain them.

  17. Name any four vectors that you know?

  18. Golden rice is a bio-fortified rice developed by rDNA technology. It differs from its parental strain by possessing 'psy' gene, 'crt-l' gene and 'lyc' gene which are responsible for beta - carotene synthesis.
    (a) Name the sources of the above mentioned genes.
    (b) Which disease can be controlled / prevented if a person's diet bas golden rice?

  19. Name the four basic concepts of plant tissue culture.

  20. Expand and define IPR.

  21. Point any four ways by which IPR is protected in India.

  22. Define Bioethics.

  23. What is Albedo effect?

  24. Name the study that deals with soil factors. Also mention the optimal soil pH for crop cultivation.

  25. What are Holoparasites? Give example


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