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12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 15

    3 Marks

    25 x 3 = 75
  1. How many synergid cells are there in a mature embryo sac. Mention any two major roles of synergies.

  2. Differentiate between chasmogamy and cleistogamy

  3. How the flowers of salvia are adopted for melittophily?

  4. Anemophilous Dowers produce abundant pollen grains. Give reason

  5. Define co-dominance. How it is proved by using Gossypium species?

  6. Write a short notes on Atavism.

  7. State Coupling and Repulsion theory.

  8. How and where chiasma is formed?

  9. What are comutagens ?

  10. Give an account on colchicine.

  11. What are secondary metabolites? Give two examples.

  12. Mention any three algal species used for SCP production.

  13. List out the application of single-cell protein.

  14. Why is it difficult for DNA to pass through cell membrane? How the bacterial cells can be made competent to take up DNA?

  15. Agrobacterium - a natural genetic engineer of plants. Justify the statement.

  16. What is RNA interference (RNAi)? How it is carried out?

  17. Name any 3 bacterial species used to generate polyhydroxybutyrates (PHB).

  18. Point out the factors that determine success rate of tissue culturing.

  19. What is cybrid?

  20. Given below are the list of components and accessories used in PTC technique. Sort them out according to their mode of sterilization.
    (a) Glass wares
    (b) Laminar air flow chamber
    (c) Nutrient medium
    (d) Explant

  21. Loamy soil is ideal for crop cultivation - Justify.

  22. Write note on mimicry.

  23. Point out the Anatomical adaptations exhibited by the Halophytes.

  24. Observe the tabular column and complete it using proper terms.

      Species 1 Species 2 Type of interaction
    i + A Mutualism
    ii  + O B
    iii  C O Amensalism
    iv + - D
    v - E Competition
  25. Point out any three mangrove ecosystem services.


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