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12th Standard English Medium Biology Reduced Syllabus Creative Five mark Question with Answer key - 2021(Public Exam )

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 02:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 125

    Part A

    25 x 5 = 125
  1. Describe the regeneration process noticed in living organism.

  2. Describe the spermatogenesis with diagram.

  3. What are IUD's? Explain its way of functioning. Also describe their types.

  4. Explain in detail about Erythroblastosis foetalis.

  5. List the salient features of genetic code.

  6. Explain the properties of DNA that makes it an ideal genetic material.

  7. Explain Oparin - Haldane hypothesis on evolution.

  8. Give an account of helminthic disease.

  9. Explain the types of cells involved in immune system.

  10. How microbes are used in Gobar gas production?

  11. Describe the procedure by which Dolly was developed.

  12. Write the characteristics of tundra.

  13. Explain structural and behavioural adaptations seen in organism.

  14. Point out any 5 functional attributions of biodiversity.

  15. List out the effects of air pollution.

  16. Describe the development of monosporic embryo sac.

  17. How does the wrinkled gene make Mendel's peas wrinkled? Find out the molecular explanation.

  18. List out the significance of ploidy.

  19. Explain Agarose Gel electrophoresis technique.

  20. Enumerate the advantages of Artificial seeds.

  21. What does competition refers to? Classify and describe it.

  22. List out the characteristics of ecological succession.

  23. What are the objectives of Afforestation programme?

  24. Give a comparative account on Seaweed liquid fertilizer.

  25. Draw a table mentioning binominals, family name, useful part and their medical uses of any five local medicinal plants


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