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12th Standard English Medium Biology Reduced Syllabus One mark Important Questions with Answer key - 2021(Public Exam )

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 50

    Part A

    50 x 1 = 50
  1. The foetal membrane that forms the basis of the umbilical cord is _____.








    Yolk sac

  2. Find the wrongly matched pair.


    Bleeding phase- fall in oestrogen and progesterone


    Follicular phase-rise in oestrogen


    Luteal phase - rise in FSH level


    Ovulatory phase - LH surge

  3. Identify the correct statements from the following.


    Chlamydiasis is a viral disease


    Gonorrhoea is caused by a spirochaete bacterium, Treponema palladium


    The incubation period for syphilis is 2 to 14 days in males and 7 to 21 days in females


    Both syphilis and gonorrhoea are easily cured with antibiotics

  4. Haemophilia is more common in males because it is a ______.


    Recessive character carried by Y-chromosome


    Dominant character carried by Y-chromosome


    Dominant trait carried by X-chromosome


    Recessive trait carried by X-chromosome

  5. Which of the following phenotypes in the progeny are possible from the parental combination AxB?


    A and B only


    A,B and AB only


    AB only


    A, B, AB and O

  6. Father of a child is colourblind and mother is carrier for colourblindness, the probability of the child being colourblind is _____.









  7. “Universal Donor” and “Universal Recipients” blood group are _____and_______respectively


    AB, O


    O, AB


    A, B


    B, A

  8. What is the basis for the difference in the synthesis of the leading and lagging strand of DNA molecules?


    Origin of replication occurs only at the 5' end of the molecules


    DNA ligase works only in the 3' → 5' direction


    DNA polymerase can join new nucleotides only to the 3' end of the growing stand.


    Helicases and single-strand binding proteins that work at the 5' end

  9. An operon is a: ______.


    Protein that suppresses gene expression


    Protein that accelerates gene expression


    Cluster of structural genes with related function


    Gene that switched other genes on or off

  10. Which of the following was the contribution of Hugo de Vries?


    Theory of mutation


    Theory of natural Selection


    Theory of inheritance of acquired characters


    Germplasm theory

  11. Fossils are generally found in


    igneous rocks


    metamorphic rocks


    volcanic rocks


    sedimentary rocks

  12. According to Darwin, the organic evolution is due to


    Intraspecific competition


    Interspecific competition


    Competition within closely related species.


    Reduced feeding efficiency in one species due to the presence of interfering species.

  13. The Athlete’s foot disease in human is caused by _______









  14. The sporozoite of the malarial parasite is present in ______


    saliva of infected female Anopheles mosquito


    RBC of human suffering from malaria.


    Spleen of infected humans


    Gut of female Anopheles mosquito

  15. The most common substrate used in distilleries for the production of ethanol is_________








    Corn meal

  16. Which of the following bacteria is used extensively as a bio-pesticide?


    Bacillus thurigiensis


    Bacillus subtilis


    Lactobacillus acidophilus


    Streptococcus lactis

  17. The genetic defect adenosine deaminase deficiency may be cured permanently by


    Enzyme replacement therapy


    periodic infusion of genetically engineered lymphocytes having ADA cDNA


    administering adenosine deaminase activators


    introducing bone marrow cells producing ADA into embryo at an early stage of development.

  18. Transgenic animals are those which have


    Foreign DNA in some of their cells


    Foreign DNA in all their cells


    Foreign RNA in some of their cells


    Foreign RNA in all their cells

  19. Predation and parasitism are which type of interactions?




    (+, O)


    (--, --)


    (+, --)

  20. The relationship between sucker fish and shark is__________









  21. Which of the following is considered a hotspots of biodiversity in India?


    Western ghats


    Indo-gangetic plain


    Eastern Himalayas


    Both (a) and (c)

  22. Which one of the following are at high risk extinction due to habitat destruction?









  23. Which among the following is the most abundant Green-House-Gas (GHG) in the earth’s atmosphere?


    Carbon dioxide


    Water Vapour


    Sulphur Dioxide


    Tropospheric Ozone

  24. In the E- waste generated by the Mobile Phones, which among the following metal is most abundant?









  25. An eminent Indian embryologist is ______.


    S.R. Kashyap


    P. Maheswari


    M.S. Swaminathan


    K.C. Mehta

  26. Arrange the layers of anther wall from locus to periphery


    Epidermis, middle layers, tapetum, endothecium


    Tapetum, middle layers, epidermis, endothecium


    Endothecium, epidermis, middle layers, tapetum


    Tapetum, middle layers endothecium epidermis

  27. The scar left by funiculus in the seed is _______.









  28. Which one of the following is an example of polygenic inheritance?


    Flower colour in Mirabilis Jalapa


    Production of male honey bee


    Pod shape in garden pea


    Skin Colour in humans

  29. Which Mendelian idea is depicted by a cross in which the F1 generation resembles both the parents.


    Incomplete dominance


    Law of dominance


    Inheritance of one gene



  30. Pure tall plants are crossed with pure dwarf plants. In the F1 generation, all plants were tall. These tall plants of F1 generation were selfed and the ratio of tall to dwarf plants obtained was 3:1. This is called ______.









  31. Accurate mapping of genes can be done by three point test cross because increases _____.


    Possibility of single cross over


    Possibility of double cross over


    Possibility of multiple cross over


    Possibility of recombination frequency

  32. Genes G S L H are located on same chromosome. The recombination percentage is between L and G is 15%, S and L is 50%, H and S are 20%. The correct order of genes is _____.









  33. EcoRI cleaves DNA at ____.









  34. Which one of the following palindromic base sequence in DNA can be easily cut at about the middle by some particular restriction enzymes?


    5' CGTTCG 3' 3' ATCGTA 5'


    5'GATATG 3'  3' CTACTA 5'


    5'GAATTC 3' 3' CTTAAG 5'


    5'CACGTA 3' 3' CTCAGT 5'

  35. An analysis of chromosomal DNA using the southern hybridisation technique does not use _____.








    Polymerase Chain Reaction

  36. Micro propagation involves _____.


    vegetative multiplication of plants by using micro-organisms.


    vegetative multiplication of plants by using small explants.


    vegetative multiplication of plants by using microspores.


    Non-vegetative multiplication of plants by using microspores and megaspores.

  37. Which of the following statement is correct


    Agar is not extracted from marine algae such as seaweeds


    Callus undergoes differentiation and produces somatic embryoids.


    Surface sterilization of explants is done by using mercuric bromide


    PH of the culture medium is 5.0 to 6.0

  38. Virus free plants are developed from _____.


    Organ culture


    Meristem culture


    Protoplast culture


    Cell suspension culture

  39. A specific place in an ecosystem, where an organism lives and performs its functions is _____.









  40. Read the given statements and select the correct option.
    i) Loamy soil is best suited for plant growth as it contains a mixture of silt, sand and clay.
    ii) The process of humification is slow in case of organic remains containing a large amount of lignin and cellulose.
    iii) Capillary water is the only water available to plant roots as it is present inside the micropores.
    iv) Leaves of shade plant have more total chlorophyll per reaction centre, low ratio of chl a and chl b are usually thinner leaves.


    i, ii and iii only


    ii, iii and iv only


    i, ii and iv only


    ii and iii only

  41. Identify the A, B, C and D in the given table

    Interaction Effects on species X Effects on species Y
    Mutualism A (+)
    B (+) (-)
    Competition (-) C
    D (-) o
    A B C D
    (+) Parasitism (-) Amensalism
    A B C D
    (-) Mutualism (+) Competition
    A B C D
    (+) Competition (0) Mutualism
    A B C D
    (O) Amensalism (+) Parasitism
  42. Strong, sharp spines that get attached to animal’s feet are found in the fruits of ______.









  43. Solar energy used by green plants for photosynthesis is only ______.


    2 – 8%


    2 – 10%


    3 – 10%


    2 – 9%

  44. Significance of food web is / are ______.


    it does not maintain stability in nature


    it shows patterns of energy transfer


    it explains species interaction


    b and c

  45. Find the wrongly matched pair.


    Endemism - Species confined to a region and not found anywhere else.


    Hotspots - Western Ghats


    Ex-situ Conservation - Zoological parks


    Sacred groves - Saintri hills of Rajasthan


    Alien sp. Of India - Water hyacinth

  46. Deforestation does not lead to _____.


    Quick nutrient cycling


    soil erosion


    alternation of local weather conditions


    Destruction of natural habitat weather conditions

  47. While studying the history of domestication of various cultivated plants _______ were recognized earlier


    Centres of origin


    Centres of domestication


    Centres of hybrid


    Centres of variation

  48. Which of the following is incorrectly paired?


    Wheat - Himgiri


    Milch breed - Sahiwal


    Rice - Ratna


    Pusa Komal - Brassica

  49. Find out the correctly matched pair.


    Rubber-Shorea robusta


    Dye-Lawsonia inermis


    Timber-Cyperus papyrus


    Pulp-Hevea brasiliensis

  50. The only cereal that has originated and domesticated from the New world.


    Oryza sativa


    Triticum asetumn


    Triticum duram


    Zea mays


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