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12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 75

    3 Marks

    25 x 3 = 75
  1. Give reasons for the following:
    (a) Some organisms like honey bees are called parthenogenetic animals
    (b) A male honey bee has 16 chromosomes where as its female has 32 chromosomes

  2. Name the hormones produced from the placenta during pregnancy.

  3. What is male heterogamety?

  4. A low level of expression of lac operon occurs at all the windows for treatment of various genetic disorders. Justify the statement

  5. From their examination of the structure of DNA, What did Watson and Crick infer about the probable mechanism of DNA replication, coding capability and mutation?

  6. What are the three structural differences between RNA and DNA?

  7. Taking the example of Peppered moth, explain the action of natural selection. What do you call the above phenomenon?

  8. Who disproved Lamarck’s Theory of acquired characters? How?

  9. Explain stabilizing, directional and disruptive selection with examples

  10. What are the cells involved innate immune system.

  11. A person is infected by HIV. How will you diagnose for AIDS?

  12. Explain the role of cry-genes in genetically modified crops.

  13. If a person thinks he is infected with HIV, due to unprotected sex, and goes for a blood test. Do you think a test such as ELISA will help? If so why? If not, why?

  14. What are DNA vaccines?

  15. What are stem cells? Explain its role in the field of medicine

  16. Give the characters of a Biome ?

  17. What are the ways by which organisms respond to abiotic factors?

  18. Differentiate Natality and Mortality

  19. Give an account of population regulation

  20. What are called endangered species? 

  21. What are the factors that drive habitat loss?

  22. Where are biodiversity hotspots normally located? Why?

  23. How can we control eutrophication?

  24. Mention the causes of enhanced use of ultraviolet radiation

  25. Discuss the role of an individual to reduce environmental pollution.


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