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12th Standard English Medium Chemistry Subject Surface Chemistry Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 00:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 8

    Part I

    4 x 2 = 8
  1. In a coagulation experiment 10 mL of a colloid (X) is mixed with distilled water and 0.1M solution of an electrolyte AB so that the volume is 20 mL. It was found that all solutions containing more than 6.6 mL of AB coagulate with in 5 minutes. What is the flocculation values of AB for sol (X)?

  2. The mechanism of Fridel crafts reaction is given below
    \({ C }_{ 6 }{ H }_{ 5 }+{ { CH }_{ 3 }Cl\overset { anhydrous\\ \quad { Alcl }_{ 3 } }{ \longrightarrow } }{ C }_{ 6 }{ H }_{ 5 }{ CH }_{ 3 }+HCl\)

  3. Thermal decomposition of KClO in presence of MnO2 proceeds as follows.
    Steps in the reaction 2KClO → 2KCl + 3Ocan be given as

  4. Formation of water due to the reaction of H2 and O2 in the presence of Cu proceeds as follows. Steps in the reaction H2 + 1/2O2 → H2O can be given as


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