New ! Computer Applications MCQ Practise Tests

12th Standard English Medium Computer Applications Subject Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part -II

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Applications

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 125

    5 Marks

    25 x 5 = 125
  1. Explore the opportunities of Animation field in movie industry.

  2. Explain in detail about different file formats in multimedia files.

  3. Write the steps to place the text in a frame.

  4. Write the steps to draw a star using polygon tool?

  5. List the basic concepts of ER Model with suitable example

  6. Write a note on open source software tools available in MySQL Administration.

  7. Explain the process of Webserver installation.

  8. Explain operators in PHP with example.

  9. Explain Array concepts and their types.

  10. Explain if else statement in PHP. With an example.

  11. Discuss in detail about For each loop.

  12. Explain ‘for’ loop with example.

  13. Explain the process File handling.

  14. Explain in detail of File handling functions in PHP.

  15. Explain the Database error handling and management process in PHP?

  16. Explain the growth of the computer networking

  17. Difference between TCP/IP and OSI Reference Model.

  18. Explain the Name server and its types.

  19. Explain wiring techniques used in Ethernet cabling.

  20. Explain the components used in Ethernet cabling.

  21. Differentiate Proprietary and open source software

  22. List all the E-Commerce business models and explain any four briefly

  23. How would you differentiate a traditional commerce and E-Commerce?

  24. What is credit card? Explain the key players of a credit card payment system and bring out the merits of it.

  25. What is cryptocurrency? Explain the same.


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