New ! Computer Science MCQ Practise Tests

12th Standard English Medium Computer Science Subject Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 50

    2 Marks

    25 x 2 = 50
  1. Identify which is the constructor and selector from the following statement.
    (i) The Functions that retrieve information from the datatype.
    (ii)The function which creates an object.

  2. How the concrete level of data abstraction implemented?

  3. Write a pseudocode to depressant rational numbers using list.

  4. From the statement P1 : = Preson(), What does P1 and person referred.

  5. Define variable.

  6. What are the types of variable scope

  7. Write the output of the following program
     print a
    Disp 1():
    print a

  8. What is modular programming?

  9. How many ways the Python shell can be used?

  10. How will you invoke python IDLE?

  11. What is the purpose of using Input-output functions?

  12. Write the Syntax of using print () in python.

  13. Write the syntax of input () used in python.

  14. Why the following identifiers are invalid?
    (i) 12 Name
    (ii) name$
    (iii) physics-mark
    (iv) break

  15. Assume the value of a = 100 and b = 75. Evaluate the following expression.
    (i) a==b
    (ii) a!=b
    (iii) a//b
    (iv) a>=b

  16. Assume a = 50 and b = 40. write the output the following statement.
    (i) print ("The a > b or a = := b = ", a > b or a==b)
    (ii) print ("The a > b and a == b = ", a > b and a==b)
    (iii) print ("The not a > b == ", not a > b)

  17. Name the built - in number objects in python.

  18. What is meant by alternative or branching?

  19. Write a program in python to check if the accepted number even or odd.
    a = int(input("Enter any number:"))
    if a%2==0:
    print (a, "is an even number")
    print (a, "is an odd number")

  20. Write a note on the parameters used in print () statement.

  21. Draw the flowchart that illustrates the working of for loop.

  22. What is the use of Jump statements in python?

  23. Write the syntax how break statement used in for loop.

  24. Write the syntax of variable - length arguments.

  25. What are called tuples?


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