New ! Computer Science MCQ Practise Tests

12th Standard English Medium Computer Science Subject Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 75

    3 Marks

    25 x 3 = 75
  1. Give an example of an ADT for rational numbers.

  2. Write a note on built-in scope.

  3. How will you ensure the principle of data encapsulation in object - oriented programming?

  4. Design an algorithm to find square of the given number and display the result.

  5. Write a note on two factors in which space required by an algorithm is decided.

  6. Write a pseudo code for Insertion sort.

  7. Differentiate two ways in which Python programs can be written.

  8. Write a Python program to get the following output.
    Enter Number 1: 50
    Enter Number 2: 50
    The sum of 50 and 50 is 100

  9. Assume a = 1000 b = 10, Evaluate the following expression.
    (i) a%30
    (ii) a/b
    (iii) b**2
    (iv) b//3

  10. Draw the flowchart that illustrates the use of break and continue statement in loop structure.

  11. Draw the flowchart that illustrates the working of break statement

  12. Draw a flowchart that illustrate how looping construct gets executed.

  13. Why we need to construct the pass statement?

  14. How the positive and negative subscript values are assigned? Give example.

  15. Write the syntax and example of using string characters.

  16. Write the output of the following statements.
    strl = 'mammals'
    (i) std. find ('ma')
    (ii) std. find ('ma', 2)
    (iii) std. find ('ma', 2, 4)
    (iv) std. find ('ma', 2, 5)

  17. Write the output for the following statement.
    (i) print ("PYTHON" . lower ())
    (ii) print ("PYTHON" . islower ())
    (iii) print ("PYTHON" . isupper ())
    (iv) print ("PYTHON" . upper ())

  18. Write the out put for the following statement.
    strl = "Raja Raja Chozhan"
    (i) print (strl. count ('Raja'))
    (ii) print (strl. count ('R'))
    (iii) print (strl. count ('A'))
    (iv) print (strl. count ('a'))
    (v) print (strl. count ('a', 0, 5))
    (vi) print (strl. count ('a', 11))

  19. How will you find the length of a list? Explain with an example.

  20. How will you change the list elements in Python? Give an example.

  21. Write a program to define a list of countries that are a member of BRICS. Check whether a county is member of BRICS or not.

  22. Explain with an example how will you create a tuple with a single element.

  23. Write a note on the following function used in list.

  24. Why the following program give an error while displaying the value of n2. Give Reason.

  25. Fill up the blanks in the following program to get the output:
    Value of x = 10
    Value of y = 20
    Sum of x and y= 30
    Class sample:
    x, __ = 10, 20 -------------------1
    s = -------------------------2
    print ("value of x =", __ ) ------------3
    print ("value of y =", __ ) -------------4
    print ("sum of x and y =", __ ) --------5


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