New ! Computer Science MCQ Practise Tests

12th Standard English Medium Computer Science Subject Data Abstraction Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 15

    3 Marks

    5 x 3 = 15
  1. Differentiate Concrete data type and abstract datatype.

  2. Which strategy is used for program designing? Define that Strategy.

  3. Identify Which of the following are constructors and selectors?
    (a) N1:=number()
    (b) accetnum (n1)
    (c) displaynum (n1)
    (d) eval (a/b)
    (e) x,y:= make slope (m), make slope (n)
    (f) display()

  4. What are the different ways to access the elements of a list. Give example.

  5. Identify Which of the following are List, Tuple and class ?
    (a) arr [1, 2, 34]
    (b) arr (1, 2, 34)
    (c) student [rno, name, mark]
    (d) day= (‘sun’, ‘mon’, ‘tue’, ‘wed’)
    (e) x= [2, 5, 6.5, [5, 6], 8.2]
    (f) employee [eno, ename, esal, eaddress]


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