New ! Computer Science MCQ Practise Tests

12th Standard English Medium Computer Science Subject Data Manipulation Through SQL Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 25

    5 Marks

    5 x 5 = 25
  1. Write in brief about SQLite and the steps used to use it.

  2. Write the Python script to display all the records of the following table using fetchmany()

    Icode ItemName Rate
    1003 Scanner 10500
    1004 Speaker 3000
    1005 Printer 8000
    1008 Monitor 15000
    1010 Mouse 700
  3. hat is the use of HAVING clause. Give an example python script

  4. Write a Python script to create a table called ITEM with following specification.
    Add one record to the table.
    Name of the database :- ABC
    Name of the table :- Item
    Column name and specification :-

    I code :- Integer and act as primary key
    Item Name :- Character with length 25
    Rate :- Integer
    Record to be added :- 1008, Monitor, 15000
  5. Consider the following table Supplier and item .Write a python script for (i) to (ii)

    Suppno Name City Icode SuppQty
    S001 Prasad Delhi 1008 100
    S002 Anu Bangalore 1010 200
    S003 Shahid Bangalore 1008 175
    S004 Akila Hydrabad 1005 195
    S005 Girish Hydrabad 1003 25
    S006 Shylaja Chennai 1008 180
    S007 Lavanya Mumbai 1005 325

    i) Display Name, City and Itemname of suppliers who do not reside in Delhi.
    ii) Increment the SuppQty of Akila by 40


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