New ! Economics MCQ Practise Tests

12th Standard English Medium Economics Reduced syllabus Annual Exam Model Question Paper - 2021

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 02:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 90


        Choose the most appropriate answer from the given four alternatives and write the option code and the corresponding answer.

    20 x 1 = 20
  1. The country following Capitalism is ________________









  2. Identify which is not an example of capitalistic economy.


    The USA economy


    Germany economy


    Indian economy


    Australia economy

  3. The average income of the country is________


    Personal Income


    Per capita income


    Inflation Rate


    Disposal Income

  4. _________ Income is the buying power of nominal income.


    Gross Income


    Real Income


    Percapita Income


    National Income

  5. J.B. Say is a _______.


    Neo Classical Economist


    Classical Economist


    Modern Economist


    New Economist

  6. Every economy in the world aims at attaining the level of _________


    Full employment




    Seasonal unemployment


    Educated unemployment

  7. According to Keynes the most important determinant of investment




    Effective demand


    Aggregate demand


    Rate of interest

  8. Irving Fisher’s Quantity Theory of Money was popularized in









  9. A Commercial Bank is an institution that provides services


    Accepting deposits


    Providing loans


    Both a and b


    None of the above

  10. Which of the following is a modern theory of international trade?


    absolute cost


    comparative cost


    Factor endowment theory


    none of these

  11. Suppose the exchange rate between Indian Currency and US Dollar is Rs.1= $ 65. If it changes to Rs.1 = $ 55, the value of which currency increased and decreased?


    both currency value will increase


    both currency value will decrease


    Indian currency value will increase and US Dollar Value will decrease


    Indian currency value will decrease and US Dollar Value will increase

  12. Match the items in the List – I with items in List – II. Select the correct answer from the code given below


    Free Trade Area


    Customs Union


    Common Market


    Trade Barriers

  13. Deficit Budget means


    An excess of government's revenue over expenditure


    An excess of government's current expenditure over its current revenue


    An excess of government's total expenditure over its total revenue


    None of above

  14. Assertion: There has been enormous increase in defence expenditure in India during planning period.
    Reason: The defence expenditure of the government was Rs. 10,874 crores in 1990-91 which increased significantly to Rs. 2,95,511 crores in 2018-19.


    Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A


    Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A


    A is true but R is false


    A is false but R is true

  15. Primary cause of Soil pollution is ________


    Pest control measures


    Land reclamation


    Agricultural runoff


    Chemical fertilizer

  16. Assertion: Environmental quality is a set of properties and characteristics of the environment either generalized or local, as they impinge on human beings and other organisms.
    Reason: It is a measure of the condition of an environment relative to and to any human need.


    Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A


    Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A


    A is true but R is false


    A is false but R is true

  17. Economic growth measures the_______


    Growth of productivity


    Increase in nominal income


    Increase in output


    None of the above

  18. Who wrote ‘Poverty and Un- British Rule in India’ that the drain of wealth from India under the British rule was the major cause of the increase in poverty in India?


    Vallabhai Patel


    Mahatma Gandhi


    Dadabhai Naoroji


    Pandit Nehru

  19. If the points on the scatter diagram indicate that as one variable increases the other variable tends to decrease the value of r will be:


    Perfect positive


    Perfect negative





  20. Given the diagram, find the correct answer.
    Degrees of correlation :


    all the above are correct


    all the above are incorrect


    I and II are correct, III and IV are incorrect


    I and II are incorrect, III and IV are correct

    1. Part-II

      Answer any seven questions and Question number 30 is compulsory.

    7x 2 = 14
  21. Write down the countries that have capitalistic, economy.

  22. What is the difference between NNP and NDP?

  23. List out the assumptions of Say’s law.

  24. Write a note on “wage-price rigidity” Keynes.

  25. Write a short note of induced investment?

  26. What is Stagflation?

  27. Define contractionary monetary policy.

  28. Mention any two objectives of ASEAN.

  29. Specify the meaning of seed ball.

  30. Write a note on the demand-side of the vicious circle of poverty.

    1. Part-III

      Answer any seven questions and Question number 40 is compulsory.

    7 x 3 = 21
  31. State the importance of Macro Economics.

  32. What is Depreciation?

  33. Explain about aggregate supply with the help of diagram.

  34. What are the limitations of accelerator.

  35. What is money? Explain the three functions that money performs. Which one is the primary function of money?

  36. What are import quotas?

  37. Explain the achievements of WTO.

  38. State the meaning of e-waste.

  39. List the economic and non-economic determinants of economic development.

  40. Find the Standard Deviation of the following data:14,22,9,15.20,17,12.11

    1. Part-IV

      Answer all the questions.

    7x 5 = 35
    1. Compare the features among Capitalism, Secularism and Mixedism

    2. Explain the importance of national income

    1. Critically explain Say’s law of market.

    2. Explain the operation of the Accelerator.

    1. Explain the Secondary Functions.

    2. Explain the role of Commercial Banks in economic development.

    1. Explain briefly the Comparative Cost Theory.

    2. State the importance of the comparative advantage of international trade.

    1. Discuss the role of WTO in India’s socio-economic development.

    2. State and explain instruments of fiscal policy.

    1. What are the causes for the increase in public debt?

    2. Briefly explain the relationship between GDP growth and the quality of environment.

    1. Elucidate various measures of economic development.

    2. Distinguish between correlation and regression.


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