New ! Economics MCQ Practise Tests

12th Standard English Medium Economics Reduced Syllabus Three Mark Important Questions - 2021(Public Exam )

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 02:35:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 75


    3 Marks

    25 x 3 = 75
  1. Describe the different types of economic systems.

  2. Outline the major merits of capitalism.

  3. Distinguish between Capitalism and Globalism.

  4. Differentiate between personal and disposable income.

  5. Explain briefly NNP at factor cost.

  6. What is the solution to the problem of double counting in the estimation of national income?

  7. List out the uses of national income.

  8. Give short answer to the following
    (i) Seasonal unemployment
    (ii) Frictional unemployment
    (iii) Educated unemployment

  9. Write short note on the implications of Say’s law

  10. Explain Keynes’ theory.

  11. Write any five differences between classicism and Keynesianism.

  12. State the propositions of Keynes’s Psychological Law of Consumption

  13. Explain any three subjective and objective factors influencing the consumption function.

  14. State the concept of super multiplier.

  15. What is money supply?

  16. Write the types of inflation

  17. Explain Demand-pull and Cost push inflation.

  18. Explain disinflation.

  19. Give a brief note on NBFI.

  20. What are the functions of NABARD?

  21. Specify the functions of IFCI.

  22. Distinguish between money market and capital market.

  23. Describe the subject matter of International Economics.

  24. Distinguish between Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments.

  25. Describe Canons of Taxation.


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