New ! Economics MCQ Practise Tests

12th Standard English Medium Economics Subject Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 25

    1 Marks

    25 x 1 = 25
  1. Who coined the word ‘Macro’?


    Adam Smith


    J M Keynes


    Ragnar Frisch


    Karl Marx

  2. Who is regarded as Father of Modern Macro Economics?


    Adam Smith


    J M Keynes


    Ragnar Frisch


    Karl Marx

  3. Identify the other name for Macro Economics.


    Price Theory


    Income Theory


    Market Theory


    Micro Theory

  4. An economy consists of


    consumption sector


    Production sector


    Government sector


    All the above

  5. Identify the economic system where only private ownership of production exists


    Capitalistic Economy


    Socialistic Economy


    Globalisic Economy


    Mixed Economy

  6. Primary sector is ________









  7. Expenditure method is used to estimate national income in_______


    Construction sector


    Agricultural Sector


    Service sector


    Banking sector

  8. The main concern of the Classical Economic Theory is _______.


    Under employment


    Economy is always in the state of equilibrium


    Demand creates its supply


    Imperfect competition

  9. J.B. Say is a _______.


    Neo Classical Economist


    Classical Economist


    Modern Economist


    New Economist

  10. In Keynes theory of employment and income, ___________ is the basic cause of economic depression


    Less production


    More demand


    Inelastic supply


    Less aggregate demand in relation to productive capacity

  11. As income increases, consumption will______




    not change





  12. When investment is assumed autonomous the slope of the AD schedule is determined by the______.


    marginal propensity to invest


    disposable income


    marginal propensity to consume


    average propensity to consume

  13. Paper currency system is managed by the______.


    Central Monetary authority


    State Government


    Central Government



  14. _____inflation is in no way dangerous to the economy.









  15. NBFI does not have.


    Banking license


    government approval


    Money market approval


    Finance ministry approval

  16. Central bank is_____ authority of any country.








    National Income

  17. International trade differs from domestic trade because of


    Trade restrictions


    Immobility of factors


    Different government policies


    All the above

  18. In general, a primary reason why nations conduct international trade is because


    Some nations prefer to produce one thing while others produce another


    Resources are not equally distributed among all trading nations


    Trade enhances opportunities to accumulate profits


    Interest rates are not identical in all trading nations

  19. If there is an imbalance in the trade balance (more imports than exports), it can be reduced by


    decreasing customs duties


    increasing export duties


    stimulating exports


    stimulating imports

  20. Which of the following countries is not a member of SAARC?


    Sri Lanka







  21. International Development Association is an affiliate of




    World Bank





  22. Which of the following canons of taxation was not listed by Adam smith?


    Canon of equality


    Canon of certainty


    Canon of convenience


    Canon of simplicity

  23. Consider the following statements and identify the correct ones.
    (i) Central government does not have exclusive power to impose tax which is not mentioned in state or concurrent list.
    (ii) The Constitution also provides for transferring certain tax revenues from union list to states.


    i only


    ii only





  24. The word biotic means environment








    None of the above

  25. Long-term plan is also known as_______


    Progressive Plans


    Non-progressive Plans


    Perspective Plans


    Non-perspective Plans


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