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12th Standard English Medium Economics Subject Introduction to Statistical Methods and Econometrics Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II

12th Standard

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Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 25

    5 Marks

    5 x 5 = 25
  1. Calculate Karl pearson's Cofficient of correlation form the followng data and interpret its value:

    Price:X 10 12 14 15 19
    Supply:Y 40 41 48 60 50
  2. Find the Karl Pearson coefficient of Correlation between X and Y from the following data:

    X: 10 12 13 16 17 20 25
    Y: 19 22 26 27 29 33 37
  3. Given the following data on sales (in thousand units) and expenses (in thousand rupees) of a firm for 10 month.

    Month J F M A M J J A S O
    Sales: 50 50 55 60 62 65 68 60 60 50
    Expenses 11 13 14 16 16 15 15 14 13 13

    a) Make a Scatter Diagram
    b) Do you think that there is a correlation between sales and expenses of the firm? Is it positive or negative? Is it high or low?

  4. The data on price and quantity purchased relating to a commodity for 5 months is given below: Find the Pearsonian correlation coefficient between prices and quantity and comment on its sign and magnitude.

    Month January Febuary March April May
    Prices (Rs): 10 10 11 12 12
    Quantity (Kg): 5 6 4 3 3
  5. The height of a child increases at a rate given in the table below. Fit the straight line using the method of least-square and calculate the average increase and the standard error of estimate.

    Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Height: 52.5 58.7 65 70.2 75.4 81.1 87.2 95.5 102.2 108.4


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