New ! History MCQ Practise Tests

12th Standard English Medium History Subject Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 75

    5 Marks

    15 x 5 = 75
  1. Estimate the role of Subramania Bharati: Poet and Nationalist.

  2. Explain about Emergence of the All India Hindu.

  3. Explain Cripps Mission in detail.

  4. Explain Industrial policy Statement 1991 and write its positive and negative side?

  5. Explain agricultural policy in india?

  6. Examine the The People behind the Reformation Movement.

  7. Write the Important Provisions of the Treaty?

  8. What is the role of women in French revolution?

  9. Write the Impact of French Revolution?

  10. What are the key points the Chartists believed were necessary to reform the electoral system?

  11. Write a note on Franco-Prussian War?

  12. Write about Trench Warfare?

  13. Elaborate Pearl Harbour Incident and its Fallout.

  14. Give a detailed account about Central Treaty Organisation?

  15. How did the cold war ended?


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