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12th Standard English Medium Maths Subject Ordinary Differential Equations Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 5

    1 Marks

    5 x 1 = 5
  1. The solution of sec2x tan y dx + sec2y tan x dy = 0 is _________


    tan x+tan y = c


    sec x + sec y = c


    tan x tan y = c


    sec x- sec y = c

  2. The transformation y = vx reduces \(\\ \\ \\ \frac { dy }{ dx } =\frac { x+y }{ 3x } \) __________ 


    \(\frac { 3av }{ 4v+1 } =\frac { dx }{ x } \)


    \(\frac { 3dv }{ v+1 } =\frac { dx }{ x } \)


    \(2x\frac { dv }{ dx } =v\)


    \(\frac { 3dv }{ 1-2v } ==\frac { dx }{ x } \)

  3. The solution of \(\frac{dy}{dx}+y\) cot x = sin 2x is ___________


    y sin x = \(\frac{2}{3}\)sin3x+c


    y sec x = \(\frac{x^2}{2}+c\)


    y sin x = c+x


    2y sin x = sin x - \(\frac{sin\ 3x}{3}+c\)

  4. The I.F of y log y \(\frac{dx}{dy}+x-log\ y=0\) is __________


    log(log y)


    log y


    \(\frac{1}{log\ y}\)


    \(\frac{1}{log(log\ y)}\)

  5. The order and degree of y'+(y")= (x + t")2 are _________.


    1, 1


    1, 2


    2, 1


    2, 2


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