New ! Economics MCQ Practise Tests

Important Questions Part-IV

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 60

    Part - A

    60 x 1 = 60
  1. Who coined the word ‘Macro’?


    Adam Smith


    J M Keynes


    Ragnar Frisch


    Karl Marx

  2. Identify the flow variable


    money supply






    foreign exchange reserves

  3. Identify the stock variable.






    Foreign exchange



  4. Pick basic composition of two sector of model of economy


    Y = C + I + G + (X – M)


    Y = C + I + G


    Y = C + S


    Y = C + I

  5. Assertion: Each individual and organization produce only those goods which ensure high profit.
    Reason: Profit is the driving force behind all economic activities in a capitalistic economy


    Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.


    Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A


    A is true but R is false


    A is false but R is true

  6. Per capita income is obtained by dividing the National income by__________




    Population of a country





  7. The average income of the country is________


    Personal Income


    Per capita income


    Inflation Rate


    Disposal Income

  8. GDP by expenditure at ________ price.


    Factor price


    Market price


    Real price


    All the above

  9. In the context of Labour income, which of the following is wrong?


    Wages and salaries


    fringe benefits


    employer’s contribution to social security


    state insurance

  10. Sum of all kinds of income received by the individuals from all sources is called ________.


    Personal Income


    Private Income


    Personal Disposable Income



  11. If every able bodied person who is willing to work at the prevailing wage rate is employed called _______.


    Full employment


    Under employment




    Employment opportunity

  12. The core of the classical theory of employment is_________.


    Law of Diminishing Return


    Law of Demand


    Law of Markets


    Law of Consumption

  13. ___________ was set up in July 1982.








    Indian Bank

  14. Consider the following diagram

    What do you understand about the difference between No – Nf ?


    the level of employment


    the level of unemployment


    the level of underemployment


    none of the above

  15. Unemployment means that


    People are not willing to work at the going wage rate


    At the going wage rate, there are people who want to work but cannot find work.


    There are some people who will not work at the going wage rate


    There is excess demand in the labour market

  16. An increase in the marginal propensity to consume will:


    Lead to consumption function becoming steeper


    Shift the consumption function upwards


    Shift the consumption function downwards


    Shift savings function upwards

  17. According to Keynes, investment is a function of the MEC and ____.








    Rate of interest

  18. If there is _______ in the consumer goods industry, the accelerator principle would not work.


    Full capacity


    unused or excess capacity


    No capacity



  19. In the linear consumption function C = a + bY, coefficient ‘a’ denotes






    Autonomous consumption


    Induced consumption

  20. Rate of change in savings to change in income:









  21. Inflation means


    Prices are rising


    Prices are falling


    Value of money is increasing


    Prices are remaining the same

  22. When prices rise slowly, we call it


    galloping inflation


    mild inflation


    hyper inflation



  23. "The purchasing power of money" was a book published by________in 1911


    J.M. Keynes


    Irving Fisher


    Adam smith



  24. ________system is managed by the Central Monetary Authority.


    Plastic money


    Metallic Standard


    Silver standard


    Paper currency

  25. During stagflation
    I. an increase in aggregate spending will eliminate the recession.
    II. a decrease in aggregate spending will reduce inflation.
    III. government faces contradictory goals.
    IV. The central bank decreases money supply to reduce inflation


    I and II only


    III and IV only


    I, II and III only


    I, II, III and IV

  26. NBFI does not have.


    Banking license


    government approval


    Money market approval


    Finance ministry approval

  27. Expansions of ATM


    Automated Teller Machine


    Adjustment Teller Machine


    Automatic Teller mechanism


    Any Time Money

  28. "Commercial banks are the institutions that make short term loans to business and in the process create money" was said by_______




    Adam smith




    J.M. Keynes

  29. Commercial banks are institutions that conduct business________.


    with profit motive


    By accepting the deposits


    By Lending loans


    all the above

  30. Expand SIDC


    State Industrial Development Company


    Small Industrial Development Corporation


    State Investment Development Corporation


    State Industrial Development Corporation

  31. Trade between two countries is known as ____ trade









  32. Foreign direct investments not permitted in India




    Atomic energy





  33. When there is a chronic imbalance in the trade balance (more imports than exports), it can theoretically be reduced by means of a package of tax measures


    decrease of customs duties


    increase of customs duties


    stimulating imports.


    stimulating exports

  34. Absolute advantage is determined by


    actual differences in labor productivity between countries


    relative differences in labor productivity between countries.


    both (a) and (b)


    neither (a) nor (b)

  35. The Heckscher-Ohlin assumes that _______ are identical between countries


    tastes and preferences


    technology levels


    factor endowments


    both (a) and (b)

  36. SAARC meets once in __________ years.









  37. The headquarters of ASEAN is




    New Delhi





  38. The IMF has __________ member countries.









  39. The name “International Bank for Reconstruction and Development” was first suggested by ___________ to the drafting committee.









  40. Which of the following institutions is not part of the World Bank community?









  41. The difference between total expenditure and total receipts including loans and other liabilities is called


    Fiscal deficit


    Budget deficit


    Primary deficit


    Revenue deficit

  42. The primary purpose of deficit financing is


    Economic development


    Economic stability


    Economic equality


    Employment generation

  43. The population of India has increased from 36.1 crore in 1951 to ___________ crore in 2011









  44. In India, there are more than __________ above one million population.


    45 cities


    54 towns


    54 cities


    45 towns

  45. The major objectives of public expenditure are _________.


    Economic Growth


    Maintenance of Defence


    Social Welfare


    All of the above

  46. Which one of the following causes of global warming?


    Earth gravftation force




    Centripetal force


    Increasing temperature

  47. Alkali soils are predominantly located in the _______ plains?






    Gangetic plains


    All the above

  48. Increasing temperature in the atmosphere leads to Global Warming.


    Increase sea level


    Melting of polar ice large


    Displacement and loss of habitat


    Destroying the forest

  49. ______________ occur outside of the market i.e. they affect people not directly involved in the production and consumption of a good or service


    Fee good


    spill-over effects


    Public good


    private good

  50. 1 EcoSystem i. The presence of harmful or objectionable material to damage water quality.
    2 Pollution ii. The increase in temperature of the Earth’s surface, due to greenhouse gases.
    3 Water Pollution iii. Residual discharges of contaminants into the natural environment to the air or water
    4 Global warming iv. The interacting system of a biological community and its nonliving environmental surroundings.

    (1) – (i) (2) – (ii) (3) – (iv) (4) – (iii)


    (1) – (ii) (2) – (iii) (3) – (iv) (4) – (i)


    (1) – (iv) (2) – (iii) (3) – (i) (4) – (ii)


    (1) – (i) (2) – (ii) (3) – (iii) (4) – (iv)

  51. Which is not the feature of economic growth?


    Concerned with developed nations


    Gradual change


    Concerned with quantitative aspect


    Wider concept

  52. The Chair Person of NITI Aayog is


    Prime Minister




    Vice - President


    Finance Ministed

  53. Planning in India is


    Centralized planning


    Democratic planning


    Partial Planning


    Indicative planning

  54. Consider the following statement and find a suitable answer.
    “The increase in GNP is accompanied by decline in share of agriculture in output and employment while those of manufacturing and service sectors increase”


    Modern Approach


    new welfare approach


    neo-classical approach


    Traditional Approach

  55. The term 'underdeveloped country' is _____________ one.









  56. The purpose of simple linear regression analysis is to:


    Predict one variable from another variable


    Replace points on a scatter diagram by a straight -line


    Measure the degree to which two variables are linearly associated


    Obtain the expected value of the independent random variable for a given value of the dependent variable

  57. The raw materials of Econometrics are:









  58. Since 2007__________ every year is celebrated as Statistics Day to commemorate his birth anniversary.


    28th of June


    29th of July


    28th of July


    29th of June

  59. Find the positive correlation equation.


    Y= a – bx


    Y= a + bx


    Y= b – ax


    Y= a – by

  60. Find the equation of non-linear correlation


    Y= a + bx2


    Y= a + bx


    Y= b – ax


    Y= a – by

  61. Part - B

    35 x 2 = 70
  62. Define ‘Economic Model'.

  63. Who is the controll authority of socialistic economy?

  64. Write a note on Central Planning?

  65. Draw the circular flow of a three sector economy.

  66. Mention the any three Capitalist Learning economies

  67. Write the formula for calculating GNP.

  68. What are the methods of measuring National Income?

  69. What is Simple circular flow?

  70. List out the assumptions of Say’s law.

  71. What are the components of aggregate supply ?

  72. Write a short note about Keynes theory?

  73. What are the two factors depend on MEC?

  74. What is Aggregate demand?

  75. Define average propensity to consume (APC).

  76. Write any two long run factors which influencing marginal efficiency of capital?

  77. Increase in income always leads to an increase in both consumption and saving. – Explain.

  78. What is commodity money?

  79. What is Trade Cycle?

  80. What is Recovery?

  81. Mention the functions of agriculture credit department.

  82. Comment on RBI as “Lender of last resort"

  83. What are the All-India Level Institutions for industrial finance?

  84. Define Terms of Trade.

  85. What are the other names of internal trade?

  86. Mention the year of establishment of the following organization.
    South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), ASEAN and BRICS

  87. Define public finance.

  88. What is Deficit budget?

  89. State the meaning of environment.

  90. Write a short note on “Indoor Air Pollution”.

  91. Distinguish between economic growth and development.

  92. Draw the The Vicious Circle of Poverty

  93. What is the key difference between comprehensive and partial plan?

  94. What is Statistics?

  95. What are the kinds of data?

  96. “Coefficient of correlation’ – define.

  97. Part - C

    25 x 3 = 75
  98. Briefly explain the two sector circular flow model.

  99. What are the Merits of Socialism?

  100. Write a short note on per capita income.

  101. How the gross value of the farm output is obtained In India?

  102. Explain about aggregate supply with the help of diagram.

  103. Write a note of John Maynard Keynes.

  104. State the concept of super multiplier.

  105. Draw the diagrams for Autonomous investment and induced investment.

  106. Explain Demand-pull and Cost push inflation.

  107. Write a note on paper currency standard

  108. Distinguish between money market and capital market.

  109. List of the role of commercial bank.

  110. Compare the Classical Theory of international trade with Modern Theory of International trade.

  111. What are the assumptions of Absolute Cost Advantages?

  112. List the assumption of Comparative advantage theory of international trade.

  113. State briefly the functions of SAARC.

  114. Distinguish between IMF and World Bank

  115. What are the functions of a modern state?

  116. Draw the flow chart depicting components of budget

  117. Write a note on
    a) Climate change and
    b) Acid rain

  118. What are the various sources of E-Wastes?

  119. Elucidate major causes of vicious circle of poverty with diagram

  120. What are the six basic characteristics of under developed economy?

  121. Differentiate the economic model with econometric model.

  122. Calculate the SD of the following data. 23, 25, 28, 31, 38, 40, 46

  123. Part - D

    10 x 5 = 50
  124. Explain the four sector model of economy with chart.

  125. Given the table, calculate GNP, NNP, National Income, Personal Income and Disposable income.

  126. Draw the diagram ADF.

  127. Explain Keynes psychological law of consumption function with diagram.

  128. Explain Marginal propensity to consume and multiplier, with the help of a diagram.

  129. Write the History, Administration and Brief Functions of RBI.

  130. Explain Adam Smith’s Theory of Absolute Cost Advantage.

  131. List the Revenue of State Sources.

  132. Draw the 7 pillars of NITI Aayog.

  133. Calculate the standard deviation for the following data by assumed mean method: 43, 48, 65, 57, 31, 60, 37, 48, 78, 59


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