New ! Physics MCQ Practise Tests

12th Standard Physics English Medium Recent developments in Physics Reduced Syllabus Important Questions 2021

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 70
    Multiple Choice Questions
    15 x 1 = 15
  1. The particle size of ZnO material is 30 nm. Based on the dimension it is classified as _____.


    Bulk material




    Soft material


    Magnetic material

  2. The blue print for making ultra durable synthetic material is mimicked from _____.


    Lotus leaf


    Morpho butterfly


    Parrot fish


    Peacock feather

  3. The materials used in Robotics are _____.


    Aluminium and silver


    Silver and gold


    Copper and gold


    Steel and aluminum

  4. The alloys used for muscle wires in Robots are _____.


    Shape memory alloys


    Gold copper alloys


    Gold silver alloys


    Two dimensional alloys

  5. The technology used for stopping the brain from processing pain is _____.


    Precision medicine


    Wireless brain sensor


    Virtual reality



  6. The gravitational waves were theoretically proposed by _____.


    Conrad Rontgen


    Marie Curie


    Albert Einstein


    Edward Purcell

  7. Nanoscience is the science of object with typical sizes of ___________


    1 - 100 μ


    1 - 100 nm


    1 - 100 cm


    1- 100 m

  8. __________ Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) showing the nano structures on the surface of a leaf from a lotus plant


    Parrot fish


    Morpho butterfly


    Lotus leaf surface


    Peacock feathers

  9. _______ is synthesized top down approach


    Ball milling


    Plasma etching




    Ball milling and lithography

  10. Best example for applications of nanotechnology is ______________.


    Chemical industry






    all of these

  11. George Devel invented the first digitally operated programmable robot called ____________.









  12. Muscle wires can contract by _________ when electric current is passed through them.









  13. Chinese scientists have created the world's first autonomous _________ to combat caner tumours.


    RNA Robot


    DNA Robot


    m RNA Robot


    r RNA Robot

  14. Zno is an example of __________


    Bulk solid


    Nano solid


    Bulk solid and Nano solid


    None of the above

  15. Plasma etching and chemical vapour deposition are synthesized by ____________


    Bottom - up approach


    Top - down approach


    Bottom - down approach


    Top - up approach

  16. 2 Marks
    10 x 2 = 20
  17. What is the difference between Nano materials and Bulk materials?

  18. Give any two examples for “Nano” in nature.

  19. Mention any two advantages and disadvantages of Robotics.

  20. What are black holes?

  21. What is nanotechnology?

  22. How does the manipulation of colours obtain in nanoscale structure?

  23. Who invented Unimate?

  24. What is Cosmology?

  25. What is the use of industrial robots?

  26. Define nano solid?

  27. 3 Marks
    10 x 3 = 30
  28. Discuss the applications of Nanomaterials in various fields.

  29. What are the possible harmful effects of usage of Nanoparticles? Why?

  30. Discuss the functions of key components in Robots?

  31. Elaborate any two types of Robots with relevant examples.

  32. Comment on the recent advancement in medical diagnosis and therapy.

  33. Write the application of nano robots in medical field?

  34. What is particle physics?

  35. Write the aim of artificial intelligence in robots.

  36. What is robotics?

  37. Write a note on Gravitational waves.

  38. 5 Marks
    1 x 5 = 5
  39. Write the advantages and disadvantages of robotic.


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