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Tamilnadu Board Biology State Board (Tamilnadu) for 12th Standard (English Medium) Question paper & Study Materials

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The blood group _________ is called universal recipient.

  • 2)

    The inheritance of blood group is determined by multiple alleles as discovered by _________.

  • 3)

    The ZO - ZZ type of sex determination is seen is _______.

  • 4)

    Sex index is applicable to ________.

  • 5)

    Phenylketonuria is linked to chromosome__________.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject EconomicallyUseful Plants Entrepreneurial Botany Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part-II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Given below are the plant species and their parts used. Which is the incorrect pair(s)?
    (i) Cajanus cajan : Seeds
    (ii) Anacardium occidentale: nuts
    (iii)Borassusflabellifer: Endosperm
    (iv) Capsicum annum: leaves

  • 2)

    Statement 1: Chinese discovered the paper.
    Statement 2: Eucalyptus and Casuarina are the widely used tree species for making paper pulp.

  • 3)

    Statement 1: Aloe vera belongs to the family Asphodelaceae.
    Statement 2: Jasminum grandiflorum belongs to the family of Oleaceae.

  • 4)

    Assertion (A): Black pepper is a spice.
    Reason (R): Condiments are flavouring substances, generally added after the cooking of food.

  • 5)

    Identify the mismatched pair:

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The lygaeus type (XX - XY) type of sex determination is seen in ______

  • 2)

    The ZW - ZZ type of sex determination is seen ________.

  • 3)

    __________ is a disease where abnormal haemoglobin is produced in patients.

  • 4)

    Incompatibility of blood groups leading to, dumping of erythrocytes is called_________.

  • 5)

    Sex switch genes have been reported in ________.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Economically Useful Plants Entrepreneurial Botany Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part-I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is maida? Mention its culinary purpose.

  • 2)

    Ragi rich food helps to overcome bone related ailments - justify.

  • 3)

    Write the common name for (i) Vigna radiata (ii) Cajanus cajan

  • 4)

    Write the binomial and the family to which lady's finger belongs to.

  • 5)

    What does NCB stands for? Mention its role.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Mention the symptoms seen in trisomy 13/ Pataus's syndrome.

  • 2)

    What is Lyon's hypothesis?

  • 3)

    How does hemophilia affect an individual?

  • 4)

    Define multiple allelism.

  • 5)

    What happens if type A blood is injected to a person having B blood group? Explain the reason.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject EconomicallyUseful Plants Entrepreneurial Botany Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part-II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name any four millet varieties.

  • 2)

    Name the family does the cereals and pulses belong to.

  • 3)

    Why do we take vegetables in our diet?

  • 4)

    What is toddy?

  • 5)

    Compare Spices and Condiments.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Observe the symbol used in pedigree analysis and give the proper terms they represent.

  • 2)

    What is the phenotype of (a) IAlO (b) 1O1O

  • 3)

    Complete the equation.
    (a) Phenylalanine \(\underrightarrow { A } \) Tyrosine
    (b) DOPA \(\underrightarrow { B } \) Melanin

  • 4)

    Comment on Trisomy-21.

  • 5)

    Write the symptoms of Patau's syndrome.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Economically Useful Plants Entrepreneurial Botany Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part-I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Give a botanical name of green gram and write its  origin andarea of cultivation and uses.

  • 2)

    Write a note on origin and area of cultivation of cotton.

  • 3)

    Write about the Henna with its origin and areas of cultivation and uses.

  • 4)

    The following are the binomials of economically useful plants. Mention their respective families.
    (a) Borassus flabellifer
    (b) Mangifera indica
    (c) Saccharum officinarum
    (d) Curcuma longa
    (e) Capsicum annum
    (f) Tamarindus indica

  • 5)

    Siddha medicine is an age old practice in our nation. According to this medicinal sysem, what is the major cause for all sort of illness in humans?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is null allele?

  • 2)

    Draw a schematic representation to show ZW - ZZ type of sex determination.

  • 3)

    What is the role of the gene responsible for colour blindness in a normal human beings?

  • 4)

    What is euphenics?

  • 5)

    The following table shows the genotypes for ABO blood grouping and this phenotypes. Complete the table by filling the gaps.

    S.No Genotype Phenotype
    1 IAIA A
    2 ? A
    3 ? AB
    4 IOIO ?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject EconomicallyUseful Plants Entrepreneurial Botany Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part-II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Mention the ways in which mangoes are used in Indian culinary.

  • 2)

    What is vulcanization? Who invented it?

  • 3)

    What are organic pesticides?

  • 4)

    Name the plant source from which the following products are obtained.
    (a) Maida
    (b) Rubber
    (c) Morphine
    (d) Coffee

  • 5)

    Complete the statements.
    (a) Alphonsa is a variety of_________
    (b) Cayenne pepper is a variety of __________

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    'AB' Blood group individuals are called universal recipients. Justify

  • 2)

    How can erythroblasts foetalis be prevented?

  • 3)

    Females are carriers of Haemophilia. Give Reason.

  • 4)

    Name the type of sex-determination mechanism of the following organisms. (a) Gypsy moth (b) Human beings (c) Butterflies

  • 5)

    Give one example for each of the following group of drugs.
    (a) Stimulants
    (b) Analgesic
    (c) Hallucinogens

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Innermost layer of anther wall is ________________

  • 2)

    Pick out the non-spermous seed

  • 3)

    Which of the following characters does not exist in Ornithophilous flowers?

  • 4)

    Assertion (A): Epidermis is protective in function.
    Reason (R): Epidermis is outermost unilayer of another wall.

  • 5)

    Identify the correct statement.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Write a note on thalassemia.

  • 2)

    Discuss the methods adopted for the improvement of human race.

  • 3)

    Write notes on chromosomal abnormalities in human beings. (or) What is aneuploidy? Explain it

  • 4)

    Write elaborately about the following Mendelian disorders.
    (a) Thalassemia (b) Albinism

  • 5)

    (i) Defirie Chromosomal Abnormality
    (ii) Explain any two Autosomal Aneuploidy in human beings.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The type of endosperm noticed in Hydrilla seed is ___________

  • 2)

    Select the wrong statement(s) regarding cross-pollination.
    (a) Pollination depends on external agent and so it is certain.
    (b) New varieties are produced.
    (c) Continuous cross-pollination leads to weaker progeny.
    (d) Germination capacity is highly declined.

  • 3)

    Generally, the pollen grains are liberated from another at ___________

  • 4)

    Assertion (A): Entomophily is the most common type of pollination.
    Reason (R): Birds and animals bring out effective pollination.

  • 5)

    Identify the incorrect statement regarding vegetative reproduction.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain criss-cross pattern of inheritance with an example. (or) Explain Inheritance of colour blindness.

  • 2)

    Write a note on allosomal chromosomal abnormalities.

  • 3)

    Write a note on any 2 Mendelian disorders occurring in human beings.

  • 4)

    Explain in detail about Erythroblastosis foetalis.

  • 5)

    What is colour Blindness? How X-linked gene inherited in the marriage between hemizygous recessive male and normal visioned woman?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are diaspores?

  • 2)

    Point out the advantages of natural vegetative reproduction

  • 3)

    Name the four whorls of a typical flower

  • 4)

    Tapetum is dual in origin - Justify

  • 5)

    Differentiate between Exine and Intine layers of pollen grain.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The term gene was coined by ________

  • 2)

    The classical concept of a gene was given by _______.

  • 3)

    Chromosomes were first observed by ________.

  • 4)

    _______demonstrated that RNA is the genetic material in RNA containing viruses.

  • 5)

    In genetic code there are __________ possible triplets.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are the term micropropagation refers to?

  • 2)

    Name the four anther wall layers.

  • 3)

    Name the two types of tapetum based on its behaviour.

  • 4)

    At which cellular stage, does the pollen grains are usually liberated from anther?
    What happens to the generative cell if the pollen reaches the stigma?

  • 5)

    Why pollination in gymnosperm is said to be direct?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    One gene one enzyme hypothesis was proposed by Beadle and Tatum based on ________

  • 2)

    The term ___________ refers to DNA of Prokaryotes.

  • 3)

    DNA finger printing technique was developed by

  • 4)

    In human beings chromosome ___________ has one height gene density.

  • 5)

    Reverse transcriptase is

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How many synergid cells are there in a mature embryo sac. Mention any two major roles of synergies.

  • 2)

    Differentiate between chasmogamy and cleistogamy

  • 3)

    How the flowers of salvia are adopted for melittophily?

  • 4)

    Anemophilous Dowersproduce abundant pollen grains. Give reason

  • 5)

    Define co-dominance. How it is proved by using Gossypium species?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Why is the term nucleic acid used for DNA and RNA?

  • 2)

    What is base pair rule?

  • 3)

    What is TATA box? State its function

  • 4)

    Expand (a) ETS and (b) YAC.

  • 5)

    What are SNPs? Mention its uses.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    A mature female gametophyte (embryo sac/egg apparatus) of angiosperms is 7 celled with 8 nucleus. Name the individual cells and mention their count.

  • 2)

    Geitonogamy is similar to autogamy. Justify the statement.

  • 3)

    Give a brief account on pollination process in Zea mays.

  • 4)

    Enumerate the characters of ornithophilous flowers.

  • 5)

    Observe the picture and answer the questions.
    (a) Label the part - A
    (b) Name the types of vegetative propagule
    (c) Give one example for such type of vegetative propagule

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are nucleotides?

  • 2)

    Define transcription and name the enzyme involved in this process.

  • 3)

    The base sequence in one of the DNA strand is TAGCATGAT. Mention the base sequence in its complementary strand.

  • 4)

    Naoie the human chromosome that has
    (a) most number of genes (b) least number of genes

  • 5)

    Mention any four areas where DNA fingerprinting can be used.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is translocation? Write about its types.

  • 2)

    Write a note on Replica plating technique.

  • 3)

    Explain the procedure of Southern Blotting Technique. Southern Blotting Techniques - DNA

  • 4)

    Point out the applications of plant tissue culture.

  • 5)

    Enumerate the advantages of Artificial seeds.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    State one gene one enzyme hypothesis

  • 2)

    List any two applications of DNA finger printing.

  • 3)

    A mRNA strand has a series of triplet codons of which the first three codons are given below
    (a) AUG (b) UUU (c) UGC
    (i) Name the amino acid encoded by these triplet codons.
    (ii)Mention the DNA sequence from which these triplet codons would have transcribed?

  • 4)

    A DNA fragment possesses 32 adenine bases and 32 cytosine bases. How many total number of nucleotides does that DNA fragment contains? Explain.

  • 5)

    Complete the molecular processes by naming them
    (a) DNA ⟶DNA (b) mRNA ⟶Protein (c) RNA transcript ⟶ mRNA

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Give the characteristic features of Anemophilous plants.

  • 2)

    Describe incomplete dominance exhibited by Mirabilis jalapa.

  • 3)

    Draw a flow chart depicting the various types of ploidy.

  • 4)

    List out the significance of ploidy.

  • 5)

    Explain the steps involved in recombinant DNA technology

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is reverse transcription?

  • 2)

    Both strands of DNA are not copied during transcription. Give reason.

  • 3)

    Explain the nature of eukaryotic ribosome.

  • 4)

    Explain the components of operon.

  • 5)

    Following is a DNA sequence representing a part of gene TAC TCG CCC TAT UAA CCC AAA ACC TCT using this derive
    (a) The RNA transcript
    (b) The spliced mRNA (consider all the codons with two Aderine bases are introns)
    (c) The total number of amino acids coded by the mRNA

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    During favourable conditions ______ shows multiple fission.

  • 2)

    Giant Amoeba refers to ______

  • 3)

    Budding is seen in ______

  • 4)

    If the entire organism behaves as a gamete the Phenomenon is called _____

  • 5)

    Conjugation is seen in _____

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain the properties of genetic material.

  • 2)

    List the salient features of genetic code.

  • 3)

    Describe the structure of tRNA with a diagram.

  • 4)

    Explain the mechanism of lac-operon of the E-coli.

  • 5)

    Describe the principle involved in DNA fingerprinting technique.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Gemmules are ______

  • 2)

    Autogamy is seen in ______

  • 3)

    Technique used for cultivation of sponges is based on ______

  • 4)

    This is a method of sexual reproduction in which individuals of the same species temporarily write and exchange certain. amount of nuclear material and then get separated.

  • 5)

    In honey bees, the mode of reproduction is

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain the process of DNA replication in eukaryotes.

  • 2)

    How the DNA is packed in an eukaryotic cell?

  • 3)

    Give a detailed account of a transcription unit.

  • 4)

    Write the salient features of Human Genome Project.

  • 5)

    Draw a flow chart depicting the steps of DNA fingerprinting technique.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is exogamy?

  • 2)

    Define conjugation.

  • 3)

    Mention the phases in the life cycle of an organism.

  • 4)

    What is artificial parthenogenesis?

  • 5)

    With regard to asexual reproduction. mention two phenomena seen is Hydra.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Evolution Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Carbon dioxide in the primitive earth is said to have been formed from ___________

  • 2)

    Human evolution occured in _____________ era

  • 3)

    Founder's effect is related to

  • 4)

    According to big bang theory, the primitive earth had all the following. Except:

  • 5)

    All the following are vestigial organs in human. Except:

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is paedogenesis?

  • 2)

    Name the types of natural parthenogenesis.

  • 3)

    Mention the types of, asexual reproduction seen in amoeba.

  • 4)

    Identify the parts marked as A. B. C. D and E for the below diagram.

  • 5)

    Identify the parts marked as A, B, C, D, E and F for the below diagram.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Evolution Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The term biogenesis was coined by

  • 2)

    ________________ are not examples of homologous organs.

  • 3)

    Centrifugal selection refers to ______________

  • 4)

    Who coined the term prebiotic soup?

  • 5)

    According to Neo Darwinism change in the frequency of genes in population arise due to all Except.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is ovoviviparous condition?

  • 2)

    Describe pedal laceration.

  • 3)

    (i) Identify the Process
    (ii) Name the Organism

  • 4)

    What is Incomplete parthenogenesis? Explain with example.

  • 5)

    Write a short note on phases of life cycle.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Evolution Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    State the Biogenetic law.

  • 2)

    What is the view of Neo Lamarckism?

  • 3)

    What is paleontology?

  • 4)

    List the four eras of geological time scale.

  • 5)

    Point out the epochs of carboniferous period.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How does budding occurs is hydra?

  • 2)

    Describe the different phases of life cycle in an organism.

  • 3)

    (i) Identify the animal
    (ii) What is significant about the animal.

  • 4)

    Give the definition for (a) Arrhenotoky (b) Thelytoky (c) Amphitoky

  • 5)

    Explain briefly on the nature of Ovovivipary.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Evolution Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Compare relative dating with absolute dating

  • 2)

    Name the principle minerals involved in petrifaction

  • 3)

    Name any four Neo - Darwinists.

  • 4)

    Point out the factors that alters allelic frequency of a population.

  • 5)

    Write a brief note on Homo sapiens with respect to evolution.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain parthenogenesis.

  • 2)

    Describe the regeneration process noticed in living organism.

  • 3)

    Explain the process of fertilization in human beings.

  • 4)

    Describe the spermatogenesis with diagram.

  • 5)

    Write a note on embryonic membranes

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Evolution Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Define evolution.

  • 2)

    Differentiate between mould and cast

  • 3)

    (a) What does the diagram indicate?
    (b) Define the same.

  • 4)

    What is hybrid sterility?

  • 5)

    How macromolecules like DNA and RNA play their crucial role in evolutionary history?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Describe the structure of a sperm. (or) Describe the structure of human sperm with a neat labelled diagram.

  • 2)

    Explain the structure and function of mammary glands.

  • 3)

    Name the three primary germ layers of embryo. Also, mention any three organs or organ systems developing from each layer.

  • 4)

    Give a detailed account on various natural methods of contraception.

  • 5)

    Write a note on thalassemia.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Tissue Culture Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Totipotency refers to _____.

  • 2)

    Micro propagation involves _____.

  • 3)

    Match the following :

    1) Totipotency A) Reversion of mature cells into meristerm
    2) Dedifferentiation B) Biochemical and structural changes of cells
    3) Explant C) Properties of living cells develops into entire plant
    4) Differentiation D) Selected plant tissue transferred to culture medium
  • 4)

    The time duration for sterilization process by using autoclave is ______ minutes and the temperature is ______.

  • 5)

    Which of the following statement is correct

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Evolution Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are vestigial organs?

  • 2)

    Theory of chemical evolution states that organisms have evolved from inorganic substances. If so, what was the atmospheric condition that favoured evolution?

  • 3)

    Name the connecting link for the following groups of organisms.
    (a) Annelida and Arthropoda
    (b) Reptiles and Aves
    (c) Pisces and Amphibians
    (d) Reptiles and Mammals

  • 4)

    Why are analogous structures a result of convergent evolution?

  • 5)

    Give the salient features of Mutation Theory.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Tissue Culture Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Select the incorrect statement from given statement.

  • 2)

    Virus free plants are developed from _____.

  • 3)

    The prevention of large scale loss of biological interity ____.

  • 4)

    Cryopreservation means it is a process to preserve plant cells, tissues or organs _____.

  • 5)

    Solidifying agent used in plant tissue culture is _____.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Evolution Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain the theory of chemical evolution.

  • 2)

    Explain Urey & Miller's experiment.

  • 3)

    Explain about the objections to Darwinism.

  • 4)

    Explain Oparin - Haldane hypothesis on evolution.

  • 5)

    Give a detailed account of Modern Synthetic Theory.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles of Ecology Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Ecology is the study of an individual species is called
    i) Community ecology
    ii) Autecology
    iii) Species ecology
    iv) Synecology

  • 2)

    A specific place in an ecosystem, where an organism lives and performs its functions is _____.

  • 3)

    Read the given statements and select the correct option.
    i) Hydrophytes possess aerenchyma to support themselves in water.
    ii) Seeds of Viscum are positively photoblastic as they germinate only in presence of light.
    iii) Hygroscopic water is the only soil water available to roots of plant growing in soil as it is present inside the micropores.
    iv) High temperature reduces use of water and solute absorption by roots

  • 4)

    Which of the given plant produces cardiac glycosides?

  • 5)

    Strong, sharp spines that get attached to animal’s feet are found in the fruits of ______.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Rigidity of the Jaw muscle is a symptom of__________

  • 2)

    _________Can be confirmed by widal test.

  • 3)

    ________is a plant with hallucinogenic properties

  • 4)

    The incubation period of malaria is_______days.

  • 5)

    The substance not present in tobacco is

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles of Ecology Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following ecosystem has the highest primary productivity?

  • 2)

    Ecosystem consists of ____.

  • 3)

    Which one is in descending order of a food chain?

  • 4)

    Significance of food web is / are ______.

  • 5)

    The following diagram represents


12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The site of infection for yersinia pestis is___________

  • 2)

    ___________is not a symptom of Kala-azar

  • 3)

    The pathogenic bacteria causing bubonic plague is______

  • 4)

    This is not a lifestyle disorder in man

  • 5)

    Which is not a granulocyte?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Environmental Issues Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following would most likely help to slow down the greenhouse effect.

  • 2)

    With respect to Eichhornia
    Statement A: It drains off oxygen from water and is seen growing in standing water.
    Statement B: It is an indigenous species of our country.

  • 3)

    Find the wrongly matched pair.

  • 4)

    Depletion of which gas in the atmosphere can lead to an increased incidence of skin cancer?

  • 5)

    One green house gas contributes 14% of total global warming and another contributes 6%. These are respectively identified as _____.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name the causal agent of African sleeping sickness and the vector.

  • 2)

    How can we prevent malaria?

  • 3)

    How is Ascaris transmitted?

  • 4)

    Mention the three phases in the life of Plasmodium parasite with their respective host.

  • 5)

    Name any four functions of antibodies.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Environmental Issues Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Deforestation means ______.

  • 2)

    Deforestation does not lead to _____.

  • 3)

    The unit for measuring ozone thickness _____.

  • 4)

    People’s movement for the protection of environment in Sirsi of Karnataka is ______.

  • 5)

    The plants which are grown in silivpasture system are ______.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What steps should be taken to maintain good health?

  • 2)

    Name any two fungal disease and helminthic disease.

  • 3)

    Name the causative agent and confirmatory test for Typhoid.

  • 4)

    How many dendritic cells are identified? Name them

  • 5)

    Name the antibody responsible for allergic reaction. Also, mention two chemicals released during allergic response.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Breeding Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    While studying the history of domestication of various cultivated plants _______ were recognized earlier

  • 2)

    Match Column I with Column II

    Column I Column II
    i) William S. Gaud I) Heterosis
    ii) Shull II) Mutation breeding
    iii) Cotton Mather III) Green revolution
    iv) Muller and Stadler IV) Natural hybridization
  • 3)

    The quickest method of plant breeding is _______.

  • 4)

    Desired improved variety of economically useful crops are raised by _______.

  • 5)

    Plants having similar genotypes produced by plant breeding are called _____.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How are viral diseases classified?

  • 2)

    Why it is important to study antigen - antibody interaction?

  • 3)

    Give an example for
    (a) First generation vaccine
    (b) Second generation vaccine
    (c) Third generation vaccine

  • 4)

    State immunological surveillance theory

  • 5)

    In which form does the malarial parasite enter the human body through mosquito?
    What is the target site of parasite immediately after entering the host body?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Breeding Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Importing better varieties and plants from outside and acclimatising them to local environment is called _____.

  • 2)

    Dwarfing gene of wheat is ______.

  • 3)

    Crosses between the plants of the same variety are called ____.

  • 4)

    Progeny obtained as a result of repeat self pollination a cross pollinated crop to called

  • 5)

    Jaya and Ratna are the semi dwarf varieties of ______.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name two methods by which mosquito population can be controlled to prevent malaria

  • 2)

    Point out the factors that determine the binding force between antigen-antibody reactions.

  • 3)

    Name the diseases for which vaccines were developed by Louis Pasteur

  • 4)

    Identify the mismatched pair and give reason.
    (a) Plague Yersinia pestis
    (b) Filariasis Wuchereria bancrofti
    (c) Dermatomycosis Trypanosoma gambiense
    (d) Common cold Rhino virus

  • 5)

    A boy of ten years had suffered from chicken-pox. His grandmother consoled him that he is not expected to have it for the rest of his life. Whether his grandmother is right? If so how it happens?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Economically Useful Plants and Entrepreneurial Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Consider the following statements and choose the right option.
    i) Cereals are members of grass family.
    ii) Most of the food grains come from monocotyledon.

  • 2)

    Assertion: Vegetables are important part of healthy eating.
    Reason: Vegetables are succulent structures of plants with pleasant aroma and flavours.

  • 3)

    Groundnut is native of ____.

  • 4)

    Statement A: Coffee contains caffeine
    Statement B: Drinking coffee enhances cancer

  • 5)

    Tectona grandis is coming under family _____.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    List any five viral diseases, their casuative agents, site of infection, mode of transmission and symptoms

  • 2)

    Tabulate the various types of innate immunity and their action mechanism

  • 3)

    How primary immune response differ from secondary immune response?

  • 4)

    Describe the structure of lymph node with a labeled diagram

  • 5)

    Write in detail about various types of antigen-antibody reactions.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Economically Useful Plants and Entrepreneurial Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part -II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Observe the following statements and pick out the right option from the following:
    Statement I – Perfumes are manufactured from essential oils.
    Statement II – Essential oils are formed at different parts of the plants.

  • 2)

    Observe the following statements and pick out the right option from the following:
    Statement I: The drug sources of Siddha include plants, animal parts, ores and minerals.
    Statement II: Minerals are used for preparing drugs with long shelf-life.

  • 3)

    The active principle trans-tetra hydro canabial is present in ______.

  • 4)

    Which one of the following matches is correct?

  • 5)

    The only cereal that has originated and domesticated from the New world.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Write a note on any two protozoen diseases

  • 2)

    Explain the events in life cycle of plasmodium in the secondary host/Man

  • 3)

    Describe the structure of lymph node with a labeled diagram

  • 4)

    Write in detail about various types of antigen-antibody reactions.

  • 5)

    Suggest some of the ways to prevent drug and alcohol abuse

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Economically Useful Plants and Entrepreneurial Botany Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Write the cosmetic uses of Aloe.

  • 2)

    What is pseudo cereal? Give an example.

  • 3)

    Discuss which wood is better for making furniture.

  • 4)

    A person got irritation while applying chemical dye. What would be your suggestion for alternative?

  • 5)

    Name the humors that are responsible for the health of human beings.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Microbes in Human Welfare Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    WorId Biofuel day is observed on_______

  • 2)

    Aspergillus niger helps to produce________

  • 3)

    Enzyme used for removing oily stains from the clothes:

  • 4)

    What gases are produced in anaerobic sludge digesters?

  • 5)

    Human insulin is being commercially produced from a transgenic species of _________________

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Economically Useful Plants and Entrepreneurial Botany Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Differentiate bio-medicines and botanical medicines.

  • 2)

    Write the origin and area of cultivation of green gram and red gram.

  • 3)

    What are millets? What are its types? Give example for each type.

  • 4)

    What is TSM? How does it classified and what does it focuses on?

  • 5)

    Write the uses of nuts you have studied.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Microbes in Human Welfare Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Genetically engineered __________are used as clot buster in cardiac related issues

  • 2)

    The first bio herbicide was got from_______

  • 3)

    A free living fungi which is a biocontrol agent_______

  • 4)

    During sewage treatment, biogas are produced which includes

  • 5)

    Select the correct statement from the following

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Economically Useful Plants and Entrepreneurial Botany Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Give an account of active principle and medicinal values of any two plants you have studied.

  • 2)

    Write the economic importance of rice.

  • 3)

    Which TSM is widely practiced and culturally accepted in Tamil Nadu? - explain.

  • 4)

    What are psychoactive drugs? Add a note Marijuana and Opium

  • 5)

    What are the King and Queen of spices? Explain about them and their uses.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Microbes in Human Welfare Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are prebiotics?

  • 2)

    How are antibiotics classified?

  • 3)

    What are crygenes?

  • 4)

    Ethanol is a industrial alcohol - Justify

  • 5)

    How insect resistant plants are developed using Bacillus thuringiensis?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Choose the correct statement from the following

  • 2)

    An eminent Indian embryologist is ______.

  • 3)

    Identify the correctly matched pair.

  • 4)

    Pollen tube was discovered by ______.

  • 5)

    Size of pollen grain in Myosotis ______.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Microbes in Human Welfare Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are antibiotics?

  • 2)

    What is superbugt?

  • 3)

    Name the stages of anaerobic digestion in a Biogas plant

  • 4)

    What are biopesticides?

  • 5)

    Compare Broad spectrum antibiotics with narrow-spectrum antibiotics

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    An eminent Indian embryologist is ______.

  • 2)

    Transmitting tissue is found in ______.

  • 3)

    Coelorhiza is found in ______.

  • 4)

    In Mendel’s experiments with garden pea, round seed shape (RR) was dominant over wrinkled seeds (rr), yellow cotyledon (YY) was dominant over green cotyledon (yy). What are the expected phenotypes in the F2 generation of the cross RRYY x rryy?

  • 5)

    In his classic experiments on Pea plants, Mendel did not use ______.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Microbes in Human Welfare Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How is cheese produced?

  • 2)

    What is penicillin?

  • 3)

    How can we avoid antibiotic resistance?

  • 4)

    Under which condition does a microbe gains resistance against antibiotic

  • 5)

    Explain the secondary treatment of waste water.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is reproduction?

  • 2)

    List out two sub-aerial stem modifications with example.

  • 3)

    What are clones?

  • 4)

    Differentiate Grafting and Layering.

  • 5)

    Give the names of the scientists who rediscovered Mendelism

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Microbes in Human Welfare Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How is yoghurt produced?

  • 2)

    What is the significance of Nudeopolyhedrovirus?

  • 3)

    Define bio-remediation and its types

  • 4)

    State the name of an immunosuppressan used in organ transplantation is produced from Trichoderma polysporum and write its uses.

  • 5)

    State the name of an immunosuppressan used in organ transplantation is produced from Trichoderma polysporum and with the uses.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is reproduction?

  • 2)

    Mention the contribution of Hofmeister towards Embryology.

  • 3)

    “Tissue culture is the best method for propagating rare and endangered plant species”- Discuss.

  • 4)

    Distinguish mound layering and air layering.

  • 5)

    Explain the conventional methods adopted in vegetative propagation of higher plants.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Microbes in Human Welfare Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain the working of a biogas plant

  • 2)

    Explain the role of microbes in the production of enzymes & bio-active molecules

  • 3)

    Describe the stages of Sewage treatment process

  • 4)

    How microbes are used in Gobar gas production?

  • 5)

    Bioremediation & microbes - Discuss.

12th Standard Biology English Medium Reproduction Organisms Important Questions updated Sample Question Papers - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    In each of the following questions there are two statements. One is assertion (A) and other is reasoning (R). Mark the correct answer as
    Assertion (A) : In bee society, all the members are diploid except drones.
    Reason (R) : Drones are produced by parthenogenesis
    A. If both A and R are true and R is correct explanation for A
    B. If both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A
    C. If A is true but R is false
    D. If both A and R are false.

  • 2)

    Assertion and reasoning questions:
    In each of the following questions there are two statements. One is assertion (A) and other is reasoning (R). Mark the correct answer as
    Assertion: Viviparous animals give better protection to their off springs.
    Reason: They lay their eggs in the safe places of the environment.
    A. If both A and R are true and R is correct explanation for A
    B. If both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A
    C. If A is true but R is false
    D. If both A and R are false.

  • 3)

    Conjugation is seen in _____

  • 4)

    Starfish shown ______ type of regeneration.

  • 5)

    Transverse binary fission is noticed in _________________

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is Cantharophily.

  • 2)

    Define the term Diplospory

  • 3)

    Why does the zygote divides only after the division of Primary endosperm cell.

  • 4)

    “Endothecium is associated with dehiscence of anther” Justify the statement

  • 5)

    What are multiple alleles?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Alpha lactalbumin is a protein with___________minoacids.

  • 2)

    The two chains of Insulin molecule are attached by_______

  • 3)

    All the following are the functions of insulin. Except

  • 4)

    Using recombinant E.Coli, mass production of hGH is carried out by_______

  • 5)

    In the gene therapy far SCID__________cells are removed from the blood, and ADA gene is introduced into it using retrovirus.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    List any two strategy adopted by bisexual flowers to prevent self-pollination.

  • 2)

    “The endosperm of angiosperm is different from gymnosperm”. Do you agree. Justify your answer.

  • 3)

    What is polyembryony. How it can commercially exploited.

  • 4)

    What is Mellitophily?

  • 5)

    List out the functions of tapetum.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Interferons are produced using________

  • 2)

    _________is not linked to IPR.

  • 3)

    Pre-pro insulin is devoid of_________

  • 4)

    This type of gene therapy involves the insulin C the anti sense gene which inhibits the expression of the dominant gene

  • 5)

    PCR was developed by___________

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Distinguish tenuinucellate and crassinucellate ovules.

  • 2)

    Write short note on Heterostyly.

  • 3)

    Discuss the steps involved in Microsporogenesis.

  • 4)

    Give a concise account on steps involved in fertilization of an angiosperm plant.

  • 5)

    Differentiate the structure of Dicot and Monocot seed.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is alpha lactalbumin?

  • 2)

    How has recombinant DNA technology helped in treating haemophilia?

  • 3)

    What is annealing?

  • 4)

    Name the various kinds of ELISA.

  • 5)

    Who developed Dolly? How many embryos were aborted to develop single Dolly?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Write short note on Pollen kitt.

  • 2)

    ‘Pollination in Gymnosperms is different from Angiosperms’ – Give reasons.

  • 3)

    Enumerate the characteristic features of Entomophilous flowers

  • 4)

    With a suitable diagram explain the structure of an ovule.

  • 5)

    What is endosperm. Explain the types.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is significance oflactalbumin?

  • 2)

    What are Interferons?

  • 3)

    Define Attenuated recombinant vaccines

  • 4)

    Differentiate between Gene augmentation therapy and gene inhibition therapy.

  • 5)

    Define Biotechnology.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Animals giving birth to young ones:

  • 2)

    In each of the following questions there are two statements. One is assertion (A) and other is reasoning (R). Mark the correct answer as
    Assertion (A): Offsprings produced by asexual reproduction are genetically identical to the parent.
    Reason(R): Asexual reproduction involves only mitosis and no meiosis.
    A. If both A and R are true and R is correct explanation for A
    B. If both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A
    C. If A is true but R is false
    D. If both A and R are false.

  • 3)

    The site of embryo implantation is the _____.

  • 4)

    Which one of the following groups includes sexually transmitted diseases caused by bacteria only?

  • 5)

    Read the given statements and select the correct option.
    Statement 1: Diaphragms, cervical caps and vaults are made of rubber and are inserted into the female reproductive tract to cover the cervix before coitus.
    Statement 2: They are chemical barriers of conception and are reusable.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is gene therapy? Mention the types

  • 2)

    What is the advantage of PCR and ELISA over conventional diagnostic methods

  • 3)

    Can interferons be isolated from blood

  • 4)

    Elucidate the methodology of ELISA test.

  • 5)

    Enumerate the use of biological products.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The foetal membrane that forms the basis of the umbilical cord is _____.

  • 2)

    A marriage between a colourblind man and a normal woman produces _______.

  • 3)

    A mRNA molecule is produced by _____.

  • 4)

    Which of the following statements is not true about DNA replication in eukaryotes?

  • 5)

    Who published the book “Origin of species by Natural Selection” in 1859?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is a stem cell bank?

  • 2)

    What is the application of PCR in forensic science?

  • 3)

    Why is E.Coli not used for production of Interferons?

  • 4)

    Suggest few methods to treat SCID.

  • 5)

    Write a short note on stem cell banks.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name the phenomenon where the female gamete directly develops into a new organism with an avian example.

  • 2)

    Which type of reproduction is effective -Asexual or sexual and why?

  • 3)

    At what stage of development are the gametes formed in new born male and female?

  • 4)

    How is polyspermy avoided in humans?

  • 5)

    Placenta is an endocrine tissue. Justify

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain the creation of Dolly

  • 2)

    LIst the uses of transgenesis

  • 3)

    Describe the role of PCR in clinical field.

  • 4)

    List out the uses of Transgenesis

  • 5)

    What are the ethical issues about cloning.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name an organism where cell division is itself a mode of reproduction.

  • 2)

    What is parthenogenesis? Give two examples from animals.

  • 3)

    What is colostrum? Write its significance.

  • 4)

    Draw a labeled sketch of a spermatozoan.

  • 5)

    Select the correct term from the bracket and complete the given branching tree

    (Barriers, Lactational amenorrhoea, CuT, Tubectomy)

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain how recombinant Insulin can be produced.

  • 2)

    Explain the creation of Dolly

  • 3)

    Explain in detail about stem cell therapy. (or) What are the multipotent cells involved in replenishing adult tissue ? What is the rich source for it?

  • 4)

    Enumerate the steps involved in producing transgenic animals.

  • 5)

    Describe the procedure by which Dolly was developed.

Stateboard 12th Standard Biology Subject Public Question Paper - March 2022 updated Previous Year Question Papers - by QB Admin View & Read

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The unicellular organisms which reproduce by binary fission are considered immortal. Justify

  • 2)

    Why are the offsprings of oviparous animal at a greater risk as compared to offsprings of viviparous organisms?

  • 3)

    What is inhibin? State its functions

  • 4)

    What is the composition of semen?

  • 5)

    Define gametogenesis.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Van't Hoffs rule describes the impact of ____________ on the environment.

  • 2)

    1000 fish in the volume of water in the pond indicates _____________________

  • 3)

    Which one of the following is most appropriately defined?

  • 4)

    Which two of the following changes (A to D) usually tend to occur in the plain dwellers when they move to high altitudes (3500 m or more)?
    A) Increase in red blood cell size
    B) Increase in red blood cell production
    C) Increased breathing rate
    D) Increase in thrombocyte count

  • 5)

    Assertion (A): Snake is a stenotherm.
    Reason (R): Organism can tolerate narrow temperature fluctuations

Stateboard 12th Standard Biology Subject Public Question Paper - March 2022 updated Previous Year Question Papers - by QB Admin View & Read

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Give reasons for the following:
    (a) Some organisms like honey bees are called parthenogenetic animals
    (b) A male honey bee has 16 chromosomes where as its female has 32 chromosomes

  • 2)

    Name the hormones produced from the placenta during pregnancy.

  • 3)

    What is male heterogamety?

  • 4)

    A low level of expression of lac operon occurs at all the windows for treatment of various genetic disorders. Justify the statement

  • 5)

    From their examination of the structure of DNA, What did Watson and Crick infer about the probable mechanism of DNA replication, coding capability and mutation?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    "Birds and mammals attain greater body size in colder regions than warmer regions." - Choose the correct option.

  • 2)

    Diapause is a type of response classifiedunder ______________

  • 3)

    Study the four statements (A to D) given below and select the two correct ones out of them.
    A) A lion eating a deer and a sparrow feeding on grain are ecologically similar in being consumers.
    B) Predator starfish Pisaster helps in maintaining species diversity of some invertebrates.
    C) Predators ultimately lead to the extinction of prey species.
    D) Production of chemicals such as nicotine, strychnine by the plants is disordered.
    The two correct statements are

  • 4)

    Pick out the eurythermal organism

  • 5)

    Maximum reproductive capacity of an organism under favorable condition is referred to as_______________

Stateboard 12th Standard Biology Subject English Medium Public Answer Key- March 2022 updated Previous Year Question Papers - by QB Admin View & Read

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How is juvenile phase different from reproductive phase?

  • 2)

    Explain the various phases of the menstrual cycle.

  • 3)

    Identify the given image and label its parts marked as a, b, c and d

  • 4)

    How are STDs transmitted?

  • 5)

    The procedure of GIFT involves the transfer of female gametes into the fallopain tube, can gametes be transferred to the uterus to achieve the same result? Explain.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    State Allen's rule.

  • 2)

    Name the physiological adaptations seen in animals.

  • 3)

    Fishes are said to be conformers - Justify.

  • 4)

    What are the attributes of population?

  • 5)

    How natality and mortality can be calculated?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Differentiate between the following:
    (a) Binary fission in amoeba and multiple fission in Plasmodium
    (b) Budding in yeast and budding in Hydra
    (c) Regeneration in lizard and Planaria

  • 2)

    What is the difference between syngamy and fertilization?

  • 3)

    Explain the role of oxytocin and relaxin in parturition and lactation.

  • 4)

    The following is the illustration of the sequence of ovarian events (a-i) in a human female.

    a) Identify the figure that illustrates ovulation and mention the stage of oogenesis it represents.
    b) Name the ovarian hormone and the pituitary hormone that have caused the above-mentioned events.
    c) Explain the changes that occurs in the uterus simultaneously in anticipation.
    d) Write the difference between C and H.

  • 5)

    Write the preventive measures of STDs.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    State Bergmann's rule.

  • 2)

    What is Ethology?

  • 3)

    What is the significance of lateral-line system in fishes'?

  • 4)

    Explain any two behavioural adaptations?

  • 5)

    Camels are well adapted to xeric conditions, how?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Draw a sketch to show J and S shaped growth form of a population.

  • 2)

    What is phototaxis?

  • 3)

    What is photokinesis?

  • 4)

    What are the four ways through which the living organisms respond to abiotic factor?

  • 5)

    People leaving in high altitudes show increased RBC count. Give reason.

Stateboard 12th Standard Biology Subject English Medium Public Answer Key- March 2022 updated Previous Year Question Papers - by QB Admin View & Read

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How is the camel able to withstand desert conditions?

  • 2)

    What is phototropism?

  • 3)

    a) What is pedospherei
    b) What is soil profile?

  • 4)

    Name the kind of interaction in the following pairs.
    (a) Shark and Suckerfish
    (b) Cat and Rat
    (c) Lion and Deer

  • 5)

    Fruit Dies(Drosophila melanogaster) are the most widely used genetic tool by molecular geneticists. The life cycle of a fruit fly completes within a time span of 15 days. Calculate the death rate if 12 individuals in a laboratory population of 148 fruit Diesdied during a particular week

Stateboard 12th Standard Biology(Botany) Subject Public Question Paper - March 2022 updated Previous Year Question Papers - by QB Admin View & Read

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    List the differences between R selected and K selected species.

  • 2)

    Write about the essential properties of water.

  • 3)

    Write a note on grassland biome.

  • 4)

    Point out the adaptive traits of aquatic animals

  • 5)

    Describe in detail on population interaction.

Stateboard 12th Standard Biology(Botany) Subject Public Question Paper - March 2022 updated Previous Year Question Papers - by QB Admin View & Read

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Write the characteristics of tundra.

  • 2)

    List out the properties of soil

  • 3)

    Write in detail about Temperate forest and its types.

  • 4)

    Differentiate between r-selected species and k-selected species

  • 5)

    Explain structural and behavioural adaptations seen in organism.

Stateboard 12th Standard Biology(Botany) Subject English Medium Public Answer Key - March 2022 updated Previous Year Question Papers - by QB Admin View & Read

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Biodiversity and its Conservation Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The Species-Area relationship was given by ___________

  • 2)

    At present there are ___________ tiger reserves in the country.

  • 3)

    Mundanthurai wild life sanctuary is located in ___________ district.

  • 4)

    Select the proper sequence indicating the increasing order of biodiversity.

Stateboard 12th Standard Biology(Botany) Subject English Medium Public Answer Key - March 2022 updated Previous Year Question Papers - by QB Admin View & Read

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Biodiversity and its Conservation Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The grizzled squirrel and lion tailed Macaque are endemic to _____________

  • 2)

    Project Tiger was launched in the Jim Corbett National Park in the State of ___ in 1973.

  • 3)

    Select the correct linear equation describing the species - area relationship.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Biodiversity and its Conservation Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is habitat fragmentation?

  • 2)

    Name the types of extinctions.

  • 3)

    Give the number of national parks in India. Name any two of them in Tamil Nadu.

  • 4)

    When does a species is categorized as endangered?

  • 5)

    Mention any two species that had become extinct very recently.

Stateboard 12th Standard Biology(Zoology) Subject Public Question Paper - March 2022 updated Previous Year Question Papers - by QB Admin View & Read

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Biodiversity and its Conservation Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is the role of Didofenac?

  • 2)

    Mention any 4 categories of species in Red list.

  • 3)

    What is the goal of "Project Tiger"?

  • 4)

    State the role of Biosphere Reserve.

  • 5)

    Give any two examples for anthropogenic extinction.

Stateboard 12th Standard Biology(Zoology) Subject Public Question Paper - March 2022 updated Previous Year Question Papers - by QB Admin View & Read

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Biodiversity and its Conservation Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is an endangered species?

  • 2)

    What is Co-extinction?

  • 3)

    What is extinction?

  • 4)

    What is IUCN?

  • 5)

    What is species diversity?

Stateboard 12th Standard Biology(Zoology) Subject English Medium Public Answer Key - March 2022 updated Previous Year Question Papers - by QB Admin View & Read

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Biodiversity and its Conservation Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are exotic species?

  • 2)

    What are hotspots?

  • 3)

    Why is extinction of species considered to be the most severe aspect in loss of biodiversity?

  • 4)

    Write a brief note on Habitat fragmentation.

  • 5)

    Compare Alpha diversity with Beta diversity.

Stateboard 12th Standard Biology(Zoology) Subject English Medium Public Answer Key - March 2022 updated Previous Year Question Papers - by QB Admin View & Read

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Biodiversity and its Conservation Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Write a note on gene banks

  • 2)

    Give an account on genetic diversity and community diversity.

  • 3)

    What is the significance of slope of regression in a species area relationship?

  • 4)

    Explain in detail about various types of extinctions.

  • 5)

    Mention the reasons for the richness biodiversity in the tropics.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Biodiversity and its Conservation Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Write a note on extinction and its types

  • 2)

    Write the general strategies in conservation?

  • 3)

    Why Tropical regions are rich in biodiversity?

  • 4)

    Point out any 5 functional attributions of biodiversity.

  • 5)

    Give comparative account on ex-situ conservation.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Oil spills can lead to ________________

  • 2)

    Incineration is the best method to dispose ____________

  • 3)

    DB is a standard abbreviation  used for the quantitative expression of

  • 4)

    The highest DDT concentration in aquatic food chain shall occur in

  • 5)

    The molecular formula for ozone is______

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The tolerable level of sound is _____________

  • 2)

    Which one of the following expanded forms of the following acronyms is correct?

  • 3)

    Increase in the concentration of the toxicant at successive trophic levels is known as

  • 4)

    A lake which is rich in organic waste may result in

  • 5)

    Which is not a physical method of waste water treatment.
    (i) Floatation
    (ii) Filtration
    (iii) Phydro remediation
    (iv) Oxidation

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Define air pollution.

  • 2)

    What are agrochemicals?

  • 3)

    What is meant by accelerated eutrophication?

  • 4)

    Complete the following:
    (a) Smoke +_____ = Smog

  • 5)

    What is ozone depletion? How is it caused?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is AQI?

  • 2)

    How are sources of water pollution classified?

  • 3)

    List out the chemical methods of wastewater treatment.

  • 4)

    What is the unit of measuring ozone thickness?

  • 5)

    Name the scientist who discovered ozone layer

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name the main sources of air pollution.

  • 2)

    How does carbon monoxide affect us?

  • 3)

    What is global warming?

  • 4)

    What is acid rain?

  • 5)

    List out the sources of noise pollution.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How is carbon monoxide produced?

  • 2)

    What is PAN?

  • 3)

    Define AQI. What will be the air quality if AQI is between 0-50?

  • 4)

    Write a note on 'Namami Ganga' programme.

  • 5)

    What will be effect of Ozone depletion on Earth?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How can air pollution be controlled?

  • 2)

    What is the impact of agrochemicals on the living organisms?

  • 3)

    Write an essay an ozone depletion

  • 4)

    How agrochemicals affect ecosystem?

  • 5)

    How radioactive waste are managed? Suggest few methods of disposal of radioactive waste.(or) write an essay on Radioactive waste management.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How can noise pollution be controlled?

  • 2)

    What is radioactive waste how cap it be managed

  • 3)

    List out the effects of air pollution.

  • 4)

    Point out the effects of Noise pollution

  • 5)

    Categorize the soild waste and their sources.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following aquatic plant is popularly known as the "Terror of Bengal"?

  • 2)

    A typical anther is ________________

  • 3)

    Which is not a part of mature seed?

  • 4)

    Statement 1: Primary sporogenous cell functions as megaspore mother cell.
    Statement 2: Megaspore mother cell undergoes mitotic division producing megaspores.

  • 5)

    Identify the type of ovule, where the nucellus acquires a horse-shoe shaped structure.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The genetic ability of a plant cell to produce the entire plant is said to be ________________

  • 2)

    Which of the following plant was introduced as a contaminant into India along with wheat?

  • 3)

    Identify the incorrect statement regarding vegetative reproduction.

  • 4)

    Identify the mismatched pair:
    (i) Sucker - Chrysanthemum
    (ii) Bulbils - Agave
    (iii) Stolon - Fragaria
    (iv) Runner - Lilium

  • 5)

    Assertion (A): Anemophilous pollination occurs by animals.
    Reason (R): Pollen grains are sticky for easy attachment on animals.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are diaspores?

  • 2)

    What is integumentary tapetum?

  • 3)

    How the pollen grains of Vallisneria protect themselves?

  • 4)

    Name the various types of endosperms.

  • 5)

    What are parthenocarpic fruits?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name the vegetative propagules of the following plants
    (a) Allium cepa
    (b) Zingiber Officinalis
    (c) Agave
    (d) Colocasia

  • 2)

    Mention the types of ovule seen in the members of
    (a) Cactaceae
    (b) Leguminosae
    (c) Polygonaceae
    (d) Primulaceae.

  • 3)

    What is pollen pistil interaction?

  • 4)

    What happens to the following floral parts, after the fertilization process?
    (a) Ovary
    (b) Secondary nucleus
    (c) Outer integument of ovule
    (d) Funicle

  • 5)

    Coconut is an albuminous seed. Why?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Where the stomium is located? What is its role?

  • 2)

    What are the functions of tapetum

  • 3)

    What do you know about bee pollen?

  • 4)

    Observe the picture and answer the questions.
    (a) Label the part - A
    (b) Name the types of vegetative propagule
    (c) Give one example for such type of vegetative propagule

  • 5)

    If you break open the coconut fruit, we can observe a fluid part and the white kernel. What does those parts represent?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    List any three advantages of micropropagation

  • 2)

    Write a short note on endosperm.

  • 3)

    What are the components of mature dicot embryo.

  • 4)

    Anemophilous flowers are colourless and non-scented. What may be the reason?

  • 5)

    Cite one common feature and one contrast feature shared between apomixis and parthenocarpy

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Give a comparative account on Anther wall layers

  • 2)

    Describe the development process of male gametophyte.(or) Explain the different mode of entry of pollen tube into the ovule.

  • 3)

    Write about the different types of ovules.

  • 4)

    Describe the development of monosporic embryo sac.

  • 5)

    Describe the structure of dicot seed.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    In which type of parthenogenesis are only males produced?

  • 2)

    Animals giving birth to young ones:

  • 3)

    The mode of sexual reproduction in bacteria is by ______.

  • 4)

    In which mode of reproduction variations are seen _____.

  • 5)

    In each of the following questions there are two statements. One is assertion (A) and other is reasoning (R). Mark the correct answer as
    Assertion (A) : In bee society, all the members are diploid except drones.
    Reason (R) : Drones are produced by parthenogenesis
    A. If both A and R are true and R is correct explanation for A
    B. If both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A
    C. If A is true but R is false
    D. If both A and R are false.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    In which type of parthenogenesis are only males produced?

  • 2)

    Animals giving birth to young ones:

  • 3)

    In each of the following questions there are two statements. One is assertion (A) and other is reasoning (R). Mark the correct answer as
    Assertion (A) : In bee society, all the members are diploid except drones.
    Reason (R) : Drones are produced by parthenogenesis
    A. If both A and R are true and R is correct explanation for A
    B. If both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A
    C. If A is true but R is false
    D. If both A and R are false.

  • 4)

    In each of the following questions there are two statements. One is assertion (A) and other is reasoning (R). Mark the correct answer as
    Assertion (A): Offsprings produced by asexual reproduction are genetically identical to the parent.
    Reason(R): Asexual reproduction involves only mitosis and no meiosis.
    A. If both A and R are true and R is correct explanation for A
    B. If both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A
    C. If A is true but R is false
    D. If both A and R are false.

  • 5)

    Assertion and reasoning questions:
    In each of the following questions there are two statements. One is assertion (A) and other is reasoning (R). Mark the correct answer as
    Assertion: Viviparous animals give better protection to their off springs.
    Reason: They lay their eggs in the safe places of the environment.
    A. If both A and R are true and R is correct explanation for A
    B. If both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A
    C. If A is true but R is false
    D. If both A and R are false.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name an organism where cell division is itself a mode of reproduction.

  • 2)

    Name the phenomenon where the female gamete directly develops into a new organism with an avian example.

  • 3)

    What is parthenogenesis? Give two examples from animals.

  • 4)

    Which type of reproduction is effective -Asexual or sexual and why?

  • 5)

    Define conjugation.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Classical Genetics Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which is not a correct statement?
    (A) Variations are the raw materials for evolution
    (B) Variations provide genetic material for natural selection
    (C) It helps the individual to adapt to the changing environment
    (D) Variations allow breeders to improve the crop field

  • 2)

    Assertion (A): Codominance is an example of intragenic interaction
    Reason (R): Interaction takes place between the alleles of the same gene

  • 3)

    In case of co-dominance, monohybrid F 1 __________ is 1: 2: 1

  • 4)

    'Gametes are never hybrid' is concluded by ___________

  • 5)

    The 1 : 2 : 1 ratio of co-dominance process Mendel's ___________

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name the phenomenon where the female gamete directly develops into a new organism with an avian example.

  • 2)

    What is epimorphosis?

  • 3)

    What is autogamy?

  • 4)

    Define hologamy.

  • 5)

    Define conjugation.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Classical Genetics Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the incorrect statement

  • 2)

    When a single gene influences multiple traits then the phenomenon is called ____________

  • 3)

    Ratio of recessive epistasis is ___________

  • 4)

    Identify the allelic interaction

  • 5)

    Factor hypothesis was proposed by _________

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The unicellular organisms which reproduce by binary fission are considered immortal. Justify

  • 2)

    Why is the offspring formed by asexual reproduction referred as a clone?

  • 3)

    Why are the offsprings of oviparous animal at a greater risk as compared to offsprings of viviparous organisms?

  • 4)

    Give reasons for the following:
    (a) Some organisms like honey bees are called parthenogenetic animals
    (b) A male honey bee has 16 chromosomes where as its female has 32 chromosomes

  • 5)

    Differentiate autogamy and exogamy.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Classical Genetics Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name the four major subdisciplines of genetics.

  • 2)

    Mendel's theory is a particulate theory - justify

  • 3)

    Define intragenic interaction

  • 4)

    What is intergenic gene interactions? Give example

  • 5)

    Why extranuclear inheritance is called as cytoplasmic inheritance.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is asexual reproduction?

  • 2)

    What are gemmules?

  • 3)

    What is ovoviviparous condition?

  • 4)

    How does budding occurs is hydra?

  • 5)

    Give the definition for (a) Arrhenotoky (b) Thelytoky (c) Amphitoky

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Classical Genetics Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain Heredity and variations

  • 2)

    Which organism was studied by Gregor Mendel? How many traits does he considered on his experiments

  • 3)

    Define the terms
    (i) Emasculation
    (ii) Alleles

  • 4)

    In which plant does the incomplete dominance was studied by Carl Correns? Write the ratio of the cross.

  • 5)

    Name any two extranuclear lnheritance.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Differentiate between the following:
    (a) Binary fission in amoeba and multiple fission in Plasmodium
    (b) Budding in yeast and budding in Hydra
    (c) Regeneration in lizard and Planaria

  • 2)

    How is juvenile phase different from reproductive phase?

  • 3)

    What is the difference between syngamy and fertilization?

  • 4)

    Explain parthenogenesis.

  • 5)

    Describe the regeneration process noticed in living organism.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Classical Genetics Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    List out the reasons for the selection of pea plant by Mendel.

  • 2)

    How many types of gametes are produced by heterozygous dihybrid plant with a genotype RrYy? Write them.

  • 3)

    Define co-dominance. How it is proved by using Gossypium species?

  • 4)

    Mala is a genetic research student. She was given a plant to identify whether it is a homozygous or heterozygous for a particular trait. How will she proceed further?

  • 5)

    Give the F2 phenotypic ratio of
    a) Supplementary genes
    b) Complementary genes
    c) Dominant epistasis

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is the difference between syngamy and fertilization?

  • 2)

    Write a note on regeneration.

  • 3)

    Write notes on binary fission in animals.

  • 4)

    Describe the regeneration process noticed in living organism.

  • 5)

    Given an account on following terms.
    (a) Hologamy
    (b) Isogamy
    (c) Anisogamy
    (d) Merogamy
    (e) Paedogamy

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Classical Genetics Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    State the law of segregation.

  • 2)

    Define trihybrid cross. Mention its F 2 phenotypic ratio.

  • 3)

    Give an account on cytoplasmic male sterility.

  • 4)

    In the chart given below, 'AA' are the genes located in a chromosome of Pisum sativum.
    Observe the chart and mention the genetic phenomenon does it indicates.

  • 5)

    Name the respective pattern of inheritance where F 1 phenotype
    a) resembles anyone of the two parents
    b) is an intermediate between two parental traits.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The mature sperms are stored in the ____.

  • 2)

    The male sex hormone testosterone is secreted from _____.

  • 3)

    The glandular accessory organ which produces the largest proportion of semen is ______.

  • 4)

    The site of embryo implantation is the _____.

  • 5)

    The foetal membrane that forms the basis of the umbilical cord is _____.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which one of the following menstrual irregularities is correctly matched?

  • 2)

    Find the wrongly matched pair.

  • 3)

    Assertion(A): In human male, testes are extra abdominal and lie in scrotal sacs.
    Reason(R): Scrotum acts as thermoregulator and keeps temperature lower by 2oC for normal sperm production.
    (a) A and R are true, R is the correct explanation of A
    (b) A and R are true, R is not the correct explanation of A
    (c)  A is true, R is false
    (d) Both A and R are false

  • 4)

    Assertion(A): Ovulation is the release of ovum from the Graafian follicle.
    Reason(R): It occurs during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle.
    (a) A and R are true, R is the correct explanation of A
    (b) A and R are true, R is not the correct explanation of A
    (c)  A is true, R is false
    (d) Both A and R are false

  • 5)

    Assertion(A): Head of the sperm consists of acrosome and mitochondria.
    Reason(R): Acrosome contains spiral rows of mitochondria.
    (a) A and R are true, R is the correct explanation of A.
    (b) A and R are true, R is not the correct explanation of A.
    (c)  A is true, R is false.
    (d) Both A and R are false.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    At what stage of development are the gametes formed in new born male and female?

  • 2)

    How is polyspermy avoided in humans?

  • 3)

    What is colostrum? Write its significance.

  • 4)

    Placenta is an endocrine tissue. Justify

  • 5)

    Draw a labeled sketch of a spermatozoan.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Mention the differences between spermiogenesis and spermatogenesis

  • 2)

    At what stage of development are the gametes formed in new born male and female?

  • 3)

    Expand the acronyms
    a. FSH
    b. LH
    c. hCG
    d. hPL

  • 4)

    What is Placentation?

  • 5)

    What is ovulation?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is inhibin? State its functions

  • 2)

    Mention the importance of the position of the testes in humans.

  • 3)

    What is the composition of semen?

  • 4)

    Name the hormones produced from the placenta during pregnancy.

  • 5)

    Define gametogenesis.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Describe the structure of the human ovum with a neat labelled diagram.

  • 2)

    Give a schematic representation of spermatogenesis and oogenesis in humans.

  • 3)

    What is menopause?

  • 4)

    Define menstrual cycle

  • 5)

    Explain gastrulation.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which is not a feature of the chromosomal theory of inheritance?

  • 2)

    Which of the following statement(s) is/are wrong with respect to Recombination process?
    (i) Mitotic crossing over occurs rarely in somatic cells.
    (ii) Syndesis refers to pairing of non-homologous chromosome.
    (iii) Procentric synapsis starts from telomeres.
    (iv) A Bivalent has four chromatids.

  • 3)

    In a population of 250 progenies produced, only 120 resemble the parental forms. Calculate the recombinant frequency.

  • 4)

    Statement 1: Euploidy involves entire sets of chromosomes
    Statement 2: Aneuploidy involves individual chromosomes within a diploid net.

  • 5)

    Statement 1: Pairing of homologous chromosome is called as syndesis.
    Statement 2: Proterminal synapsis occurs from telomeres.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain the various phases of the menstrual cycle.

  • 2)

    Explain the role of oxytocin and relaxin in parturition and lactation.

  • 3)

    Identify the given image and label its parts marked as a, b, c and d

  • 4)

    The following is the illustration of the sequence of ovarian events (a-i) in a human female.

    a) Identify the figure that illustrates ovulation and mention the stage of oogenesis it represents.
    b) Name the ovarian hormone and the pituitary hormone that have caused the above-mentioned events.
    c) Explain the changes that occurs in the uterus simultaneously in anticipation.
    d) Write the difference between C and H.

  • 5)

    Differentiate Spermatogenesis and oogenesis.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain the various phases of the menstrual cycle.

  • 2)

    Explain the role of oxytocin and relaxin in parturition and lactation.

  • 3)

    Describe the structure of a sperm. (or) Describe the structure of human sperm with a neat labelled diagram.

  • 4)

    Describe the structure of human ovary.

  • 5)

    Write a note on embryonic membranes

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The following sequence represents the location of genes in a chromosome. A - B - C - M - R - S - y -Z. Which of the gene pairs will have least chance of getting inherited together?

  • 2)

    Identify the syntenic gene from the given genes sequence of a chromosome G-H-I-J-K-L-M-A-B

  • 3)

    At which stage of meiosis, does the chromosomes undergo recombination process

  • 4)

    Mutation theory was proposed by____________

  • 5)

    Statement 1: The widely accepted DNA replication model is Holliday's hybrid DNA model.
    Statement 2: The vertical cut in the DNA results in heteroduplex with non-recombinants.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following is correct regarding HIV, hepatitis B, gonorrhoea and trichomoniasis?

  • 2)

    Which one of the following groups includes sexually transmitted diseases caused by bacteria only?

  • 3)

    Identify the correct statements from the following.

  • 4)

    A contraceptive pill prevents ovulation by ______.

  • 5)

    The approach which does not give the defined action of contraceptive is

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Read the given statements and select the correct option.
    Statement 1: Diaphragms, cervical caps and vaults are made of rubber and are inserted into the female reproductive tract to cover the cervix before coitus.
    Statement 2: They are chemical barriers of conception and are reusable.

  • 2)

    Match column I with column II and select the correct option from the codes given below.

    Column I Column II
    A. Copper releasing IUD (i) LNG-20
    B. Hormone releasing (ii) Lippes loop IUD
    C. Non medicated IUD (iii) Saheli
    D. Mini pills (iv) Multiload-375
  • 3)

    Select the incorrect action of hormonal contraceptive pills from the following

  • 4)

    Formation of chronic ulcer is a symptom of ______

  • 5)

    Which one of the following is not a step in IVF treatment?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Define linkage. Mention its types.

  • 2)

    What are linked genes?

  • 3)

    What are bivalents? When does this condition is noticed in a cell?

  • 4)

    What is ploidy?

  • 5)

    Comment on the chromosomal condition; 2n - 2.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is amniocentesis? Why a statutory ban is imposed on this technique?

  • 2)

    Select the correct term from the bracket and complete the given branching tree

    (Barriers, Lactational amenorrhoea, CuT, Tubectomy)

  • 3)

    Correct the following statements
    a) Transfer of an ovum collected from donor into the fallopian tube is called ZIFT.
    b) Transfering of an embryo with more than 8 blastomeres into uterus is called GIFT.
    c) Multiload 375 is a hormone releasing IUD.

  • 4)

    Which method do you suggest the couple to have a baby, if the male partner fails to inseminate the female or due to very low sperm count in the ejaculate?

  • 5)

    Define birth control.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What does the condition synteny refers to?

  • 2)

    Who coined the term crossing over? When does the crossing over occurs in a cell?

  • 3)

    What is genetic mapping?

  • 4)

    Compare point mutation with chromosomal mutation.

  • 5)

    Point out any four physical mutagens

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is amniocentesis? Why a statutory ban is imposed on this technique?

  • 2)

    Select the correct term from the bracket and complete the given branching tree

    (Barriers, Lactational amenorrhoea, CuT, Tubectomy)

  • 3)

    Which method do you suggest the couple to have a baby, if the male partner fails to inseminate the female or due to very low sperm count in the ejaculate?

  • 4)

    Mention two sexually transmitted diseases caused by bacteria.

  • 5)

    What is IUT?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    State Coupling and Repulsion theory.

  • 2)

    How crossing over differs from linkage?

  • 3)

    How and where chiasma is formed?

  • 4)

    What is recombination? Which is the widely accepted model of DNA recombination ?

  • 5)

    Given below is a sequence of alphabets representing the genes of chromosome. Observe it and answer the questions.
    A- B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J -K.
    (a) Write the sequence of genes after the chromosome undergoes terminal deletion of single gene.
    (b) What will be the gene sequence, if the genes Eand Fundergoes tandem duplication?
    (c) Consider the centromere is located between the genes F and G and write a gene sequence, after paracentric inversion occurs in between the genes C, D and E.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Expand the following
    a) ZIFT
    b) ICSI

  • 2)

    What are the strategies to be implemented in India to attain total reproductive health?

  • 3)

    Differentiate foeticide and infanticide

  • 4)

    Describe the major STDs and their symptoms.

  • 5)

    Write a note on Foetoscope.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Compare Mendelian factors with chromosome.

  • 2)

    Give a short note on incomplete linkage.

  • 3)

    What are the three types of synapsis? (or) Give the types of Synapsis.

  • 4)

    In Drosophila melanogaster, there are four pairs of chromosomes. If there occurs chromosomal aberrations resulting in trisomic and monnsomlc condition, what will be the chromosomal count? Write the correct chromosomal count against respective chromosomal aberration.

  • 5)

    Study the figures given below and answer the questions.

    Which type of cross produces higher recombinant percentage? Give reason in support of your answer.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are the strategies to be implemented in India to attain total reproductive health?

  • 2)

    Describe the major STDs and their symptoms.

  • 3)

    Mention the type of IUDs with example.

  • 4)

    What is micro-testicular sperm extraction (TESE)?

  • 5)

    Write a note on sterilization procedure in the male.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How are STDs transmitted?

  • 2)

    Write the preventive measures of STDs.

  • 3)

    The procedure of GIFT involves the transfer of female gametes into the fallopain tube, can gametes be transferred to the uterus to achieve the same result? Explain.

  • 4)

    Amniocentesis, the foetal sex determination test, is banned in our country, Is it necessary? Comment.

  • 5)

    Open Book Assessment
    ‘Healthy reproduction, legally checked birth control measures and proper family planning programmes are essential for the survival of mankind’ Justify

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How are STDs transmitted?

  • 2)

    Write the preventive measures of STDs.

  • 3)

    Write a note on cervial cancer. (or) Write the risk factors for cervical cancer.

  • 4)

    What is ART? Explain any two for ART.

  • 5)

    Give a detailed account on various natural methods of contraception.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Why crossing over is important?

  • 2)

    Draw a flow chart depicting the various types of ploidy.

  • 3)

    Explain hyperploidy with its types.

  • 4)

    List out the significance of ploidy.

  • 5)

    What is translocation? Write about its types.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Haemophilia is more common in males because it is a ______.

  • 2)

    ABO blood group in man is controlled by _____.

  • 3)

    Three children of a family have blood groups A, AB and B. What could be the genotypes of their parents?

  • 4)

    Which of the following is not correct?

  • 5)

    Which of the following phenotypes in the progeny are possible from the parental combination AxB?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Improvement of human race by encouraging the healthy persons to marry early and produce large number of children is called

  • 2)

    The _______deals with the control of several inherited human diseases especially inborn errors of metabolism

  • 3)

    “Universal Donor” and “Universal Recipients” blood group are _____and_______respectively

  • 4)

    ZW-ZZ system of sex determination occurs in _____.

  • 5)

    Co-dominant blood group is ______.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is haplodiploidy?

  • 2)

    Distinguish between heterogametic and homogametic sex determination systems

  • 3)

    What is Lyonisation?

  • 4)

    What is criss-cross inheritance?

  • 5)

    Why are sex linked recessive characters more common in the male human beings?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Zymology deals with __________

  • 2)

    Pick out the mismatched pair(s):
    (i) Arnphotericin-B - Streptomyces notatum
    (ii) Penicillin - Penicillum nodosus
    (iii) Streptomycin - Streptomyces grises
    (iv) Tetracycline - Streptomyces aureofacins

  • 3)

    Self-ligation is prevented by____________

  • 4)

    Statement 1: Liposomes are the artificial lipoprotein vesicles.
    Statement 2: Liposomes are highly used in gene transfer.

  • 5)

    Which of the following statements does not hold true for restriction enzyme?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are holandric genes?

  • 2)

    Mention the symptoms of Phenylketonuria

  • 3)

    What is a syndrome?

  • 4)

    Define multiple allelism.

  • 5)

    Define Barr body.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Mention the symptoms of Down's syndrome.

  • 2)

    Differentiate Intersexes from Supersexes

  • 3)

    Explain the genetic basis of ABO blood grouping man.

  • 4)

    How is sex determined in human beings?

  • 5)

    What is male heterogamety?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Brief about female heterogamety.

  • 2)

    Give an account of genetic control of Rh factor.

  • 3)

    What is Pedigree analysis?

  • 4)

    What is euthenics?

  • 5)

    What is a genetic disorder? Mention its types?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain the mode of sex determination in honeybees.

  • 2)

    Discuss the genic balance mechanism of sex determination with reference to Drosophila.

  • 3)

    What are the applications of Karyotyping?

  • 4)

    Explain the inheritance of sex linked characters in human being.

  • 5)

    What is extra chromosomal inheritance? 

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are the applications of Karyotyping?

  • 2)

    Comment on the methods of Eugenics.

  • 3)

    Write a note on thalassemia.

  • 4)

    Write a note on any 2 Mendelian disorders occurring in human beings.

  • 5)

    Write notes on chromosomal abnormalities in human beings. (or) What is aneuploidy? Explain it

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the incorrect statement:

  • 2)

    The bacteria responsible for causing Crown Gall:

  • 3)

    Observe the diagram and name A and B.

  • 4)

    Statement 1: YAC plasmid behaves like a yeast chromosome.
    Statement 2: Circular YAC multiplies in bacteria.

  • 5)

    Statement 1: DNA is a hydrophobic molecule.
    Statement 2: T-DNA is a part ofE-coli plasmid.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is a fermentor?

  • 2)

    Mention any two bacterial species used as SCP.

  • 3)

    Expand PCR and mention its use.

  • 4)

    Define the terms (i) Bioventing (ii) Bioaugmentation

  • 5)

    Give the tecbnical terminologies for tbe following staements.
    (a) Autonomous, self-replicating, circular DNA
    (b) Molecular scissors
    (c) Symmetrical repreated sequence in DNA strands
    (d) Mobile genetic elements

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Define fermentation.

  • 2)

    Name any two fungal and algal species used as SCP.

  • 3)

    Write the chemistry of biological hydrogen production by algae

  • 4)

    What are polylinkers?

  • 5)

    Golden rice is a bio-fortified rice developed by rDNA technology. It differs from its parental strain by possessing 'psy' gene, 'crt-l' gene and 'lyc' gene wbicb are responsible for beta - carotene syntbesis.
    (a) Name the sources of the above mentioned genes.
    (b) Which disease can be controlled / prevented if a person's diet bas golden rice?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    In the fermentation process, what does upstream and downstream refers to? Explain.

  • 2)

    What are secondary metabolites? Give two examples.

  • 3)

    Mention any three algal species used for SCP production.

  • 4)

    How Bt cotton crops are developed?

  • 5)

    Name any 3 bacterial species used to generate polyhydroxybutyrates (PHB).

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Hershey and Chase experiment with bacteriophage showed that ______.

  • 2)

    DNA and RNA are similar with respect to _____.

  • 3)

    A mRNA molecule is produced by _____.

  • 4)

    The total number of nitrogenous bases in human genome is estimated to be about _____.

  • 5)

    E. coli cell grown on 15N medium are transferred to 14N medium and allowed to grow for two generations. DNA extracted from these cells is ultracentrifuged in a cesium chloride density gradient. What density distribution of DNA would you expect in this experiment?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain how fermentation is done in bioreactor ?

  • 2)

    Write a brief note on Biolistics.

  • 3)

    Expand CRISPR - Cas9.

  • 4)

    Comment on Golden rice.

  • 5)

    Give a short notes on Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP)

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following statements is not true about DNA replication in eukaryotes?

  • 2)

    The first codon to be deciphered was ______ which codes for ________.

  • 3)

    Meselson and Stahl’s experiment proved

  • 4)

    An operon is a: ______.

  • 5)

    When lactose is present in the culture medium:

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Give reasons: ‘Genetic code is universal’.

  • 2)

    Name the parts marked ‘A’ and ‘B’ in the given transcription unit:

  • 3)

    Differentiate - Leading stand and lagging strand

  • 4)

    Differentiate - Template strand and coding strand.

  • 5)

    Mention any two ways in which single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) identified in human genome can bring revolutionary change in biological and medical science.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain in detail about various types of direct gene transfer method.

  • 2)

    Explain a method for screening of recombinant Plasmid

  • 3)

    Write a note on Replica plating technique.

  • 4)

    Explain Agarose Gel electrophoresis technique.

  • 5)

    Explain the procedure of Southern Blotting Technique. Southern Blotting Techniques - DNA

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    State any three goals of the human genome project.

  • 2)

    In E.coli, three enzymes β- galactosidase, permease and transacetylase are produced in the presence of lactose. Explain why the enzymes are not synthesized in the absence of lactose.

  • 3)

    What are nucleotides?

  • 4)

    What is base pair rule?

  • 5)

    What is a nucleosomer?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Distinguish between structural gene, regulatory gene and operator gene

  • 2)

    A low level of expression of lac operon occurs at all the windows for treatment of various genetic disorders. Justify the statement

  • 3)

    Why the human genome project is called a mega project?

  • 4)

    From their examination of the structure of DNA, What did Watson and Crick infer about the probable mechanism of DNA replication, coding capability and mutation?

  • 5)

    Why tRNA is called an adapter molecule?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are the three structural differences between RNA and DNA?

  • 2)

    Name the anticodon required to recognize the following codons: AAU, CGA, UAU, and GCA.

  • 3)

    Differentiate DNA and RNA.

  • 4)

    What is a anticodon?

  • 5)

    State Chargaff's rule.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    a) Identify the figure given below
    b) Redraw the structure as a replicating fork and label the parts
    c) Write the source of energy for this replication and name the enzyme involved in this process.
    d) Mention the differences in the synthesis of protein, based on the polarity of the two template strands.

  • 2)

    If the coding sequence in a transcription unit is written as follows:
    5' TGCATGCATGCATGCATGCATGCATGC 3' Write down the sequence of mRNA?

  • 3)

    How is the two stage process of protein synthesis advantageous?

  • 4)

    Why did Hershey and Chase use radioactively labelled phosphorous and sulphur only? Would they have got the same result if they use radiolabelled carbon and nitrogen?

  • 5)

    Explain the formation of a nucleosome.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    It is established that RNA is the first genetic material. Justify giving reasons.

  • 2)

    Explain how mutation can impact genetic code with an example

  • 3)

    Describe the steps involved in DNA finger printing.

  • 4)

    Give a detailed account of a transcription unit.

  • 5)

    Write the salient features of Human Genome Project.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Evolution Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The first life on earth originated

  • 2)

    Who published the book “Origin of species by Natural Selection” in 1859?

  • 3)

    Which of the following was the contribution of Hugo de Vries?

  • 4)

    The wings of birds and butterflies is an example of

  • 5)

    The phenomenon of “ Industrial Melanism” demonstrates

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Evolution Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which period was called “Age of fishes”?

  • 2)

    Modern man belongs to which period?

  • 3)

    The Neanderthal man had the brain capacity of

  • 4)

    According to Darwin, the organic evolution is due to

  • 5)

    A population will not exist in Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium if

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Evolution Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    List out the major gases seems to be found in the primitive earth.

  • 2)

    Explain the three major categories in which fossilization occur?

  • 3)

    Differentiate between divergent evolution and convergent evolution with one example for each.

  • 4)

    How does Hardy-Weinberg’s expression (p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1) explain that genetic equilibrium is maintained in a population? List any four factors that can disturb the genetic equilibrium.

  • 5)

    Explain how mutations, natural selection and genetic drift affect Hardy Weinberg equilibrium.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Evolution Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Taking the example of Peppered moth, explain the action of natural selection. What do you call the above phenomenon?

  • 2)

    Darwin's finches and Australian marsupials are suitable examples of adaptive radiation – Justify the statement

  • 3)

    Who disproved Lamarck’s Theory of acquired characters? How?

  • 4)

    How does Mutation theory of De Vries differ from Lamarck and Darwin’s view in the origin of new species.

  • 5)

    Explain stabilizing, directional and disruptive selection with examples

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    A 30 year old woman has bleedy diarrhoea for the past 14 hours, which one of the following organisms is likely to cause this illness?

  • 2)

    Exo-erythrocytic schizogony of Plasmodium takes place in _______

  • 3)

    The sporozoites of Plasmodium vivax are formed from ________

  • 4)

    Amphetamines are stimulants of the CNS, whereas barbiturates are ______

  • 5)

    The Athlete’s foot disease in human is caused by _______

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Tissue Culture Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the group of scientists who developed the intergenic hybrid - the pomato.

  • 2)

    Which of the following condition favours callus induction?

  • 3)

    A widely used fusogen in protoplast culture is ________

  • 4)

    The optimal pH of culture medium is generally ___________.

  • 5)

    Dimethyl sulphoxide is a _________.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Paratope is an

  • 2)

    Allergy involves

  • 3)

    Spread of cancerous cells to distant sites is termed as

  • 4)

    AIDS virus has

  • 5)

    B cells that produce and release large amounts of antibody are called

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Given below are some human organs. Identify one primary and one secondary lymphoid organ. Explain its role. Liver, thymus, stomach, thyroid, tonsils.

  • 2)

    Name and explain the type of barriers which involve macrophages.

  • 3)

    What are interferons? Mention their role.

  • 4)

    List out chemical alarm signals produced during inflammation.

  • 5)

    Explain the process of replication of retrovirus after it gains entry into the human body.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Tissue Culture Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the group of scientists who developed the intergenic hybrid - the pomato.

  • 2)

    Which of the following condition favours callus induction?

  • 3)

    The optimal pH of culture medium is generally ___________.

  • 4)

    Assertion (A) : Development of root from callus is called caulogenesis.
    Reason (R) : Caulogenesis is the final step of protoplasmic fusion.

  • 5)

    The phenomenon of reversion of mature cells to meristematic state leading to callus formation is___________

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain the structure of immunoglobulin with suitable diagram.

  • 2)

    What are the cells involved innate immune system.

  • 3)

    What is vaccine? What are its types?

  • 4)

    A person is infected by HIV. How will you diagnose for AIDS?

  • 5)

    Autoimmunity is a misdirected immune response. Justify.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Tissue Culture Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name the four basic concepts of plant tissue culture.

  • 2)

    Define sterilization.

  • 3)

    Write the composition of vitamins used in MS medium.

  • 4)

    Mention any two competent national authorities that implement Biosafety guidelines.

  • 5)

    State the mission of ELSI program.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    List the causative agent, mode of transmission and symptoms for Diptheria and Typhoid.

  • 2)

    A patient was hospitalized with fever and chills. Merozoites were observed in her blood. What is your diagnosis?

  • 3)

    (i) Write the scientific name of the filarial worm that causes filariasis.
    (ii) Write the symptoms of filariasis.
    (iii) How is this disease transmitted?

  • 4)

    List the common withdrawal symptoms of drugs and alcohol abuse.

  • 5)

    Why do you think it is not possible to produce vaccine against 'common cold'?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Tissue Culture Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is the term totipotency refers to?

  • 2)

    Mention the way by which culture media and explants are sterilized.

  • 3)

    Define (a) Callus (b) Embryoids

  • 4)

    What does ELSI represents to?

  • 5)

    State the mission of ELSI program.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Microbes in Human Welfare Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following microorganism is used for production of citric acid in industries?

  • 2)

    Which of the following pair is correctly matched for the product produced by them?

  • 3)

    The most common substrate used in distilleries for the production of ethanol is_________

  • 4)

    Cry toxins obtained from Bacillus thuringiensis are effective against for______

  • 5)

    Cyclosporin – A is an immunosuppressive drug produced from _______

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Microbes in Human Welfare Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following bacteria is used extensively as a bio-pesticide?

  • 2)

    Which of the following is not involved in nitrogen fixation?

  • 3)

    CO2 is not released during

  • 4)

    The purpose of biological treatment of waste water is to _______

  • 5)

    The gases produced in anaerobic sludge digesters are

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Tissue Culture Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Briefly explain the surface sterilization of explants.

  • 2)

    Mention any three macronutrients and micro nutrients used in MS medium.

  • 3)

    How cell suspension is prepared?

  • 4)

    Differentiate between Somaclonal and Gametoclonal variations.

  • 5)

    Name the explant through which virus free plantlets can be generated using tissue culturing technique.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The first clinical gene therapy was done for the treatment of

  • 2)

    Dolly, the sheep was obtained by a technique known as

  • 3)

    The genetic defect adenosine deaminase deficiency may be cured permanently by

  • 4)

    How many amino acids are arranged in the two chains of Insulin

  • 5)

    PCR proceeds in three distinct steps governed by temperature, they are in order of

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Tissue Culture Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How the autoclaving is done for culture media?

  • 2)

    Point out the factors that determine success rate of tissue culturing.

  • 3)

    What are Secondary metabolites? Give example.

  • 4)

    What is somatic embryogenesis? Give any two of its applications.

  • 5)

    What is cybrid?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which one of the following statements is true regarding DNA polymerase used in PCR?

  • 2)

    ELISA is mainly used for

  • 3)

    Transgenic animals are those which have

  • 4)

    Recombinant Factor VIII is produced in the ______ cells of the Chinese Hamster

  • 5)

    Vaccines that use components of a pathogenic organism rather than the whole organism are called

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Mention the number of primers required in each cycle of PCR. Write the role of primers and DNA polymerase in PCR. Name the source organism of the DNA polymerase used in PCR.

  • 2)

    How is the amplification of a gene sample of interest carried out using PCR?

  • 3)

    What is genetically engineered Insulin?

  • 4)

    Explain how “Rosie” is different from a normal cow

  • 5)

    How was Insulin obtained before the advent of rDNA technology? What were the problems encountered?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Tissue Culture Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain the steps involved in protoplast culture.

  • 2)

    Point out the applications of plant tissue culture.

  • 3)

    Discuss the protocol for micropropagation of banana.

  • 4)

    Enumerate the advantages of Artificial seeds.

  • 5)

    Prepare a protocol for virus free meristem tip culture.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain how ADA deficiency can be corrected

  • 2)

    What are DNA vaccines?

  • 3)

    Differentiate between Somatic cell gene therapy and germline gene therapy

  • 4)

    What are stem cells? Explain its role in the field of medicine

  • 5)

    One of the applications of biotechnology is ‘gene therapy” to treat a person born with a hereditary disease
    i) What does “gene therapy” mean?
    ii) Name the hereditary disease for which the first clinical gene therapy was used.
    iii) Mention the steps involved in gene therapy to treat this disease.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    PCR is a useful tool for early diagnosis of an Infectious disease. Elaborate

  • 2)

    Mention the advantages (3) and disadvantages of cloning (3).

  • 3)

    Explain how recombinant Insulin can be produced.

  • 4)

    Explain the steps involved in the production of recombinant hGH

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    All populations in a given physical area are defined as

  • 2)

    Organisms which can survive a wide range of temperatuer are called

  • 3)

    The interaction in nature, where one gets benefit on the expense of other is...

  • 4)

    Predation and parasitism are which type of interactions?

  • 5)

    Competition between species leads to

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following is an r-species

  • 2)

    The relationship between sucker fish and shark is__________

  • 3)

    What type of human population is represented by the following age pyramid?

  • 4)

    Which of the following is correct for r-selected species

  • 5)

    Some organisms are able to maintain homeostasis by physical means _______

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is a Habitat?

  • 2)

    Define ecological niche.

  • 3)

    What is soil permeability?

  • 4)

    Differentiate between Eurytherms and Stenotherms.

  • 5)

    Explain hibernation and aestivation with examples.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles of Ecology Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The ideal soil for Cultivation is:

  • 2)

    Identify the indicators of fire.

  • 3)

    Statement 1: Holoparsites depend totally on other organisms for nutrition.
    Statement 2: Durnta is holoparasite.

  • 4)

    Assertion (A) : Plains and valleys are rich in vegetation
    Reason (R): Slow drain of surface water and better water retention is noticed.

  • 5)

    Earth day is observed on

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Give the characters of a Biome ?

  • 2)

    Classify the aquatic biomes of Earth.

  • 3)

    Classify the adaptive traits found in organisms

  • 4)

    Differentiate J and S shaped curve

  • 5)

    What is ecological density, crude density and population density?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Give an account of the properties of soil.

  • 2)

    Differentiate between Tundra and Taiga Biomes.

  • 3)

    List the adaptations seen in terrestrial animals

  • 4)

    Describe Population Age Distribution

  • 5)

    Describe Growth Models/Curves.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Biodiversity and its Conservation Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following region has maximum biodiversity

  • 2)

    Conservation of biodiversity within their natural habitat is

  • 3)

    Which one of the following is not coming under insitu conservation

  • 4)

    Which of the following forests is known as the lungs of the planet earth?

  • 5)

    Which one of the following are at high risk extinction due to habitat destruction?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Biodiversity and its Conservation Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Define the following.
    a. Species richness.
    b. Endemism.

  • 2)

    How many hotspots are there in India? Name them

  • 3)

    What are the three levels of biodiversity?

  • 4)

    ‘Red data book’-What do you know about it?

  • 5)

    Why do animals have greater diversification than plant diversity?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Biodiversity and its Conservation Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Extinction of a keystone species led to loss of biodiversity – Justify.

  • 2)

    Compare and Contrast the insitu and exsitu conservation. (or) What are the differences between in-situ and ex-situ conservation ?

  • 3)

    Why do we find a decrease in biodiversity distribution, if we move from the tropics towards the poles?

  • 4)

    What are the factors that drive habitat loss?

  • 5)

    Why is biodiversity so important and worthy of protection?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Biodiversity and its Conservation Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Alien species invasion is a threat to endemic species – substantiate this statement.

  • 2)

    Mention the major threats to biodiversity caused by human activities. Explain.

  • 3)

    What is mass extinction? Will you encounter one such extinction in the near future. Enumerate the steps to be taken to prevent it.

  • 4)

    In north eastern states, the jhum culture is a major threat to biodiversity – substantiate.

  • 5)

    How can we contribute to promote biodiversity conservation?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Right to Clean Water is a fundamental right, under the Indian Constitution

  • 2)

    With which of the following, the Agenda 21’ of Rio Summit, 1992 is related to?

  • 3)

    Which among the following awards instituted by the Government of India for individuals or communities from rural areas that have shown extraordinary courage and dedication in protecting Wildlife?

  • 4)

    As per 2017 statistics, the highest per capita emitter of Carbon dioxide in the world is

  • 5)

    The use of microorganism metabolism to remove pollutants such as oil spills in the water bodies is known as

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which among the following always decreases in a Food chain across tropic levels?

  • 2)

    In the E- waste generated by the Mobile Phones, which among the following metal is most abundant?

  • 3)

    The Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) are the compounds which have the following molecules:

  • 4)

    SMOG is derived from:

  • 5)

    Excess of fluoride in drinking water causes:

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles of Ecology Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Autoecology deals with the study of ___________.

  • 2)

    The study of soil is called as __________

  • 3)

    Statement 1: Latitudes represent distance from the equator.
    Statement 2: Height above the seal level from longitude.

  • 4)

    Statement 1: Ephemerals are drought evaders.
    Statement 2: They are not true xerophytes.

  • 5)

    Utricularia is a __________.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    (i) CFC
    (ii) AQI
    (iii) PAN

  • 2)

    What is SMOG and how it is harmful for us?

  • 3)

    List all the wastes that you generate, at home, school or during your trips to other places. Could you very easily reduce the generation of these wastes? Which would be difficult or rather impossible to reduce?

  • 4)

    Discuss the causes and effects of global warming. What measures need to be taken to control global warming?

  • 5)

    Write notes on the following:
    a. Eutrophication
    b. Algal Bloom

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What effect can fertilizer runoff have on an aquatic ecosystem?

  • 2)

    How can we control eutrophication?

  • 3)

    Mention the causes of enhanced use of ultraviolet radiation

  • 4)

    Discuss the role of women in protection and conservation of forests.

  • 5)

    Discuss the role of an individual to reduce environmental pollution.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How does recycling help reduce pollution?

  • 2)

    What is the primary purpose of the Kyoto Protocol?

  • 3)

    In what way Peyang conserves the forest?

  • 4)

    What are some solutions to toxic dumping in our oceans?

  • 5)

    How does forest conservation help to reduce air pollution?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    An eminent Indian embryologist is ______.

  • 2)

    Identify the correctly matched pair.

  • 3)

    Pollen tube was discovered by ______.

  • 4)

    Size of pollen grain in Myosotis ______.

  • 5)

    First cell of male gametophyte in angiosperm is ______.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Choose the correct statement(s) about tenuinucellate ovule.

  • 2)

    A Plant called X possesses small flower with reduced perianth and versatile anther. The probable agent for pollination would be ____.

  • 3)

    Consider the following statement(s)
    i) In Protandrous flowers pistil matures earlier
    ii) In Protogynous flowers pistil matures earlier
    iii) Herkogamy is noticed in unisexual flowers
    iv) Distyly is present in Primula

  • 4)

    Parthenocarpic fruits lack _____.

  • 5)

    In majority of plants pollen is liberated at _____.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    List out two sub-aerial stem modifications with example.

  • 2)

    What are clones?

  • 3)

    Differentiate Grafting and Layering.

  • 4)

    Distinguish mound layering and air layering.

  • 5)

    Explain the conventional methods adopted in vegetative propagation of higher plants.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles of Ecology Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is ecological hierarchy?

  • 2)

    Name any two positive interactions with an example for each.

  • 3)

    What is the principle of commensalism?

  • 4)

    What are hemiparasites? Give example

  • 5)

    Give an example for following type of adaptations.
    (a) Phyllode
    (b) Cladode

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is reproduction?

  • 2)

    Mention the contribution of Hofmeister towards Embryology.

  • 3)

    What is layering?

  • 4)

    A detached leaf of Bryophyllum produces new plants. How?

  • 5)

    “Tissue culture is the best method for propagating rare and endangered plant species”- Discuss.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Discuss the importance of Modern methods in reproduction of plants.

  • 2)

    What is Cantharophily.

  • 3)

    List any two strategy adopted by bisexual flowers to prevent self-pollination.

  • 4)

    What is endothelium

  • 5)

    “The endosperm of angiosperm is different from gymnosperm”. Do you agree. Justify your answer.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles of Ecology Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Sequentially arrange the different units of ecological hierarchy.

  • 2)

    Pyronema confluens is the indicator of fire - comment.

  • 3)

    Given below are few types of plants. Mention their habitats.
    (a) Halophytes
    (b) Chasmophytes
    (c) Cryophytes
    (d) Psammophytes.

  • 4)

    Specify the type of interactions between the given pair of species.
    (a) Spanish moss and Oak tree
    (b) Cuscuta and Acacia
    (c) Nepenthes and Ants
    (d) Alga and fungus

  • 5)

    Write a brief note on pneumatophores. Give an example.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is polyembryony. How it can commercially exploited.

  • 2)

    Why does the zygote divides only after the division of Primary endosperm cell.

  • 3)

    What is Mellitophily?

  • 4)

    “Endothecium is associated with dehiscence of anther” Justify the statement

  • 5)

    List out the functions of tapetum.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles of Ecology Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are the adverse effects of temperature on plant?

  • 2)

    Direction of mountain determines the richness of vegetation - Justify.

  • 3)

    Mention any two species that exhibits protective mimicry.

  • 4)

    Being a tropical country, India is the largest producer of delicious mangoes. These mango tree don't grow in temperate countries. Give reason.

  • 5)

    In the picture given below, A and B represents the two different biomes. What does the letter C denotes? What will be its impact on the organisms in C. Explain with example.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Write short note on Pollen kitt.

  • 2)

    Distinguish tenuinucellate and crassinucellate ovules.

  • 3)

    ‘Pollination in Gymnosperms is different from Angiosperms’ – Give reasons.

  • 4)

    Write short note on Heterostyly.

  • 5)

    Enumerate the characteristic features of Entomophilous flowers

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles of Ecology Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is thermal stratification? Explain its types.

  • 2)

    Explain briefly about the three types of fire.

  • 3)

    What is co-evolution? Explain with example.

  • 4)

    Point out the Anatomical adaptations exhibited by the Halophytes.

  • 5)

    Observe the tabular column and complete it using proper terms.

      Species 1 Species 2 Type of interaction
    i + A Mutalism
    ii  + O B
    iii  C O Amenslism
    iv + - D
    v - E Competition

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    With a suitable diagram explain the structure of an ovule.

  • 2)

    Give a concise account on steps involved in fertilization of an angiosperm plant.

  • 3)

    What is endosperm. Explain the types.

  • 4)

    Differentiate the structure of Dicot and Monocot seed.

  • 5)

    Give a detailed account on parthenocarpy. Add a note on its significance.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Classical Genetics Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Extra nuclear inheritance is a consequence of presence of genes in _____.

  • 2)

    In order to find out the different types of gametes produced by a pea plant having the genotype AaBb, it should be crossed to a plant with the genotype _____.

  • 3)

    How many different kinds of gametes will be produced by a plant having the genotype AABbCC?

  • 4)

    Which one of the following is an example of polygenic inheritance?

  • 5)

    In Mendel’s experiments with garden pea, round seed shape (RR) was dominant over wrinkled seeds (rr), yellow cotyledon (YY) was dominant over green cotyledon (yy). What are the expected phenotypes in the F2 generation of the cross RRYY x rryy?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Classical Genetics Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    “Gametes are never hybrid”. This is a statement of ______.

  • 2)

    Gene which suppresses other genes activity but does not lie on the same locus is called as _____.

  • 3)

    The dominant epistatis ratio is ______.

  • 4)

    Select the period for Mendel’s hybridization experiments.

  • 5)

    Among the following characters which one was not considered by Mendel in his experimentation pea?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Classical Genetics Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name the seven contrasting traits of Mendel.

  • 2)

    What is meant by true breeding or pure breeding lines / strain?

  • 3)

    Give the names of the scientists who rediscovered Mendelism

  • 4)

    What is back cross?

  • 5)

    Define Genetics.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Classical Genetics Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are multiple alleles?

  • 2)

    What are the reasons for Mendel’s successes in his breeding experiment?

  • 3)

    Explain the law of dominance in monohybrid cross.

  • 4)

    Differentiate incomplete dominance and codominance.

  • 5)

    What is meant by cytoplasmic inheritance

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Classical Genetics Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Describe dominant epistasis with an example. 

  • 2)

    Explain polygenic inheritance with an example.

  • 3)

    Differentiate continuous variation with discontinuous variation.

  • 4)

    Explain with an example how single genes affect multiple traits and alleles the phenotype of an organism.

  • 5)

    Bring out the inheritance of chloroplast gene with an example.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    An allohexaploidy contains ______.

  • 2)

    The A and B genes are 10 cm apart on a chromosome. If an AB/ab heterozygote is testcrossed to ab/ab, how many of each progeny class would you expect out of 100 total progeny?

  • 3)

    Which of the following sentences are correct?
    1. The offspring exhibit only parental combinations due to incomplete linkage
    2. The linked genes exhibit some crossing over in complete linkage
    3. The separation of two linked genes are possible in incomplete linkage
    4. Crossing over is absent in complete linkage

  • 4)

    Accurate mapping of genes can be done by three point test cross because increases _____.

  • 5)

    Due to incomplete linkage in maize, the ratio of parental and recombinants are ______.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The point mutation sequence for transition, transition, transversion and transversion in DNA are ______.

  • 2)

    If haploid number in a cell is 18. The double monosomic and trisomic number will be _____.

  • 3)

    Changing the codon AGC to AGA represents _______.

  • 4)

    Assertion (A): Gamma rays are generally use to induce mutation in wheat varieties.
    Reason (R): Because they carry lower energy to non-ionize electrons from atom

  • 5)

    How many map units separate two alleles A and B if the recombination frequency is 0.09?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How is Nicotiana exhibit self-incompatibility. Explain its mechanism.

  • 2)

    How sex is determined in monoecious plants. write their genes involved in it.

  • 3)

    What is gene mapping? Write its uses

  • 4)

    Draw the diagram of different types of aneuploidy.

  • 5)

    Mention the name of man-made cereal. How it is formed?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Ecosystem Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the incorrect option among the following component sequence.

  • 2)

    Which is not a macro consumer?

  • 3)

    Which of the following food chain is in improper sequence?

  • 4)

    The upright pyramid is not a feature of _______

  • 5)

    Which of the following is abundant in rock deposits and guano?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Ecosystem Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which group of organism occupies the third tropic level in an ecosystem?

  • 2)

    If 1200 Joules of solar energy is trapped by producers, how much of Joules of energy does the organism in the third trophic level will receive?

  • 3)

    Spindle shaped pyramid is a character of ______

  • 4)

    The bottom most zone of a pond is termed as .

  • 5)

    _________is the climax community of hydro sere.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Ecosystem Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are biotic components?

  • 2)

    How will you define decomposers?

  • 3)

    What do you mean by PAR? Mention its significance. (or) What is PAR?

  • 4)

    How Net Primary Productivity .ean be derived?

  • 5)

    Biogeochemical cycle comprises both gaseous cycle and sedimentary cycle. How they differ from one another?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Ecosystem Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Mention any two climatic factors and edaphic factors of an ecosystem.

  • 2)

    What are biotic components?

  • 3)

    Define Grey carbon and Black carbon.

  • 4)

    Why do we obtain an inverted pyramid in a parasite ecosystem?

  • 5)

    Define plant succession.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Restriction enzymes are _____.

  • 2)

    Plasmids are ______.

  • 3)

    EcoRI cleaves DNA at ____.

  • 4)

    Genetic engineering is _____.

  • 5)

    Consider the following statements:
    I. Recombinant DNA technology is popularly known as genetic engineering is a stream of biotechnology which deals with the manipulation of genetic materials by man invitro
    II. pBR322 is the first artificial cloning vector developed in 1977 by Boliver and Rodriguez from E.coli plasmid
    III. Restriction enzymes belongs to a class of enzymes called nucleases.
    Choose the correct option regarding above statements

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The point mutation sequence for transition, transition, transversion and transversion in DNA are ______.

  • 2)

    If haploid number in a cell is 18. The double monosomic and trisomic number will be _____.

  • 3)

    Changing the codon AGC to AGA represents _______.

  • 4)

    Assertion (A): Gamma rays are generally use to induce mutation in wheat varieties.
    Reason (R): Because they carry lower energy to non-ionize electrons from atom

  • 5)

    How many map units separate two alleles A and B if the recombination frequency is 0.09?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Ecosystem Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain the concept of trophic level in an ecosystem.

  • 2)

    Explain Grazing food chain with example.

  • 3)

    Bring out the significance of food web.

  • 4)

    Spindle shaped pyramid of number is noticed in forest ecosystem. Give reasons.

  • 5)

    Frame any two food chain patterns from the given organisms. Each chain must contain a minimum of four organisms.
    Diatoms, Hawk, Rabbit, Vallisneria
    Stoke, guppies, grass, snake, large fishes, grasshopper, crane.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Ecosystem Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    List the factors affecting primary productivity.

  • 2)

    Write a brief note on Detritus food chain.

  • 3)

    Name the three types of ecological pyramids.

  • 4)

    What is biogeochemical cycle? Explain its types.

  • 5)

    Discuss the three zones of a lentic ecosystem.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How do you use the biotechnology in modern practice?

  • 2)

    What are the materials used to grow microorganism like Spirulina?

  • 3)

    You are working in a biotechnology lab with a becterium namely E.coli. How will you cut the nucleotide sequence? explain it.

  • 4)

    What are the enzymes you can used to cut terminal end and internal phospho di ester bond of nucleotide sequence?

  • 5)

    Name the chemicals used in gene transfer.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What do you know about the word pBR332?

  • 2)

    Mention the application of Biotechnology.

  • 3)

    What are restriction enzyme. Mention their type with role in Biotechnology.

  • 4)

    Is there any possibilities to transfer a suitable desirable gene to host plant without vector? Justify your answer.

  • 5)

    How will you identify a vector ?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Ecosystem Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Write an essay on pond ecosystem.

  • 2)

    Write a note on the strategies of ecosystem management.

  • 3)

    List out the characteristics of ecological succession.

  • 4)

    Differentiate Primary succession and Secondary succession.

  • 5)

    Bring out the importance of plant succession.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution updated Book back Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Compare the various types of Blotting techniques

  • 2)

    Write the advantages of herbicide tolerant crops

  • 3)

    Write the advantages and disadvantages of Bt cotton.

  • 4)

    What is bioremediation? give some examples of bioremediation.

  • 5)

    Write the benefits and risk of Genetically Modified Foods.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    In, dinoflagellates the types of asexual reproduction seen is _____

  • 2)

    During favourable conditions ______ shows multiple fission.

  • 3)

    If the entire organism behaves as a gamete the Phenomenon is called _____

  • 4)

    Conjugation is seen in _____

  • 5)

    Human beings exhibit ______

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the correct option to label the diagram
    1 - Archaeocytes
    2 - Inner membrane
    3 - Micropyle
    4 - Outer membrane
    5 - Monaxonspicules

  • 2)

    "Nothing lives forever, but life continues". What does it mean?

  • 3)

    Transverse binary fission is noticed in _________________

  • 4)

    Egg laying hen is an example for _____________

  • 5)

    Which among the following animals exhibit ovoviviparity?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is peculiar about the cell division of paramecium?

  • 2)

    What are exogenous buds?

  • 3)

    What is syngamy?

  • 4)

    What is exogamy?

  • 5)

    With regard to asexual reproduction. mention two phenomena seen is Hydra.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is epimorphosis?

  • 2)

    What is autogamy?

  • 3)

    Identify the parts marked as A. B. C. D and E for the below diagram.

  • 4)

    Identify the parts marked as A, B, C, D, E and F for the below diagram.

  • 5)

    Define Vivipary.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is repeated fission?

  • 2)

    Explain encystment in amoeba.

  • 3)

    Differentiate exogenous and endogenous budding.

  • 4)

    What is ovoviviparous condition?

  • 5)

    Describe the different phases of life cycle in an organism.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain multiple fission in plasmodium.

  • 2)

    What is strobilation?

  • 3)

    What is apolysis? Write its significance.

  • 4)

    (i) Identify the animal
    (ii) What is significant about the animal.

  • 5)

    Complete the table.

      Natural Parthenogenesis Sex of developing organism
    i. Arrhenotoky A
    ii. Thelytoky B
    iii. Amphitoky C

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Write a note on regeneration.

  • 2)

    Explain parthenogenesis.

  • 3)

    Write notes on binary fission in animals.

  • 4)

    Describe the regeneration process noticed in living organism.

  • 5)

    Given an account on following terms.
    (a) Hologamy
    (b) Isogamy
    (c) Anisogamy
    (d) Merogamy
    (e) Paedogamy

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Spermatid \(\overset { A }{ \rightarrow }\) Spermatozoa what does 'A' stands for?

  • 2)

    The ______ glands in human female are homologous to the bulbouretural glands.

  • 3)

    ______ is popularly known as sperm lysin.

  • 4)

    The ______ is the smallest human cell.

  • 5)

    The dividing embryo takes ______ days to move to the uterus from the fallopian tube.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Assertion (A): The acrosome of the Sperm cell contains Sperm lysin.
    Reason (R): Sperm lysin destroys the deformed Sperm cells.

  • 2)

    The whole process of spermatogenesis takes about ______ days.

  • 3)

    Among the extra embryonic membranes the _____ is the outer most membrane.

  • 4)

    Capacitation is a _____ event.

  • 5)

    The _____ is the site for spermatogereis.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Define Insemination.

  • 2)

    Define Cleavage.

  • 3)

    What is known as or Caesarean section or C- section?

  • 4)

    What is the function of middle piece of sperm?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which is not a greenhouse gas?

  • 2)

    The total ozone layer over the earth surface is ____________________

  • 3)

    Pick out the odd one out _____________

  • 4)

    Assertion (A): Social forestry refers to management of forests and afforestation on barren lands.
    Reason (R): Afforestation involves the cutting of trees.

  • 5)

    Assertion (A): In zoological parks, the animals are maintained in their natural habitat.
    Reason (R): Ex-situ conservation refers to protecting species in their natural habitat.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Define fertilisation.

  • 2)

    Define Implantation.

  • 3)

    What is orchidectomy?

  • 4)

    In females a oogonia forms a single ovum only. What is the significance of the oogonia undergoing meiosis I & II when in a male, each spematogonia forms 4 sperms .

  • 5)

    Name the accessory reproductive glands in female which are homologous to (a) Cowper's gland and (b) Prostate gland.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the incorrect statement with regard to Global warming

  • 2)

    Invasive species _______________

  • 3)

    EIA stands for ________________

  • 4)

    Assertion (A): Ozone acts as a natural sunblock.
    Reason (R): UV rays reaching the earth are deviated from earth.

  • 5)

    Assertion (A): Prosopis juliflora is native to Afghanistan.
    Reason (R): Alien species refers to non-native species.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is the role of FSH & LH in spermatogenesis?

  • 2)

    What is LH surge?

  • 3)

    What is polymenorrhoea?

  • 4)

    In the diagram given below.

    (a) Identify the diagram
    (b) Label the parts indicated.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name any four greenhouse gases.

  • 2)

    Methane is one of a potent green house gas. Point out a few sources from where methane is generated.

  • 3)

    What is Dobson unit?

  • 4)

    What is ozone layer? Why it is essential?

  • 5)

    Where did Montreal Protocol was held? State its objectives.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is acrosome?

  • 2)

    In the diagram given below.

    (a) Label the parts and
    (b) Identify the name of the diagram.

  • 3)

    In the diagram given below.

    (a) Identify the diagram
    (b) Label the parts

  • 4)

    Name the three primary germ layers of embryo. Also, mention any three organs or ortgan systems developing from each layer

  • 5)

    Suggest few hygiene tips to face healthy and happy menses.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Define global warming.

  • 2)

    List out the anthropogenic sources of Nitrous oxide.

  • 3)

    What do you mean by good ozone and bad ozone?

  • 4)

    What is carbon sequestration?

  • 5)

    Explain the term Carbon sink.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Describe the structure of a sperm. (or) Describe the structure of human sperm with a neat labelled diagram.

  • 2)

    Write a note a extra embryonic membranes.

  • 3)

    Explain the structure and function of mammary glands.

  • 4)

    Explain the process of oogenesis.

  • 5)

    Name the three primary germ layers of embryo. Also, mention any three organs or organ systems developing from each layer.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are the adverse effects of global warming on plants?

  • 2)

    Ozone acts as a natural sunscreen - Justify.

  • 3)

    What are the major activities carried out by forestry extension centers?

  • 4)

    What do you mean by Biochar? How it helps the environment?

  • 5)

    Due to plastic ban scheme in our state, people are gradually switching over to other optionals for daily activities. As a biology student, suggest few eco-friendly alternatives for this issue.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Differentiate Spermatogenesis and oogenesis.

  • 2)

    Explain the process of fertilization in human beings.

  • 3)

    Describe the structure of human ovary.

  • 4)

    Describe the spermatogenesis with diagram.

  • 5)

    Write a note on embryonic membranes

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Mention any three sources of carbon dioxide emission.

  • 2)

    Suggest few ways to overcome global warming.

  • 3)

    Prosopis juliflora, though an alien invasive species to India, it is beneficial to certain extent. Give reason.

  • 4)

    Give a brief account on In-situ conservation

  • 5)

    Recently in January 2019, our Tamil Nadu Government had imposed a ban on using 14 different products of plastic origin. Mention any six plastic products that you know.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    In ZIFT technique the zygote is transferred at the stage of ________

  • 2)

    In the year ______    india is expected to become the largest country in population size ______

  • 3)

    ____ vaccination of girls between 9-13 years can prevent cervical cancer.

  • 4)

    Test tube baby is got by _____ technique.

  • 5)

    _____ is an epidemic disease.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    List out the major effects of Ozone Depletion.

  • 2)

    What are the objectives of Afforestation programme?

  • 3)

    How Eichhornia crassiper spoils the Indian ecosystem?

  • 4)

    Write a comparative note on Carbon Foot Print (CFP).

  • 5)

    Write short notes on Bio-monitoring.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The family planning programme was initiated by India in _____

  • 2)

    The incubation period for _____ varies between 1-8 months.

  • 3)

    PAP smear can help to detect

  • 4)

    ______ is observed as world population day

  • 5)

    All the following aims at creating a safe and secure environment for both females and males. Except

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Breeding Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following scientist developed world's first cotton hybrid?

  • 2)

    Azolla is best suited biofertilizer for _________

  • 3)

    Identify the proper sequence of hybridisation technique

  • 4)

    Superiority of hybrids over parents only in vegetative growth not in yield. This phenomenon is termed as ________

  • 5)

    Atomita 2 - rice is a product by _________

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    List Various natural methods of birth control.

  • 2)

    Define birth control.

  • 3)

    What is the purpose of barrier method of contraception?

  • 4)

    What is the role of IUDs?

  • 5)

    Name the causative organism of
    (a) Syphilis
    (b) Genital warts

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Breeding Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    ________is the process of bringing a plant species under human control.

  • 2)

    Statement (1): Clonal selection is carried out in asexually propagating plants.
    Statement (2): Clones show similar genotypes.

  • 3)

    Intraspecific hybridization is also termed as __________ 

  • 4)

    Triticale is polyploid breed of __________

  • 5)

    Atlas 66 is an improved variety of ____________

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is PCPNDT Act?

  • 2)

    What are the characteristics of an ideal contraceptive?

  • 3)

    What is Saheli?

  • 4)

    Point out any four STD's caused by viruses

  • 5)

    What do you mean by the term - coitus interruptus?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Breeding Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Mention any two free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

  • 2)

    Define acclimatization.

  • 3)

    What does the term 'luxuriance' stands for in plant breeding? Explain.

  • 4)

    What is Biofortification?

  • 5)

    In which plant, and by whom the first natural hybridization was performed?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is lactational amenorrhoea?

  • 2)

    Mention any 3 causes for infertility.

  • 3)

    What is Cryopreservation?

  • 4)

    Suggest any two simple precautions to avoid contracting RTl's.

  • 5)

    Dr. Sheela is a famous Gynaecologist at Poes garden. However illegally she performed amniocentesis for several pregnant illiterates and did MTP if identified as female foetus, on request. Under which act will she get arrested, if a complaint is filed against her.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Breeding Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are bio-pesticides? Why they are considered better than synthetic pesticides?

  • 2)

    Who coined the term "pureline"? Define it.

  • 3)

    Define Heterosis?

  • 4)

    State anyone advantage and one disadvantage of polyploid breeding.

  • 5)

    Name the insect resistant varieties developed in the following crops.
    (a) Okra (b) Rapeseed mustard.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Write a note on Foetoscope.

  • 2)

    Write a note on sterilization procedure in the male.

  • 3)

    Name anyone
    (a) fungal STI
    (b) Bacterial STI
    (c) Protozoan STI

  • 4)

    Name the most effective long-acting reversible contraceptive methods.

  • 5)

    Identify the picture and describe the surgical procedure.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Breeding Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name any three eminent plant breeders of Indian origin.

  • 2)

    What makes the Trichoderma an effective bio-pesticide?

  • 3)

    Point out the objectives of plant breeding.

  • 4)

    Write a short note on autopolyploidy with an example.

  • 5)

    Who am I?
    (I) Father of Green Revolution.
    (il) Father of Indian Green Revolution

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is infertility and write its causes.

  • 2)

    What is ART? Explain any two for ART.

  • 3)

    Give a detailed account on various natural methods of contraception.

  • 4)

    What are IUD's? Explain its way of functioning. Also describe their types.

  • 5)

    List out the causes of fertility in human.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Breeding Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Mention any three advantages of Arbuscular mycorrhizal association.

  • 2)

    Write a note on Green Manuring.

  • 3)

    State the objective of using green manuring.

  • 4)

    Yesterday, Ramu visited his friend's Orchard, where in he noticed few flowers of certain guava trees are covered using thin paper bags.
    (I) Name the process carried out there.
    (ii) Why it was done so?

  • 5)

    A plant breeder developed a hybrid sugarcane by grafting two different varieties with desirable characters. The resultant hybrid showed excellent growth and productivity with increased sucrose content compared to its parental forms.
    (I) What does this phenomenon refers to?
    (il) How this condition can be maintained through further generation?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain any five techniques of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART).

  • 2)

    Explain about breast self Examination and Early diagnosis of Cancer.

  • 3)

    Write a note on cervial cancer. (or) Write the risk factors for cervical cancer.

  • 4)

    Give a detailed account on various natural methods of contraception.

  • 5)

    What are IUD's? Explain its way of functioning. Also describe their types.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Economically Useful Plants Entrepreneurial Botany Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part-I updated Creative Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the tamil name for flaked rice

  • 2)

    Statement 1: Andrographis paniculata is known as King of Bitters.
    Statement 2: The decoction of Andrographis is used against Diabetes mellitus.

  • 3)

    Assertion (A): Turmeric is used to treat cancer.
    Reason (R): Curcumin is biomolecule present in turmeric.

  • 4)

    Select the new world species of cotton.
    (i) Gossypium hirsutum
    ii) Gossypium barbadense
    (iii) Gossypium arboreum
    (iv) Gossypium herbacecum

  • 5)

    Identify the incorrect statements:
    (a) Morphine is used as potent hepatoprotective.
    (b) Phyllanthin is used as a strong analgesic in surgery.
    (c) Indian Acalypha is used to cure skin diseases.
    (d) Cissus quadrangularis is widely used for treating bone fractures.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Describe the structure of a sperm. (or) Describe the structure of human sperm with a neat labelled diagram.

  • 2)

    Explain the structure and function of mammary glands.

  • 3)

    Name the three primary germ layers of embryo. Also, mention any three organs or organ systems developing from each layer.

  • 4)

    Give a detailed account on various natural methods of contraception.

  • 5)

    Write a note on thalassemia.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain parthenogenesis.

  • 2)

    Describe the regeneration process noticed in living organism.

  • 3)

    Explain the process of fertilization in human beings.

  • 4)

    Describe the spermatogenesis with diagram.

  • 5)

    Write a note on embryonic membranes

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How does budding occurs is hydra?

  • 2)

    Describe the different phases of life cycle in an organism.

  • 3)

    (i) Identify the animal
    (ii) What is significant about the animal.

  • 4)

    Give the definition for (a) Arrhenotoky (b) Thelytoky (c) Amphitoky

  • 5)

    Explain briefly on the nature of Ovovivipary.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is ovoviviparous condition?

  • 2)

    Describe pedal laceration.

  • 3)

    (i) Identify the Process
    (ii) Name the Organism

  • 4)

    What is Incomplete parthenogenesis? Explain with example.

  • 5)

    Write a short note on phases of life cycle.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is paedogenesis?

  • 2)

    Name the types of natural parthenogenesis.

  • 3)

    Mention the types of, asexual reproduction seen in amoeba.

  • 4)

    Identify the parts marked as A. B. C. D and E for the below diagram.

  • 5)

    Identify the parts marked as A, B, C, D, E and F for the below diagram.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is exogamy?

  • 2)

    Define conjugation.

  • 3)

    Mention the phases in the life cycle of an organism.

  • 4)

    What is artificial parthenogenesis?

  • 5)

    With regard to asexual reproduction. mention two phenomena seen is Hydra.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Gemmules are ______

  • 2)

    Autogamy is seen in ______

  • 3)

    Technique used for cultivation of sponges is based on ______

  • 4)

    This is a method of sexual reproduction in which individuals of the same species temporarily write and exchange certain. amount of nuclear material and then get separated.

  • 5)

    In honey bees, the mode of reproduction is

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    During favourable conditions ______ shows multiple fission.

  • 2)

    Giant Amoeba refers to ______

  • 3)

    Budding is seen in ______

  • 4)

    If the entire organism behaves as a gamete the Phenomenon is called _____

  • 5)

    Conjugation is seen in _____

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Give the characteristic features of Anemophilous plants.

  • 2)

    Describe incomplete dominance exhibited by Mirabilis jalapa.

  • 3)

    Draw a flow chart depicting the various types of ploidy.

  • 4)

    List out the significance of ploidy.

  • 5)

    Explain the steps involved in recombinant DNA technology

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is translocation? Write about its types.

  • 2)

    Write a note on Replica plating technique.

  • 3)

    Explain the procedure of Southern Blotting Technique. Southern Blotting Techniques - DNA

  • 4)

    Point out the applications of plant tissue culture.

  • 5)

    Enumerate the advantages of Artificial seeds.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    A mature female gametophyte (embryo sac/egg apparatus) of angiosperms is 7 celled with 8 nucleus. Name the individual cells and mention their count.

  • 2)

    Geitonogamy is similar to autogamy. Justify the statement.

  • 3)

    Give a brief account on pollination process in Zea mays.

  • 4)

    Enumerate the characters of ornithophilous flowers.

  • 5)

    Observe the picture and answer the questions.
    (a) Label the part - A
    (b) Name the types of vegetative propagule
    (c) Give one example for such type of vegetative propagule

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How many synergid cells are there in a mature embryo sac. Mention any two major roles of synergies.

  • 2)

    Differentiate between chasmogamy and cleistogamy

  • 3)

    How the flowers of salvia are adopted for melittophily?

  • 4)

    Anemophilous Dowersproduce abundant pollen grains. Give reason

  • 5)

    Define co-dominance. How it is proved by using Gossypium species?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are the term micropropagation refers to?

  • 2)

    Name the four anther wall layers.

  • 3)

    Name the two types of tapetum based on its behaviour.

  • 4)

    At which cellular stage, does the pollen grains are usually liberated from anther?
    What happens to the generative cell if the pollen reaches the stigma?

  • 5)

    Why pollination in gymnosperm is said to be direct?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are diaspores?

  • 2)

    Point out the advantages of natural vegetative reproduction

  • 3)

    Name the four whorls of a typical flower

  • 4)

    Tapetum is dual in origin - Justify

  • 5)

    Differentiate between Exine and Intine layers of pollen grain.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The type of endosperm noticed in Hydrilla seed is ___________

  • 2)

    Select the wrong statement(s) regarding cross-pollination.
    (a) Pollination depends on external agent and so it is certain.
    (b) New varieties are produced.
    (c) Continuous cross-pollination leads to weaker progeny.
    (d) Germination capacity is highly declined.

  • 3)

    Generally, the pollen grains are liberated from another at ___________

  • 4)

    Assertion (A): Entomophily is the most common type of pollination.
    Reason (R): Birds and animals bring out effective pollination.

  • 5)

    Identify the incorrect statement regarding vegetative reproduction.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Innermost layer of anther wall is ________________

  • 2)

    Pick out the non-spermous seed

  • 3)

    Which of the following characters does not exist in Ornithophilous flowers?

  • 4)

    Assertion (A): Epidermis is protective in function.
    Reason (R): Epidermis is outermost unilayer of another wall.

  • 5)

    Identify the correct statement.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject EconomicallyUseful Plants Entrepreneurial Botany Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part-II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Mention the ways in which mangoes are used in Indian culinary.

  • 2)

    What is vulcanization? Who invented it?

  • 3)

    What are organic pesticides?

  • 4)

    Name the plant source from which the following products are obtained.
    (a) Maida
    (b) Rubber
    (c) Morphine
    (d) Coffee

  • 5)

    Complete the statements.
    (a) Alphonsa is a variety of_________
    (b) Cayenne pepper is a variety of __________

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Economically Useful Plants Entrepreneurial Botany Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part-I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Give a botanical name of green gram and write its  origin andarea of cultivation and uses.

  • 2)

    Write a note on origin and area of cultivation of cotton.

  • 3)

    Write about the Henna with its origin and areas of cultivation and uses.

  • 4)

    The following are the binomials of economically useful plants. Mention their respective families.
    (a) Borassus flabellifer
    (b) Mangifera indica
    (c) Saccharum officinarum
    (d) Curcuma longa
    (e) Capsicum annum
    (f) Tamarindus indica

  • 5)

    Siddha medicine is an age old practice in our nation. According to this medicinal sysem, what is the major cause for all sort of illness in humans?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject EconomicallyUseful Plants Entrepreneurial Botany Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part-II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name any four millet varieties.

  • 2)

    Name the family does the cereals and pulses belong to.

  • 3)

    Why do we take vegetables in our diet?

  • 4)

    What is toddy?

  • 5)

    Compare Spices and Condiments.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Economically Useful Plants Entrepreneurial Botany Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part-I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is maida? Mention its culinary purpose.

  • 2)

    Ragi rich food helps to overcome bone related ailments - justify.

  • 3)

    Write the common name for (i) Vigna radiata (ii) Cajanus cajan

  • 4)

    Write the binomial and the family to which lady's finger belongs to.

  • 5)

    What does NCB stands for? Mention its role.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject EconomicallyUseful Plants Entrepreneurial Botany Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part-II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Given below are the plant species and their parts used. Which is the incorrect pair(s)?
    (i) Cajanus cajan : Seeds
    (ii) Anacardium occidentale: nuts
    (iii)Borassusflabellifer: Endosperm
    (iv) Capsicum annum: leaves

  • 2)

    Statement 1: Chinese discovered the paper.
    Statement 2: Eucalyptus and Casuarina are the widely used tree species for making paper pulp.

  • 3)

    Statement 1: Aloe vera belongs to the family Asphodelaceae.
    Statement 2: Jasminum grandiflorum belongs to the family of Oleaceae.

  • 4)

    Assertion (A): Black pepper is a spice.
    Reason (R): Condiments are flavouring substances, generally added after the cooking of food.

  • 5)

    Identify the mismatched pair:

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Economically Useful Plants Entrepreneurial Botany Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part-I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the tamil name for flaked rice

  • 2)

    Statement 1: Andrographis paniculata is known as King of Bitters.
    Statement 2: The decoction of Andrographis is used against Diabetes mellitus.

  • 3)

    Assertion (A): Turmeric is used to treat cancer.
    Reason (R): Curcumin is biomolecule present in turmeric.

  • 4)

    Select the new world species of cotton.
    (i) Gossypium hirsutum
    ii) Gossypium barbadense
    (iii) Gossypium arboreum
    (iv) Gossypium herbacecum

  • 5)

    Identify the incorrect statements:
    (a) Morphine is used as potent hepatoprotective.
    (b) Phyllanthin is used as a strong analgesic in surgery.
    (c) Indian Acalypha is used to cure skin diseases.
    (d) Cissus quadrangularis is widely used for treating bone fractures.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Breeding Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Mention any three advantages of Arbuscular mycorrhizal association.

  • 2)

    Write a note on Green Manuring.

  • 3)

    State the objective of using green manuring.

  • 4)

    Yesterday, Ramu visited his friend's Orchard, where in he noticed few flowers of certain guava trees are covered using thin paper bags.
    (I) Name the process carried out there.
    (ii) Why it was done so?

  • 5)

    A plant breeder developed a hybrid sugarcane by grafting two different varieties with desirable characters. The resultant hybrid showed excellent growth and productivity with increased sucrose content compared to its parental forms.
    (I) What does this phenomenon refers to?
    (il) How this condition can be maintained through further generation?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Breeding Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name any three eminent plant breeders of Indian origin.

  • 2)

    What makes the Trichoderma an effective bio-pesticide?

  • 3)

    Point out the objectives of plant breeding.

  • 4)

    Write a short note on autopolyploidy with an example.

  • 5)

    Who am I?
    (I) Father of Green Revolution.
    (il) Father of Indian Green Revolution

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Breeding Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are bio-pesticides? Why they are considered better than synthetic pesticides?

  • 2)

    Who coined the term "pureline"? Define it.

  • 3)

    Define Heterosis?

  • 4)

    State anyone advantage and one disadvantage of polyploid breeding.

  • 5)

    Name the insect resistant varieties developed in the following crops.
    (a) Okra (b) Rapeseed mustard.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Breeding Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Mention any two free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

  • 2)

    Define acclimatization.

  • 3)

    What does the term 'luxuriance' stands for in plant breeding? Explain.

  • 4)

    What is Biofortification?

  • 5)

    In which plant, and by whom the first natural hybridization was performed?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Breeding Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    ________is the process of bringing a plant species under human control.

  • 2)

    Statement (1): Clonal selection is carried out in asexually propagating plants.
    Statement (2): Clones show similar genotypes.

  • 3)

    Intraspecific hybridization is also termed as __________ 

  • 4)

    Triticale is polyploid breed of __________

  • 5)

    Atlas 66 is an improved variety of ____________

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Breeding Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following scientist developed world's first cotton hybrid?

  • 2)

    Azolla is best suited biofertilizer for _________

  • 3)

    Identify the proper sequence of hybridisation technique

  • 4)

    Superiority of hybrids over parents only in vegetative growth not in yield. This phenomenon is termed as ________

  • 5)

    Atomita 2 - rice is a product by _________

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    List out the major effects of Ozone Depletion.

  • 2)

    What are the objectives of Afforestation programme?

  • 3)

    How Eichhornia crassiper spoils the Indian ecosystem?

  • 4)

    Write a comparative note on Carbon Foot Print (CFP).

  • 5)

    Write short notes on Bio-monitoring.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Mention any three sources of carbon dioxide emission.

  • 2)

    Suggest few ways to overcome global warming.

  • 3)

    Prosopis juliflora, though an alien invasive species to India, it is beneficial to certain extent. Give reason.

  • 4)

    Give a brief account on In-situ conservation

  • 5)

    Recently in January 2019, our Tamil Nadu Government had imposed a ban on using 14 different products of plastic origin. Mention any six plastic products that you know.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are the adverse effects of global warming on plants?

  • 2)

    Ozone acts as a natural sunscreen - Justify.

  • 3)

    What are the major activities carried out by forestry extension centers?

  • 4)

    What do you mean by Biochar? How it helps the environment?

  • 5)

    Due to plastic ban scheme in our state, people are gradually switching over to other optionals for daily activities. As a biology student, suggest few eco-friendly alternatives for this issue.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Define global warming.

  • 2)

    List out the anthropogenic sources of Nitrous oxide.

  • 3)

    What do you mean by good ozone and bad ozone?

  • 4)

    What is carbon sequestration?

  • 5)

    Explain the term Carbon sink.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name any four greenhouse gases.

  • 2)

    Methane is one of a potent green house gas. Point out a few sources from where methane is generated.

  • 3)

    What is Dobson unit?

  • 4)

    What is ozone layer? Why it is essential?

  • 5)

    Where did Montreal Protocol was held? State its objectives.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the incorrect statement with regard to Global warming

  • 2)

    Invasive species _______________

  • 3)

    EIA stands for ________________

  • 4)

    Assertion (A): Ozone acts as a natural sunblock.
    Reason (R): UV rays reaching the earth are deviated from earth.

  • 5)

    Assertion (A): Prosopis juliflora is native to Afghanistan.
    Reason (R): Alien species refers to non-native species.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which is not a greenhouse gas?

  • 2)

    The total ozone layer over the earth surface is ____________________

  • 3)

    Pick out the odd one out _____________

  • 4)

    Assertion (A): Social forestry refers to management of forests and afforestation on barren lands.
    Reason (R): Afforestation involves the cutting of trees.

  • 5)

    Assertion (A): In zoological parks, the animals are maintained in their natural habitat.
    Reason (R): Ex-situ conservation refers to protecting species in their natural habitat.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Ecosystem Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Write an essay on pond ecosystem.

  • 2)

    Write a note on the strategies of ecosystem management.

  • 3)

    List out the characteristics of ecological succession.

  • 4)

    Differentiate Primary succession and Secondary succession.

  • 5)

    Bring out the importance of plant succession.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Ecosystem Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    List the factors affecting primary productivity.

  • 2)

    Write a brief note on Detritus food chain.

  • 3)

    Name the three types of ecological pyramids.

  • 4)

    What is biogeochemical cycle? Explain its types.

  • 5)

    Discuss the three zones of a lentic ecosystem.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Ecosystem Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain the concept of trophic level in an ecosystem.

  • 2)

    Explain Grazing food chain with example.

  • 3)

    Bring out the significance of food web.

  • 4)

    Spindle shaped pyramid of number is noticed in forest ecosystem. Give reasons.

  • 5)

    Frame any two food chain patterns from the given organisms. Each chain must contain a minimum of four organisms.
    Diatoms, Hawk, Rabbit, Vallisneria
    Stoke, guppies, grass, snake, large fishes, grasshopper, crane.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Ecosystem Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Mention any two climatic factors and edaphic factors of an ecosystem.

  • 2)

    What are biotic components?

  • 3)

    Define Grey carbon and Black carbon.

  • 4)

    Why do we obtain an inverted pyramid in a parasite ecosystem?

  • 5)

    Define plant succession.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Ecosystem Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are biotic components?

  • 2)

    How will you define decomposers?

  • 3)

    What do you mean by PAR? Mention its significance. (or) What is PAR?

  • 4)

    How Net Primary Productivity .ean be derived?

  • 5)

    Biogeochemical cycle comprises both gaseous cycle and sedimentary cycle. How they differ from one another?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Ecosystem Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which group of organism occupies the third tropic level in an ecosystem?

  • 2)

    If 1200 Joules of solar energy is trapped by producers, how much of Joules of energy does the organism in the third trophic level will receive?

  • 3)

    Spindle shaped pyramid is a character of ______

  • 4)

    The bottom most zone of a pond is termed as .

  • 5)

    _________is the climax community of hydro sere.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Ecosystem Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the incorrect option among the following component sequence.

  • 2)

    Which is not a macro consumer?

  • 3)

    Which of the following food chain is in improper sequence?

  • 4)

    The upright pyramid is not a feature of _______

  • 5)

    Which of the following is abundant in rock deposits and guano?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles of Ecology Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is thermal stratification? Explain its types.

  • 2)

    Explain briefly about the three types of fire.

  • 3)

    What is co-evolution? Explain with example.

  • 4)

    Point out the Anatomical adaptations exhibited by the Halophytes.

  • 5)

    Observe the tabular column and complete it using proper terms.

      Species 1 Species 2 Type of interaction
    i + A Mutalism
    ii  + O B
    iii  C O Amenslism
    iv + - D
    v - E Competition

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles of Ecology Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are the adverse effects of temperature on plant?

  • 2)

    Direction of mountain determines the richness of vegetation - Justify.

  • 3)

    Mention any two species that exhibits protective mimicry.

  • 4)

    Being a tropical country, India is the largest producer of delicious mangoes. These mango tree don't grow in temperate countries. Give reason.

  • 5)

    In the picture given below, A and B represents the two different biomes. What does the letter C denotes? What will be its impact on the organisms in C. Explain with example.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles of Ecology Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Sequentially arrange the different units of ecological hierarchy.

  • 2)

    Pyronema confluens is the indicator of fire - comment.

  • 3)

    Given below are few types of plants. Mention their habitats.
    (a) Halophytes
    (b) Chasmophytes
    (c) Cryophytes
    (d) Psammophytes.

  • 4)

    Specify the type of interactions between the given pair of species.
    (a) Spanish moss and Oak tree
    (b) Cuscuta and Acacia
    (c) Nepenthes and Ants
    (d) Alga and fungus

  • 5)

    Write a brief note on pneumatophores. Give an example.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles of Ecology Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is ecological hierarchy?

  • 2)

    Name any two positive interactions with an example for each.

  • 3)

    What is the principle of commensalism?

  • 4)

    What are hemiparasites? Give example

  • 5)

    Give an example for following type of adaptations.
    (a) Phyllode
    (b) Cladode

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles of Ecology Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Autoecology deals with the study of ___________.

  • 2)

    The study of soil is called as __________

  • 3)

    Statement 1: Latitudes represent distance from the equator.
    Statement 2: Height above the seal level from longitude.

  • 4)

    Statement 1: Ephemerals are drought evaders.
    Statement 2: They are not true xerophytes.

  • 5)

    Utricularia is a __________.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles of Ecology Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The ideal soil for Cultivation is:

  • 2)

    Identify the indicators of fire.

  • 3)

    Statement 1: Holoparsites depend totally on other organisms for nutrition.
    Statement 2: Durnta is holoparasite.

  • 4)

    Assertion (A) : Plains and valleys are rich in vegetation
    Reason (R): Slow drain of surface water and better water retention is noticed.

  • 5)

    Earth day is observed on

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Tissue Culture Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain the steps involved in protoplast culture.

  • 2)

    Point out the applications of plant tissue culture.

  • 3)

    Discuss the protocol for micropropagation of banana.

  • 4)

    Enumerate the advantages of Artificial seeds.

  • 5)

    Prepare a protocol for virus free meristem tip culture.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Tissue Culture Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How the autoclaving is done for culture media?

  • 2)

    Point out the factors that determine success rate of tissue culturing.

  • 3)

    What are Secondary metabolites? Give example.

  • 4)

    What is somatic embryogenesis? Give any two of its applications.

  • 5)

    What is cybrid?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Tissue Culture Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Briefly explain the surface sterilization of explants.

  • 2)

    Mention any three macronutrients and micro nutrients used in MS medium.

  • 3)

    How cell suspension is prepared?

  • 4)

    Differentiate between Somaclonal and Gametoclonal variations.

  • 5)

    Name the explant through which virus free plantlets can be generated using tissue culturing technique.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Tissue Culture Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is the term totipotency refers to?

  • 2)

    Mention the way by which culture media and explants are sterilized.

  • 3)

    Define (a) Callus (b) Embryoids

  • 4)

    What does ELSI represents to?

  • 5)

    State the mission of ELSI program.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Tissue Culture Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name the four basic concepts of plant tissue culture.

  • 2)

    Define sterilization.

  • 3)

    Write the composition of vitamins used in MS medium.

  • 4)

    Mention any two competent national authorities that implement Biosafety guidelines.

  • 5)

    State the mission of ELSI program.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Tissue Culture Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the group of scientists who developed the intergenic hybrid - the pomato.

  • 2)

    Which of the following condition favours callus induction?

  • 3)

    The optimal pH of culture medium is generally ___________.

  • 4)

    Assertion (A) : Development of root from callus is called caulogenesis.
    Reason (R) : Caulogenesis is the final step of protoplasmic fusion.

  • 5)

    The phenomenon of reversion of mature cells to meristematic state leading to callus formation is___________

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Tissue Culture Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the group of scientists who developed the intergenic hybrid - the pomato.

  • 2)

    Which of the following condition favours callus induction?

  • 3)

    A widely used fusogen in protoplast culture is ________

  • 4)

    The optimal pH of culture medium is generally ___________.

  • 5)

    Dimethyl sulphoxide is a _________.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain in detail about various types of direct gene transfer method.

  • 2)

    Explain a method for screening of recombinant Plasmid

  • 3)

    Write a note on Replica plating technique.

  • 4)

    Explain Agarose Gel electrophoresis technique.

  • 5)

    Explain the procedure of Southern Blotting Technique. Southern Blotting Techniques - DNA

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain how fermentation is done in bioreactor ?

  • 2)

    Write a brief note on Biolistics.

  • 3)

    Expand CRISPR - Cas9.

  • 4)

    Comment on Golden rice.

  • 5)

    Give a short notes on Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP)

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    In the fermentation process, what does upstream and downstream refers to? Explain.

  • 2)

    What are secondary metabolites? Give two examples.

  • 3)

    Mention any three algal species used for SCP production.

  • 4)

    How Bt cotton crops are developed?

  • 5)

    Name any 3 bacterial species used to generate polyhydroxybutyrates (PHB).

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Define fermentation.

  • 2)

    Name any two fungal and algal species used as SCP.

  • 3)

    Write the chemistry of biological hydrogen production by algae

  • 4)

    What are polylinkers?

  • 5)

    Golden rice is a bio-fortified rice developed by rDNA technology. It differs from its parental strain by possessing 'psy' gene, 'crt-l' gene and 'lyc' gene wbicb are responsible for beta - carotene syntbesis.
    (a) Name the sources of the above mentioned genes.
    (b) Which disease can be controlled / prevented if a person's diet bas golden rice?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is a fermentor?

  • 2)

    Mention any two bacterial species used as SCP.

  • 3)

    Expand PCR and mention its use.

  • 4)

    Define the terms (i) Bioventing (ii) Bioaugmentation

  • 5)

    Give the tecbnical terminologies for tbe following staements.
    (a) Autonomous, self-replicating, circular DNA
    (b) Molecular scissors
    (c) Symmetrical repreated sequence in DNA strands
    (d) Mobile genetic elements

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the incorrect statement:

  • 2)

    The bacteria responsible for causing Crown Gall:

  • 3)

    Observe the diagram and name A and B.

  • 4)

    Statement 1: YAC plasmid behaves like a yeast chromosome.
    Statement 2: Circular YAC multiplies in bacteria.

  • 5)

    Statement 1: DNA is a hydrophobic molecule.
    Statement 2: T-DNA is a part ofE-coli plasmid.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Zymology deals with __________

  • 2)

    Pick out the mismatched pair(s):
    (i) Arnphotericin-B - Streptomyces notatum
    (ii) Penicillin - Penicillum nodosus
    (iii) Streptomycin - Streptomyces grises
    (iv) Tetracycline - Streptomyces aureofacins

  • 3)

    Self-ligation is prevented by____________

  • 4)

    Statement 1: Liposomes are the artificial lipoprotein vesicles.
    Statement 2: Liposomes are highly used in gene transfer.

  • 5)

    Which of the following statements does not hold true for restriction enzyme?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Why crossing over is important?

  • 2)

    Draw a flow chart depicting the various types of ploidy.

  • 3)

    Explain hyperploidy with its types.

  • 4)

    List out the significance of ploidy.

  • 5)

    What is translocation? Write about its types.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Compare Mendelian factors with chromosome.

  • 2)

    Give a short note on incomplete linkage.

  • 3)

    What are the three types of synapsis? (or) Give the types of Synapsis.

  • 4)

    In Drosophila melanogaster, there are four pairs of chromosomes. If there occurs chromosomal aberrations resulting in trisomic and monnsomlc condition, what will be the chromosomal count? Write the correct chromosomal count against respective chromosomal aberration.

  • 5)

    Study the figures given below and answer the questions.

    Which type of cross produces higher recombinant percentage? Give reason in support of your answer.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    State Coupling and Repulsion theory.

  • 2)

    How crossing over differs from linkage?

  • 3)

    How and where chiasma is formed?

  • 4)

    What is recombination? Which is the widely accepted model of DNA recombination ?

  • 5)

    Given below is a sequence of alphabets representing the genes of chromosome. Observe it and answer the questions.
    A- B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J -K.
    (a) Write the sequence of genes after the chromosome undergoes terminal deletion of single gene.
    (b) What will be the gene sequence, if the genes Eand Fundergoes tandem duplication?
    (c) Consider the centromere is located between the genes F and G and write a gene sequence, after paracentric inversion occurs in between the genes C, D and E.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What does the condition synteny refers to?

  • 2)

    Who coined the term crossing over? When does the crossing over occurs in a cell?

  • 3)

    What is genetic mapping?

  • 4)

    Compare point mutation with chromosomal mutation.

  • 5)

    Point out any four physical mutagens

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Define linkage. Mention its types.

  • 2)

    What are linked genes?

  • 3)

    What are bivalents? When does this condition is noticed in a cell?

  • 4)

    What is ploidy?

  • 5)

    Comment on the chromosomal condition; 2n - 2.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The following sequence represents the location of genes in a chromosome. A - B - C - M - R - S - y -Z. Which of the gene pairs will have least chance of getting inherited together?

  • 2)

    Identify the syntenic gene from the given genes sequence of a chromosome G-H-I-J-K-L-M-A-B

  • 3)

    At which stage of meiosis, does the chromosomes undergo recombination process

  • 4)

    Mutation theory was proposed by____________

  • 5)

    Statement 1: The widely accepted DNA replication model is Holliday's hybrid DNA model.
    Statement 2: The vertical cut in the DNA results in heteroduplex with non-recombinants.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which is not a feature of the chromosomal theory of inheritance?

  • 2)

    Which of the following statement(s) is/are wrong with respect to Recombination process?
    (i) Mitotic crossing over occurs rarely in somatic cells.
    (ii) Syndesis refers to pairing of non-homologous chromosome.
    (iii) Procentric synapsis starts from telomeres.
    (iv) A Bivalent has four chromatids.

  • 3)

    In a population of 250 progenies produced, only 120 resemble the parental forms. Calculate the recombinant frequency.

  • 4)

    Statement 1: Euploidy involves entire sets of chromosomes
    Statement 2: Aneuploidy involves individual chromosomes within a diploid net.

  • 5)

    Statement 1: Pairing of homologous chromosome is called as syndesis.
    Statement 2: Proterminal synapsis occurs from telomeres.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Classical Genetics Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    State the law of segregation.

  • 2)

    Define trihybrid cross. Mention its F 2 phenotypic ratio.

  • 3)

    Give an account on cytoplasmic male sterility.

  • 4)

    In the chart given below, 'AA' are the genes located in a chromosome of Pisum sativum.
    Observe the chart and mention the genetic phenomenon does it indicates.

  • 5)

    Name the respective pattern of inheritance where F 1 phenotype
    a) resembles anyone of the two parents
    b) is an intermediate between two parental traits.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Classical Genetics Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    List out the reasons for the selection of pea plant by Mendel.

  • 2)

    How many types of gametes are produced by heterozygous dihybrid plant with a genotype RrYy? Write them.

  • 3)

    Define co-dominance. How it is proved by using Gossypium species?

  • 4)

    Mala is a genetic research student. She was given a plant to identify whether it is a homozygous or heterozygous for a particular trait. How will she proceed further?

  • 5)

    Give the F2 phenotypic ratio of
    a) Supplementary genes
    b) Complementary genes
    c) Dominant epistasis

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Classical Genetics Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain Heredity and variations

  • 2)

    Which organism was studied by Gregor Mendel? How many traits does he considered on his experiments

  • 3)

    Define the terms
    (i) Emasculation
    (ii) Alleles

  • 4)

    In which plant does the incomplete dominance was studied by Carl Correns? Write the ratio of the cross.

  • 5)

    Name any two extranuclear lnheritance.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Classical Genetics Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name the four major subdisciplines of genetics.

  • 2)

    Mendel's theory is a particulate theory - justify

  • 3)

    Define intragenic interaction

  • 4)

    What is intergenic gene interactions? Give example

  • 5)

    Why extranuclear inheritance is called as cytoplasmic inheritance.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Classical Genetics Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the incorrect statement

  • 2)

    When a single gene influences multiple traits then the phenomenon is called ____________

  • 3)

    Ratio of recessive epistasis is ___________

  • 4)

    Identify the allelic interaction

  • 5)

    Factor hypothesis was proposed by _________

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Classical Genetics Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which is not a correct statement?
    (A) Variations are the raw materials for evolution
    (B) Variations provide genetic material for natural selection
    (C) It helps the individual to adapt to the changing environment
    (D) Variations allow breeders to improve the crop field

  • 2)

    Assertion (A): Codominance is an example of intragenic interaction
    Reason (R): Interaction takes place between the alleles of the same gene

  • 3)

    In case of co-dominance, monohybrid F 1 __________ is 1: 2: 1

  • 4)

    'Gametes are never hybrid' is concluded by ___________

  • 5)

    The 1 : 2 : 1 ratio of co-dominance process Mendel's ___________

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Give a comparative account on Anther wall layers

  • 2)

    Describe the development process of male gametophyte.(or) Explain the different mode of entry of pollen tube into the ovule.

  • 3)

    Write about the different types of ovules.

  • 4)

    Describe the development of monosporic embryo sac.

  • 5)

    Describe the structure of dicot seed.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    List any three advantages of micropropagation

  • 2)

    Write a short note on endosperm.

  • 3)

    What are the components of mature dicot embryo.

  • 4)

    Anemophilous flowers are colourless and non-scented. What may be the reason?

  • 5)

    Cite one common feature and one contrast feature shared between apomixis and parthenocarpy

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Where the stomium is located? What is its role?

  • 2)

    What are the functions of tapetum

  • 3)

    What do you know about bee pollen?

  • 4)

    Observe the picture and answer the questions.
    (a) Label the part - A
    (b) Name the types of vegetative propagule
    (c) Give one example for such type of vegetative propagule

  • 5)

    If you break open the coconut fruit, we can observe a fluid part and the white kernel. What does those parts represent?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name the vegetative propagules of the following plants
    (a) Allium cepa
    (b) Zingiber Officinalis
    (c) Agave
    (d) Colocasia

  • 2)

    Mention the types of ovule seen in the members of
    (a) Cactaceae
    (b) Leguminosae
    (c) Polygonaceae
    (d) Primulaceae.

  • 3)

    What is pollen pistil interaction?

  • 4)

    What happens to the following floral parts, after the fertilization process?
    (a) Ovary
    (b) Secondary nucleus
    (c) Outer integument of ovule
    (d) Funicle

  • 5)

    Coconut is an albuminous seed. Why?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are diaspores?

  • 2)

    What is integumentary tapetum?

  • 3)

    How the pollen grains of Vallisneria protect themselves?

  • 4)

    Name the various types of endosperms.

  • 5)

    What are parthenocarpic fruits?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The genetic ability of a plant cell to produce the entire plant is said to be ________________

  • 2)

    Which of the following plant was introduced as a contaminant into India along with wheat?

  • 3)

    Identify the incorrect statement regarding vegetative reproduction.

  • 4)

    Identify the mismatched pair:
    (i) Sucker - Chrysanthemum
    (ii) Bulbils - Agave
    (iii) Stolon - Fragaria
    (iv) Runner - Lilium

  • 5)

    Assertion (A): Anemophilous pollination occurs by animals.
    Reason (R): Pollen grains are sticky for easy attachment on animals.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following aquatic plant is popularly known as the "Terror of Bengal"?

  • 2)

    A typical anther is ________________

  • 3)

    Which is not a part of mature seed?

  • 4)

    Statement 1: Primary sporogenous cell functions as megaspore mother cell.
    Statement 2: Megaspore mother cell undergoes mitotic division producing megaspores.

  • 5)

    Identify the type of ovule, where the nucellus acquires a horse-shoe shaped structure.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How can noise pollution be controlled?

  • 2)

    What is radioactive waste how cap it be managed

  • 3)

    List out the effects of air pollution.

  • 4)

    Point out the effects of Noise pollution

  • 5)

    Categorize the soild waste and their sources.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How can air pollution be controlled?

  • 2)

    What is the impact of agrochemicals on the living organisms?

  • 3)

    Write an essay an ozone depletion

  • 4)

    How agrochemicals affect ecosystem?

  • 5)

    How radioactive waste are managed? Suggest few methods of disposal of radioactive waste.(or) write an essay on Radioactive waste management.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How is carbon monoxide produced?

  • 2)

    What is PAN?

  • 3)

    Define AQI. What will be the air quality if AQI is between 0-50?

  • 4)

    Write a note on 'Namami Ganga' programme.

  • 5)

    What will be effect of Ozone depletion on Earth?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name the main sources of air pollution.

  • 2)

    How does carbon monoxide affect us?

  • 3)

    What is global warming?

  • 4)

    What is acid rain?

  • 5)

    List out the sources of noise pollution.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is AQI?

  • 2)

    How are sources of water pollution classified?

  • 3)

    List out the chemical methods of wastewater treatment.

  • 4)

    What is the unit of measuring ozone thickness?

  • 5)

    Name the scientist who discovered ozone layer

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Define air pollution.

  • 2)

    What are agrochemicals?

  • 3)

    What is meant by accelerated eutrophication?

  • 4)

    Complete the following:
    (a) Smoke +_____ = Smog

  • 5)

    What is ozone depletion? How is it caused?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The tolerable level of sound is _____________

  • 2)

    Which one of the following expanded forms of the following acronyms is correct?

  • 3)

    Increase in the concentration of the toxicant at successive trophic levels is known as

  • 4)

    A lake which is rich in organic waste may result in

  • 5)

    Which is not a physical method of waste water treatment.
    (i) Floatation
    (ii) Filtration
    (iii) Phydro remediation
    (iv) Oxidation

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Oil spills can lead to ________________

  • 2)

    Incineration is the best method to dispose ____________

  • 3)

    DB is a standard abbreviation  used for the quantitative expression of

  • 4)

    The highest DDT concentration in aquatic food chain shall occur in

  • 5)

    The molecular formula for ozone is______

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Biodiversity and its Conservation Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Write a note on extinction and its types

  • 2)

    Write the general strategies in conservation?

  • 3)

    Why Tropical regions are rich in biodiversity?

  • 4)

    Point out any 5 functional attributions of biodiversity.

  • 5)

    Give comparative account on ex-situ conservation.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Biodiversity and its Conservation Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Write a note on gene banks

  • 2)

    Give an account on genetic diversity and community diversity.

  • 3)

    What is the significance of slope of regression in a species area relationship?

  • 4)

    Explain in detail about various types of extinctions.

  • 5)

    Mention the reasons for the richness biodiversity in the tropics.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Biodiversity and its Conservation Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are exotic species?

  • 2)

    What are hotspots?

  • 3)

    Why is extinction of species considered to be the most severe aspect in loss of biodiversity?

  • 4)

    Write a brief note on Habitat fragmentation.

  • 5)

    Compare Alpha diversity with Beta diversity.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Biodiversity and its Conservation Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is an endangered species?

  • 2)

    What is Co-extinction?

  • 3)

    What is extinction?

  • 4)

    What is IUCN?

  • 5)

    What is species diversity?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Biodiversity and its Conservation Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is the role of Didofenac?

  • 2)

    Mention any 4 categories of species in Red list.

  • 3)

    What is the goal of "Project Tiger"?

  • 4)

    State the role of Biosphere Reserve.

  • 5)

    Give any two examples for anthropogenic extinction.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Biodiversity and its Conservation Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is habitat fragmentation?

  • 2)

    Name the types of extinctions.

  • 3)

    Give the number of national parks in India. Name any two of them in Tamil Nadu.

  • 4)

    When does a species is categorized as endangered?

  • 5)

    Mention any two species that had become extinct very recently.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Biodiversity and its Conservation Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The grizzled squirrel and lion tailed Macaque are endemic to _____________

  • 2)

    Project Tiger was launched in the Jim Corbett National Park in the State of ___ in 1973.

  • 3)

    Select the correct linear equation describing the species - area relationship.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Biodiversity and its Conservation Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The Species-Area relationship was given by ___________

  • 2)

    At present there are ___________ tiger reserves in the country.

  • 3)

    Mundanthurai wild life sanctuary is located in ___________ district.

  • 4)

    Select the proper sequence indicating the increasing order of biodiversity.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Write the characteristics of tundra.

  • 2)

    List out the properties of soil

  • 3)

    Write in detail about Temperate forest and its types.

  • 4)

    Differentiate between r-selected species and k-selected species

  • 5)

    Explain structural and behavioural adaptations seen in organism.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    List the differences between R selected and K selected species.

  • 2)

    Write about the essential properties of water.

  • 3)

    Write a note on grassland biome.

  • 4)

    Point out the adaptive traits of aquatic animals

  • 5)

    Describe in detail on population interaction.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How is the camel able to withstand desert conditions?

  • 2)

    What is phototropism?

  • 3)

    a) What is pedospherei
    b) What is soil profile?

  • 4)

    Name the kind of interaction in the following pairs.
    (a) Shark and Suckerfish
    (b) Cat and Rat
    (c) Lion and Deer

  • 5)

    Fruit Dies(Drosophila melanogaster) are the most widely used genetic tool by molecular geneticists. The life cycle of a fruit fly completes within a time span of 15 days. Calculate the death rate if 12 individuals in a laboratory population of 148 fruit Diesdied during a particular week

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Draw a sketch to show J and S shaped growth form of a population.

  • 2)

    What is phototaxis?

  • 3)

    What is photokinesis?

  • 4)

    What are the four ways through which the living organisms respond to abiotic factor?

  • 5)

    People leaving in high altitudes show increased RBC count. Give reason.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    State Bergmann's rule.

  • 2)

    What is Ethology?

  • 3)

    What is the significance of lateral-line system in fishes'?

  • 4)

    Explain any two behavioural adaptations?

  • 5)

    Camels are well adapted to xeric conditions, how?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    State Allen's rule.

  • 2)

    Name the physiological adaptations seen in animals.

  • 3)

    Fishes are said to be conformers - Justify.

  • 4)

    What are the attributes of population?

  • 5)

    How natality and mortality can be calculated?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    "Birds and mammals attain greater body size in colder regions than warmer regions." - Choose the correct option.

  • 2)

    Diapause is a type of response classifiedunder ______________

  • 3)

    Study the four statements (A to D) given below and select the two correct ones out of them.
    A) A lion eating a deer and a sparrow feeding on grain are ecologically similar in being consumers.
    B) Predator starfish Pisaster helps in maintaining species diversity of some invertebrates.
    C) Predators ultimately lead to the extinction of prey species.
    D) Production of chemicals such as nicotine, strychnine by the plants is disordered.
    The two correct statements are

  • 4)

    Pick out the eurythermal organism

  • 5)

    Maximum reproductive capacity of an organism under favorable condition is referred to as_______________

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Van't Hoffs rule describes the impact of ____________ on the environment.

  • 2)

    1000 fish in the volume of water in the pond indicates _____________________

  • 3)

    Which one of the following is most appropriately defined?

  • 4)

    Which two of the following changes (A to D) usually tend to occur in the plain dwellers when they move to high altitudes (3500 m or more)?
    A) Increase in red blood cell size
    B) Increase in red blood cell production
    C) Increased breathing rate
    D) Increase in thrombocyte count

  • 5)

    Assertion (A): Snake is a stenotherm.
    Reason (R): Organism can tolerate narrow temperature fluctuations

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain how recombinant Insulin can be produced.

  • 2)

    Explain the creation of Dolly

  • 3)

    Explain in detail about stem cell therapy. (or) What are the multipotent cells involved in replenishing adult tissue ? What is the rich source for it?

  • 4)

    Enumerate the steps involved in producing transgenic animals.

  • 5)

    Describe the procedure by which Dolly was developed.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain the creation of Dolly

  • 2)

    LIst the uses of transgenesis

  • 3)

    Describe the role of PCR in clinical field.

  • 4)

    List out the uses of Transgenesis

  • 5)

    What are the ethical issues about cloning.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is a stem cell bank?

  • 2)

    What is the application of PCR in forensic science?

  • 3)

    Why is E.Coli not used for production of Interferons?

  • 4)

    Suggest few methods to treat SCID.

  • 5)

    Write a short note on stem cell banks.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is gene therapy? Mention the types

  • 2)

    What is the advantage of PCR and ELISA over conventional diagnostic methods

  • 3)

    Can interferons be isolated from blood

  • 4)

    Elucidate the methodology of ELISA test.

  • 5)

    Enumerate the use of biological products.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is significance oflactalbumin?

  • 2)

    What are Interferons?

  • 3)

    Define Attenuated recombinant vaccines

  • 4)

    Differentiate between Gene augmentation therapy and gene inhibition therapy.

  • 5)

    Define Biotechnology.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is alpha lactalbumin?

  • 2)

    How has recombinant DNA technology helped in treating haemophilia?

  • 3)

    What is annealing?

  • 4)

    Name the various kinds of ELISA.

  • 5)

    Who developed Dolly? How many embryos were aborted to develop single Dolly?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Interferons are produced using________

  • 2)

    _________is not linked to IPR.

  • 3)

    Pre-pro insulin is devoid of_________

  • 4)

    This type of gene therapy involves the insulin C the anti sense gene which inhibits the expression of the dominant gene

  • 5)

    PCR was developed by___________

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Alpha lactalbumin is a protein with___________minoacids.

  • 2)

    The two chains of Insulin molecule are attached by_______

  • 3)

    All the following are the functions of insulin. Except

  • 4)

    Using recombinant E.Coli, mass production of hGH is carried out by_______

  • 5)

    In the gene therapy far SCID__________cells are removed from the blood, and ADA gene is introduced into it using retrovirus.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Microbes in Human Welfare Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain the working of a biogas plant

  • 2)

    Explain the role of microbes in the production of enzymes & bio-active molecules

  • 3)

    Describe the stages of Sewage treatment process

  • 4)

    How microbes are used in Gobar gas production?

  • 5)

    Bioremediation & microbes - Discuss.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Microbes in Human Welfare Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How is yoghurt produced?

  • 2)

    What is the significance of Nudeopolyhedrovirus?

  • 3)

    Define bio-remediation and its types

  • 4)

    State the name of an immunosuppressan used in organ transplantation is produced from Trichoderma polysporum and write its uses.

  • 5)

    State the name of an immunosuppressan used in organ transplantation is produced from Trichoderma polysporum and with the uses.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Microbes in Human Welfare Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How is cheese produced?

  • 2)

    What is penicillin?

  • 3)

    How can we avoid antibiotic resistance?

  • 4)

    Under which condition does a microbe gains resistance against antibiotic

  • 5)

    Explain the secondary treatment of waste water.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Microbes in Human Welfare Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are antibiotics?

  • 2)

    What is superbugt?

  • 3)

    Name the stages of anaerobic digestion in a Biogas plant

  • 4)

    What are biopesticides?

  • 5)

    Compare Broad spectrum antibiotics with narrow-spectrum antibiotics

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Microbes in Human Welfare Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are prebiotics?

  • 2)

    How are antibiotics classified?

  • 3)

    What are crygenes?

  • 4)

    Ethanol is a industrial alcohol - Justify

  • 5)

    How insect resistant plants are developed using Bacillus thuringiensis?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Microbes in Human Welfare Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Genetically engineered __________are used as clot buster in cardiac related issues

  • 2)

    The first bio herbicide was got from_______

  • 3)

    A free living fungi which is a biocontrol agent_______

  • 4)

    During sewage treatment, biogas are produced which includes

  • 5)

    Select the correct statement from the following

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Microbes in Human Welfare Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    WorId Biofuel day is observed on_______

  • 2)

    Aspergillus niger helps to produce________

  • 3)

    Enzyme used for removing oily stains from the clothes:

  • 4)

    What gases are produced in anaerobic sludge digesters?

  • 5)

    Human insulin is being commercially produced from a transgenic species of _________________

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Write a note on any two protozoen diseases

  • 2)

    Explain the events in life cycle of plasmodium in the secondary host/Man

  • 3)

    Describe the structure of lymph node with a labeled diagram

  • 4)

    Write in detail about various types of antigen-antibody reactions.

  • 5)

    Suggest some of the ways to prevent drug and alcohol abuse

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    List any five viral diseases, their casuative agents, site of infection, mode of transmission and symptoms

  • 2)

    Tabulate the various types of innate immunity and their action mechanism

  • 3)

    How primary immune response differ from secondary immune response?

  • 4)

    Describe the structure of lymph node with a labeled diagram

  • 5)

    Write in detail about various types of antigen-antibody reactions.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name two methods by which mosquito population can be controlled to prevent malaria

  • 2)

    Point out the factors that determine the binding force between antigen-antibody reactions.

  • 3)

    Name the diseases for which vaccines were developed by Louis Pasteur

  • 4)

    Identify the mismatched pair and give reason.
    (a) Plague Yersinia pestis
    (b) Filariasis Wuchereria bancrofti
    (c) Dermatomycosis Trypanosoma gambiense
    (d) Common cold Rhino virus

  • 5)

    A boy of ten years had suffered from chicken-pox. His grandmother consoled him that he is not expected to have it for the rest of his life. Whether his grandmother is right? If so how it happens?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How are viral diseases classified?

  • 2)

    Why it is important to study antigen - antibody interaction?

  • 3)

    Give an example for
    (a) First generation vaccine
    (b) Second generation vaccine
    (c) Third generation vaccine

  • 4)

    State immunological surveillance theory

  • 5)

    In which form does the malarial parasite enter the human body through mosquito?
    What is the target site of parasite immediately after entering the host body?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What steps should be taken to maintain good health?

  • 2)

    Name any two fungal disease and helminthic disease.

  • 3)

    Name the causative agent and confirmatory test for Typhoid.

  • 4)

    How many dendritic cells are identified? Name them

  • 5)

    Name the antibody responsible for allergic reaction. Also, mention two chemicals released during allergic response.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name the causal agent of African sleeping sickness and the vector.

  • 2)

    How can we prevent malaria?

  • 3)

    How is Ascaris transmitted?

  • 4)

    Mention the three phases in the life of Plasmodium parasite with their respective host.

  • 5)

    Name any four functions of antibodies.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The site of infection for yersinia pestis is___________

  • 2)

    ___________is not a symptom of Kala-azar

  • 3)

    The pathogenic bacteria causing bubonic plague is______

  • 4)

    This is not a lifestyle disorder in man

  • 5)

    Which is not a granulocyte?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Rigidity of the Jaw muscle is a symptom of__________

  • 2)

    _________Can be confirmed by widal test.

  • 3)

    ________is a plant with hallucinogenic properties

  • 4)

    The incubation period of malaria is_______days.

  • 5)

    The substance not present in tobacco is

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Evolution Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain the theory of chemical evolution.

  • 2)

    Explain Urey & Miller's experiment.

  • 3)

    Explain about the objections to Darwinism.

  • 4)

    Explain Oparin - Haldane hypothesis on evolution.

  • 5)

    Give a detailed account of Modern Synthetic Theory.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Evolution Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are vestigial organs?

  • 2)

    Theory of chemical evolution states that organisms have evolved from inorganic substances. If so, what was the atmospheric condition that favoured evolution?

  • 3)

    Name the connecting link for the following groups of organisms.
    (a) Annelida and Arthropoda
    (b) Reptiles and Aves
    (c) Pisces and Amphibians
    (d) Reptiles and Mammals

  • 4)

    Why are analogous structures a result of convergent evolution?

  • 5)

    Give the salient features of Mutation Theory.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Evolution Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Define evolution.

  • 2)

    Differentiate between mould and cast

  • 3)

    (a) What does the diagram indicate?
    (b) Define the same.

  • 4)

    What is hybrid sterility?

  • 5)

    How macromolecules like DNA and RNA play their crucial role in evolutionary history?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Evolution Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Compare relative dating with absolute dating

  • 2)

    Name the principle minerals involved in petrifaction

  • 3)

    Name any four Neo - Darwinists.

  • 4)

    Point out the factors that alters allelic frequency of a population.

  • 5)

    Write a brief note on Homo sapiens with respect to evolution.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Evolution Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    State the Biogenetic law.

  • 2)

    What is the view of Neo Lamarckism?

  • 3)

    What is paleontology?

  • 4)

    List the four eras of geological time scale.

  • 5)

    Point out the epochs of carboniferous period.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Evolution Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The term biogenesis was coined by

  • 2)

    ________________ are not examples of homologous organs.

  • 3)

    Centrifugal selection refers to ______________

  • 4)

    Who coined the term prebiotic soup?

  • 5)

    According to Neo Darwinism change in the frequency of genes in population arise due to all Except.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Evolution Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Carbon dioxide in the primitive earth is said to have been formed from ___________

  • 2)

    Human evolution occured in _____________ era

  • 3)

    Founder's effect is related to

  • 4)

    According to big bang theory, the primitive earth had all the following. Except:

  • 5)

    All the following are vestigial organs in human. Except:

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain the process of DNA replication in eukaryotes.

  • 2)

    How the DNA is packed in an eukaryotic cell?

  • 3)

    Give a detailed account of a transcription unit.

  • 4)

    Write the salient features of Human Genome Project.

  • 5)

    Draw a flow chart depicting the steps of DNA fingerprinting technique.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain the properties of genetic material.

  • 2)

    List the salient features of genetic code.

  • 3)

    Describe the structure of tRNA with a diagram.

  • 4)

    Explain the mechanism of lac-operon of the E-coli.

  • 5)

    Describe the principle involved in DNA fingerprinting technique.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is reverse transcription?

  • 2)

    Both strands of DNA are not copied during transcription. Give reason.

  • 3)

    Explain the nature of eukaryotic ribosome.

  • 4)

    Explain the components of operon.

  • 5)

    Following is a DNA sequence representing a part of gene TAC TCG CCC TAT UAA CCC AAA ACC TCT using this derive
    (a) The RNA transcript
    (b) The spliced mRNA (consider all the codons with two Aderine bases are introns)
    (c) The total number of amino acids coded by the mRNA

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    State one gene one enzyme hypothesis

  • 2)

    List any two applications of DNA finger printing.

  • 3)

    A mRNA strand has a series of triplet codons of which the first three codons are given below
    (a) AUG (b) UUU (c) UGC
    (i) Name the amino acid encoded by these triplet codons.
    (ii)Mention the DNA sequence from which these triplet codons would have transcribed?

  • 4)

    A DNA fragment possesses 32 adenine bases and 32 cytosine bases. How many total number of nucleotides does that DNA fragment contains? Explain.

  • 5)

    Complete the molecular processes by naming them
    (a) DNA ⟶DNA (b) mRNA ⟶Protein (c) RNA transcript ⟶ mRNA

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are nucleotides?

  • 2)

    Define transcription and name the enzyme involved in this process.

  • 3)

    The base sequence in one of the DNA strand is TAGCATGAT. Mention the base sequence in its complementary strand.

  • 4)

    Naoie the human chromosome that has
    (a) most number of genes (b) least number of genes

  • 5)

    Mention any four areas where DNA fingerprinting can be used.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Why is the term nucleic acid used for DNA and RNA?

  • 2)

    What is base pair rule?

  • 3)

    What is TATA box? State its function

  • 4)

    Expand (a) ETS and (b) YAC.

  • 5)

    What are SNPs? Mention its uses.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    One gene one enzyme hypothesis was proposed by Beadle and Tatum based on ________

  • 2)

    The term ___________ refers to DNA of Prokaryotes.

  • 3)

    DNA finger printing technique was developed by

  • 4)

    In human beings chromosome ___________ has one height gene density.

  • 5)

    Reverse transcriptase is

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The term gene was coined by ________

  • 2)

    The classical concept of a gene was given by _______.

  • 3)

    Chromosomes were first observed by ________.

  • 4)

    _______demonstrated that RNA is the genetic material in RNA containing viruses.

  • 5)

    In genetic code there are __________ possible triplets.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain criss-cross pattern of inheritance with an example. (or) Explain Inheritance of colour blindness.

  • 2)

    Write a note on allosomal chromosomal abnormalities.

  • 3)

    Write a note on any 2 Mendelian disorders occurring in human beings.

  • 4)

    Explain in detail about Erythroblastosis foetalis.

  • 5)

    What is colour Blindness? How X-linked gene inherited in the marriage between hemizygous recessive male and normal visioned woman?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Write a note on thalassemia.

  • 2)

    Discuss the methods adopted for the improvement of human race.

  • 3)

    Write notes on chromosomal abnormalities in human beings. (or) What is aneuploidy? Explain it

  • 4)

    Write elaborately about the following Mendelian disorders.
    (a) Thalassemia (b) Albinism

  • 5)

    (i) Defirie Chromosomal Abnormality
    (ii) Explain any two Autosomal Aneuploidy in human beings.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    'AB' Blood group individuals are called universal recipients. Justify

  • 2)

    How can erythroblasts foetalis be prevented?

  • 3)

    Females are carriers of Haemophilia. Give Reason.

  • 4)

    Name the type of sex-determination mechanism of the following organisms. (a) Gypsy moth (b) Human beings (c) Butterflies

  • 5)

    Give one example for each of the following group of drugs.
    (a) Stimulants
    (b) Analgesic
    (c) Hallucinogens

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is null allele?

  • 2)

    Draw a schematic representation to show ZW - ZZ type of sex determination.

  • 3)

    What is the role of the gene responsible for colour blindness in a normal human beings?

  • 4)

    What is euphenics?

  • 5)

    The following table shows the genotypes for ABO blood grouping and this phenotypes. Complete the table by filling the gaps.

    S.No Genotype Phenotype
    1 IAIA A
    2 ? A
    3 ? AB
    4 IOIO ?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Observe the symbol used in pedigree analysis and give the proper terms they represent.

  • 2)

    What is the phenotype of (a) IAlO (b) 1O1O

  • 3)

    Complete the equation.
    (a) Phenylalanine \(\underrightarrow { A } \) Tyrosine
    (b) DOPA \(\underrightarrow { B } \) Melanin

  • 4)

    Comment on Trisomy-21.

  • 5)

    Write the symptoms of Patau's syndrome.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Mention the symptoms seen in trisomy 13/ Pataus's syndrome.

  • 2)

    What is Lyon's hypothesis?

  • 3)

    How does hemophilia affect an individual?

  • 4)

    Define multiple allelism.

  • 5)

    What happens if type A blood is injected to a person having B blood group? Explain the reason.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The lygaeus type (XX - XY) type of sex determination is seen in ______

  • 2)

    The ZW - ZZ type of sex determination is seen ________.

  • 3)

    __________ is a disease where abnormal haemoglobin is produced in patients.

  • 4)

    Incompatibility of blood groups leading to, dumping of erythrocytes is called_________.

  • 5)

    Sex switch genes have been reported in ________.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The blood group _________ is called universal recipient.

  • 2)

    The inheritance of blood group is determined by multiple alleles as discovered by _________.

  • 3)

    The ZO - ZZ type of sex determination is seen is _______.

  • 4)

    Sex index is applicable to ________.

  • 5)

    Phenylketonuria is linked to chromosome__________.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain any five techniques of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART).

  • 2)

    Explain about breast self Examination and Early diagnosis of Cancer.

  • 3)

    Write a note on cervial cancer. (or) Write the risk factors for cervical cancer.

  • 4)

    Give a detailed account on various natural methods of contraception.

  • 5)

    What are IUD's? Explain its way of functioning. Also describe their types.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is infertility and write its causes.

  • 2)

    What is ART? Explain any two for ART.

  • 3)

    Give a detailed account on various natural methods of contraception.

  • 4)

    What are IUD's? Explain its way of functioning. Also describe their types.

  • 5)

    List out the causes of fertility in human.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Write a note on Foetoscope.

  • 2)

    Write a note on sterilization procedure in the male.

  • 3)

    Name anyone
    (a) fungal STI
    (b) Bacterial STI
    (c) Protozoan STI

  • 4)

    Name the most effective long-acting reversible contraceptive methods.

  • 5)

    Identify the picture and describe the surgical procedure.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is lactational amenorrhoea?

  • 2)

    Mention any 3 causes for infertility.

  • 3)

    What is Cryopreservation?

  • 4)

    Suggest any two simple precautions to avoid contracting RTl's.

  • 5)

    Dr. Sheela is a famous Gynaecologist at Poes garden. However illegally she performed amniocentesis for several pregnant illiterates and did MTP if identified as female foetus, on request. Under which act will she get arrested, if a complaint is filed against her.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is PCPNDT Act?

  • 2)

    What are the characteristics of an ideal contraceptive?

  • 3)

    What is Saheli?

  • 4)

    Point out any four STD's caused by viruses

  • 5)

    What do you mean by the term - coitus interruptus?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    List Various natural methods of birth control.

  • 2)

    Define birth control.

  • 3)

    What is the purpose of barrier method of contraception?

  • 4)

    What is the role of IUDs?

  • 5)

    Name the causative organism of
    (a) Syphilis
    (b) Genital warts

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The family planning programme was initiated by India in _____

  • 2)

    The incubation period for _____ varies between 1-8 months.

  • 3)

    PAP smear can help to detect

  • 4)

    ______ is observed as world population day

  • 5)

    All the following aims at creating a safe and secure environment for both females and males. Except

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    In ZIFT technique the zygote is transferred at the stage of ________

  • 2)

    In the year ______    india is expected to become the largest country in population size ______

  • 3)

    ____ vaccination of girls between 9-13 years can prevent cervical cancer.

  • 4)

    Test tube baby is got by _____ technique.

  • 5)

    _____ is an epidemic disease.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Differentiate Spermatogenesis and oogenesis.

  • 2)

    Explain the process of fertilization in human beings.

  • 3)

    Describe the structure of human ovary.

  • 4)

    Describe the spermatogenesis with diagram.

  • 5)

    Write a note on embryonic membranes

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Describe the structure of a sperm. (or) Describe the structure of human sperm with a neat labelled diagram.

  • 2)

    Write a note a extra embryonic membranes.

  • 3)

    Explain the structure and function of mammary glands.

  • 4)

    Explain the process of oogenesis.

  • 5)

    Name the three primary germ layers of embryo. Also, mention any three organs or organ systems developing from each layer.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is acrosome?

  • 2)

    In the diagram given below.

    (a) Label the parts and
    (b) Identify the name of the diagram.

  • 3)

    In the diagram given below.

    (a) Identify the diagram
    (b) Label the parts

  • 4)

    Name the three primary germ layers of embryo. Also, mention any three organs or ortgan systems developing from each layer

  • 5)

    Suggest few hygiene tips to face healthy and happy menses.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is the role of FSH & LH in spermatogenesis?

  • 2)

    What is LH surge?

  • 3)

    What is polymenorrhoea?

  • 4)

    In the diagram given below.

    (a) Identify the diagram
    (b) Label the parts indicated.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Define fertilisation.

  • 2)

    Define Implantation.

  • 3)

    What is orchidectomy?

  • 4)

    In females a oogonia forms a single ovum only. What is the significance of the oogonia undergoing meiosis I & II when in a male, each spematogonia forms 4 sperms .

  • 5)

    Name the accessory reproductive glands in female which are homologous to (a) Cowper's gland and (b) Prostate gland.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Define Insemination.

  • 2)

    Define Cleavage.

  • 3)

    What is known as or Caesarean section or C- section?

  • 4)

    What is the function of middle piece of sperm?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Assertion (A): The acrosome of the Sperm cell contains Sperm lysin.
    Reason (R): Sperm lysin destroys the deformed Sperm cells.

  • 2)

    The whole process of spermatogenesis takes about ______ days.

  • 3)

    Among the extra embryonic membranes the _____ is the outer most membrane.

  • 4)

    Capacitation is a _____ event.

  • 5)

    The _____ is the site for spermatogereis.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Spermatid \(\overset { A }{ \rightarrow }\) Spermatozoa what does 'A' stands for?

  • 2)

    The ______ glands in human female are homologous to the bulbouretural glands.

  • 3)

    ______ is popularly known as sperm lysin.

  • 4)

    The ______ is the smallest human cell.

  • 5)

    The dividing embryo takes ______ days to move to the uterus from the fallopian tube.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Write a note on regeneration.

  • 2)

    Explain parthenogenesis.

  • 3)

    Write notes on binary fission in animals.

  • 4)

    Describe the regeneration process noticed in living organism.

  • 5)

    Given an account on following terms.
    (a) Hologamy
    (b) Isogamy
    (c) Anisogamy
    (d) Merogamy
    (e) Paedogamy

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain multiple fission in plasmodium.

  • 2)

    What is strobilation?

  • 3)

    What is apolysis? Write its significance.

  • 4)

    (i) Identify the animal
    (ii) What is significant about the animal.

  • 5)

    Complete the table.

      Natural Parthenogenesis Sex of developing organism
    i. Arrhenotoky A
    ii. Thelytoky B
    iii. Amphitoky C

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is repeated fission?

  • 2)

    Explain encystment in amoeba.

  • 3)

    Differentiate exogenous and endogenous budding.

  • 4)

    What is ovoviviparous condition?

  • 5)

    Describe the different phases of life cycle in an organism.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is epimorphosis?

  • 2)

    What is autogamy?

  • 3)

    Identify the parts marked as A. B. C. D and E for the below diagram.

  • 4)

    Identify the parts marked as A, B, C, D, E and F for the below diagram.

  • 5)

    Define Vivipary.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is peculiar about the cell division of paramecium?

  • 2)

    What are exogenous buds?

  • 3)

    What is syngamy?

  • 4)

    What is exogamy?

  • 5)

    With regard to asexual reproduction. mention two phenomena seen is Hydra.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the correct option to label the diagram
    1 - Archaeocytes
    2 - Inner membrane
    3 - Micropyle
    4 - Outer membrane
    5 - Monaxonspicules

  • 2)

    "Nothing lives forever, but life continues". What does it mean?

  • 3)

    Transverse binary fission is noticed in _________________

  • 4)

    Egg laying hen is an example for _____________

  • 5)

    Which among the following animals exhibit ovoviviparity?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    In, dinoflagellates the types of asexual reproduction seen is _____

  • 2)

    During favourable conditions ______ shows multiple fission.

  • 3)

    If the entire organism behaves as a gamete the Phenomenon is called _____

  • 4)

    Conjugation is seen in _____

  • 5)

    Human beings exhibit ______

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Differentiate between the following:
    (a) Binary fission in amoeba and multiple fission in Plasmodium
    (b) Budding in yeast and budding in Hydra
    (c) Regeneration in lizard and Planaria

  • 2)

    What is the difference between syngamy and fertilization?

  • 3)

    Explain the role of oxytocin and relaxin in parturition and lactation.

  • 4)

    The following is the illustration of the sequence of ovarian events (a-i) in a human female.

    a) Identify the figure that illustrates ovulation and mention the stage of oogenesis it represents.
    b) Name the ovarian hormone and the pituitary hormone that have caused the above-mentioned events.
    c) Explain the changes that occurs in the uterus simultaneously in anticipation.
    d) Write the difference between C and H.

  • 5)

    Write the preventive measures of STDs.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How is juvenile phase different from reproductive phase?

  • 2)

    Explain the various phases of the menstrual cycle.

  • 3)

    Identify the given image and label its parts marked as a, b, c and d

  • 4)

    How are STDs transmitted?

  • 5)

    The procedure of GIFT involves the transfer of female gametes into the fallopain tube, can gametes be transferred to the uterus to achieve the same result? Explain.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Give reasons for the following:
    (a) Some organisms like honey bees are called parthenogenetic animals
    (b) A male honey bee has 16 chromosomes where as its female has 32 chromosomes

  • 2)

    Name the hormones produced from the placenta during pregnancy.

  • 3)

    What is male heterogamety?

  • 4)

    A low level of expression of lac operon occurs at all the windows for treatment of various genetic disorders. Justify the statement

  • 5)

    From their examination of the structure of DNA, What did Watson and Crick infer about the probable mechanism of DNA replication, coding capability and mutation?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The unicellular organisms which reproduce by binary fission are considered immortal. Justify

  • 2)

    Why are the offsprings of oviparous animal at a greater risk as compared to offsprings of viviparous organisms?

  • 3)

    What is inhibin? State its functions

  • 4)

    What is the composition of semen?

  • 5)

    Define gametogenesis.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name an organism where cell division is itself a mode of reproduction.

  • 2)

    What is parthenogenesis? Give two examples from animals.

  • 3)

    What is colostrum? Write its significance.

  • 4)

    Draw a labeled sketch of a spermatozoan.

  • 5)

    Select the correct term from the bracket and complete the given branching tree

    (Barriers, Lactational amenorrhoea, CuT, Tubectomy)

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name the phenomenon where the female gamete directly develops into a new organism with an avian example.

  • 2)

    Which type of reproduction is effective -Asexual or sexual and why?

  • 3)

    At what stage of development are the gametes formed in new born male and female?

  • 4)

    How is polyspermy avoided in humans?

  • 5)

    Placenta is an endocrine tissue. Justify

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The foetal membrane that forms the basis of the umbilical cord is _____.

  • 2)

    A marriage between a colourblind man and a normal woman produces _______.

  • 3)

    A mRNA molecule is produced by _____.

  • 4)

    Which of the following statements is not true about DNA replication in eukaryotes?

  • 5)

    Who published the book “Origin of species by Natural Selection” in 1859?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Animals giving birth to young ones:

  • 2)

    In each of the following questions there are two statements. One is assertion (A) and other is reasoning (R). Mark the correct answer as
    Assertion (A): Offsprings produced by asexual reproduction are genetically identical to the parent.
    Reason(R): Asexual reproduction involves only mitosis and no meiosis.
    A. If both A and R are true and R is correct explanation for A
    B. If both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A
    C. If A is true but R is false
    D. If both A and R are false.

  • 3)

    The site of embryo implantation is the _____.

  • 4)

    Which one of the following groups includes sexually transmitted diseases caused by bacteria only?

  • 5)

    Read the given statements and select the correct option.
    Statement 1: Diaphragms, cervical caps and vaults are made of rubber and are inserted into the female reproductive tract to cover the cervix before coitus.
    Statement 2: They are chemical barriers of conception and are reusable.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Write short note on Pollen kitt.

  • 2)

    ‘Pollination in Gymnosperms is different from Angiosperms’ – Give reasons.

  • 3)

    Enumerate the characteristic features of Entomophilous flowers

  • 4)

    With a suitable diagram explain the structure of an ovule.

  • 5)

    What is endosperm. Explain the types.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Distinguish tenuinucellate and crassinucellate ovules.

  • 2)

    Write short note on Heterostyly.

  • 3)

    Discuss the steps involved in Microsporogenesis.

  • 4)

    Give a concise account on steps involved in fertilization of an angiosperm plant.

  • 5)

    Differentiate the structure of Dicot and Monocot seed.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    List any two strategy adopted by bisexual flowers to prevent self-pollination.

  • 2)

    “The endosperm of angiosperm is different from gymnosperm”. Do you agree. Justify your answer.

  • 3)

    What is polyembryony. How it can commercially exploited.

  • 4)

    What is Mellitophily?

  • 5)

    List out the functions of tapetum.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is Cantharophily.

  • 2)

    Define the term Diplospory

  • 3)

    Why does the zygote divides only after the division of Primary endosperm cell.

  • 4)

    “Endothecium is associated with dehiscence of anther” Justify the statement

  • 5)

    What are multiple alleles?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is reproduction?

  • 2)

    Mention the contribution of Hofmeister towards Embryology.

  • 3)

    “Tissue culture is the best method for propagating rare and endangered plant species”- Discuss.

  • 4)

    Distinguish mound layering and air layering.

  • 5)

    Explain the conventional methods adopted in vegetative propagation of higher plants.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is reproduction?

  • 2)

    List out two sub-aerial stem modifications with example.

  • 3)

    What are clones?

  • 4)

    Differentiate Grafting and Layering.

  • 5)

    Give the names of the scientists who rediscovered Mendelism

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    An eminent Indian embryologist is ______.

  • 2)

    Transmitting tissue is found in ______.

  • 3)

    Coelorhiza is found in ______.

  • 4)

    In Mendel’s experiments with garden pea, round seed shape (RR) was dominant over wrinkled seeds (rr), yellow cotyledon (YY) was dominant over green cotyledon (yy). What are the expected phenotypes in the F2 generation of the cross RRYY x rryy?

  • 5)

    In his classic experiments on Pea plants, Mendel did not use ______.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Choose the correct statement from the following

  • 2)

    An eminent Indian embryologist is ______.

  • 3)

    Identify the correctly matched pair.

  • 4)

    Pollen tube was discovered by ______.

  • 5)

    Size of pollen grain in Myosotis ______.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Economically Useful Plants and Entrepreneurial Botany Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Give an account of active principle and medicinal values of any two plants you have studied.

  • 2)

    Write the economic importance of rice.

  • 3)

    Which TSM is widely practiced and culturally accepted in Tamil Nadu? - explain.

  • 4)

    What are psychoactive drugs? Add a note Marijuana and Opium

  • 5)

    What are the King and Queen of spices? Explain about them and their uses.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Economically Useful Plants and Entrepreneurial Botany Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Differentiate bio-medicines and botanical medicines.

  • 2)

    Write the origin and area of cultivation of green gram and red gram.

  • 3)

    What are millets? What are its types? Give example for each type.

  • 4)

    What is TSM? How does it classified and what does it focuses on?

  • 5)

    Write the uses of nuts you have studied.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Economically Useful Plants and Entrepreneurial Botany Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Write the cosmetic uses of Aloe.

  • 2)

    What is pseudo cereal? Give an example.

  • 3)

    Discuss which wood is better for making furniture.

  • 4)

    A person got irritation while applying chemical dye. What would be your suggestion for alternative?

  • 5)

    Name the humors that are responsible for the health of human beings.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Economically Useful Plants and Entrepreneurial Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part -II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Observe the following statements and pick out the right option from the following:
    Statement I – Perfumes are manufactured from essential oils.
    Statement II – Essential oils are formed at different parts of the plants.

  • 2)

    Observe the following statements and pick out the right option from the following:
    Statement I: The drug sources of Siddha include plants, animal parts, ores and minerals.
    Statement II: Minerals are used for preparing drugs with long shelf-life.

  • 3)

    The active principle trans-tetra hydro canabial is present in ______.

  • 4)

    Which one of the following matches is correct?

  • 5)

    The only cereal that has originated and domesticated from the New world.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Economically Useful Plants and Entrepreneurial Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Consider the following statements and choose the right option.
    i) Cereals are members of grass family.
    ii) Most of the food grains come from monocotyledon.

  • 2)

    Assertion: Vegetables are important part of healthy eating.
    Reason: Vegetables are succulent structures of plants with pleasant aroma and flavours.

  • 3)

    Groundnut is native of ____.

  • 4)

    Statement A: Coffee contains caffeine
    Statement B: Drinking coffee enhances cancer

  • 5)

    Tectona grandis is coming under family _____.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Breeding Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Importing better varieties and plants from outside and acclimatising them to local environment is called _____.

  • 2)

    Dwarfing gene of wheat is ______.

  • 3)

    Crosses between the plants of the same variety are called ____.

  • 4)

    Progeny obtained as a result of repeat self pollination a cross pollinated crop to called

  • 5)

    Jaya and Ratna are the semi dwarf varieties of ______.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Breeding Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    While studying the history of domestication of various cultivated plants _______ were recognized earlier

  • 2)

    Match Column I with Column II

    Column I Column II
    i) William S. Gaud I) Heterosis
    ii) Shull II) Mutation breeding
    iii) Cotton Mather III) Green revolution
    iv) Muller and Stadler IV) Natural hybridization
  • 3)

    The quickest method of plant breeding is _______.

  • 4)

    Desired improved variety of economically useful crops are raised by _______.

  • 5)

    Plants having similar genotypes produced by plant breeding are called _____.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Environmental Issues Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Deforestation means ______.

  • 2)

    Deforestation does not lead to _____.

  • 3)

    The unit for measuring ozone thickness _____.

  • 4)

    People’s movement for the protection of environment in Sirsi of Karnataka is ______.

  • 5)

    The plants which are grown in silivpasture system are ______.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Environmental Issues Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following would most likely help to slow down the greenhouse effect.

  • 2)

    With respect to Eichhornia
    Statement A: It drains off oxygen from water and is seen growing in standing water.
    Statement B: It is an indigenous species of our country.

  • 3)

    Find the wrongly matched pair.

  • 4)

    Depletion of which gas in the atmosphere can lead to an increased incidence of skin cancer?

  • 5)

    One green house gas contributes 14% of total global warming and another contributes 6%. These are respectively identified as _____.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles of Ecology Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following ecosystem has the highest primary productivity?

  • 2)

    Ecosystem consists of ____.

  • 3)

    Which one is in descending order of a food chain?

  • 4)

    Significance of food web is / are ______.

  • 5)

    The following diagram represents


12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles of Ecology Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Ecology is the study of an individual species is called
    i) Community ecology
    ii) Autecology
    iii) Species ecology
    iv) Synecology

  • 2)

    A specific place in an ecosystem, where an organism lives and performs its functions is _____.

  • 3)

    Read the given statements and select the correct option.
    i) Hydrophytes possess aerenchyma to support themselves in water.
    ii) Seeds of Viscum are positively photoblastic as they germinate only in presence of light.
    iii) Hygroscopic water is the only soil water available to roots of plant growing in soil as it is present inside the micropores.
    iv) High temperature reduces use of water and solute absorption by roots

  • 4)

    Which of the given plant produces cardiac glycosides?

  • 5)

    Strong, sharp spines that get attached to animal’s feet are found in the fruits of ______.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Tissue Culture Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Select the incorrect statement from given statement.

  • 2)

    Virus free plants are developed from _____.

  • 3)

    The prevention of large scale loss of biological interity ____.

  • 4)

    Cryopreservation means it is a process to preserve plant cells, tissues or organs _____.

  • 5)

    Solidifying agent used in plant tissue culture is _____.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Plant Tissue Culture Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Totipotency refers to _____.

  • 2)

    Micro propagation involves _____.

  • 3)

    Match the following :

    1) Totipotency A) Reversion of mature cells into meristerm
    2) Dedifferentiation B) Biochemical and structural changes of cells
    3) Explant C) Properties of living cells develops into entire plant
    4) Differentiation D) Selected plant tissue transferred to culture medium
  • 4)

    The time duration for sterilization process by using autoclave is ______ minutes and the temperature is ______.

  • 5)

    Which of the following statement is correct

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Compare the various types of Blotting techniques

  • 2)

    Write the advantages of herbicide tolerant crops

  • 3)

    Write the advantages and disadvantages of Bt cotton.

  • 4)

    What is bioremediation? give some examples of bioremediation.

  • 5)

    Write the benefits and risk of Genetically Modified Foods.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What do you know about the word pBR332?

  • 2)

    Mention the application of Biotechnology.

  • 3)

    What are restriction enzyme. Mention their type with role in Biotechnology.

  • 4)

    Is there any possibilities to transfer a suitable desirable gene to host plant without vector? Justify your answer.

  • 5)

    How will you identify a vector ?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How do you use the biotechnology in modern practice?

  • 2)

    What are the materials used to grow microorganism like Spirulina?

  • 3)

    You are working in a biotechnology lab with a becterium namely E.coli. How will you cut the nucleotide sequence? explain it.

  • 4)

    What are the enzymes you can used to cut terminal end and internal phospho di ester bond of nucleotide sequence?

  • 5)

    Name the chemicals used in gene transfer.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The point mutation sequence for transition, transition, transversion and transversion in DNA are ______.

  • 2)

    If haploid number in a cell is 18. The double monosomic and trisomic number will be _____.

  • 3)

    Changing the codon AGC to AGA represents _______.

  • 4)

    Assertion (A): Gamma rays are generally use to induce mutation in wheat varieties.
    Reason (R): Because they carry lower energy to non-ionize electrons from atom

  • 5)

    How many map units separate two alleles A and B if the recombination frequency is 0.09?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Restriction enzymes are _____.

  • 2)

    Plasmids are ______.

  • 3)

    EcoRI cleaves DNA at ____.

  • 4)

    Genetic engineering is _____.

  • 5)

    Consider the following statements:
    I. Recombinant DNA technology is popularly known as genetic engineering is a stream of biotechnology which deals with the manipulation of genetic materials by man invitro
    II. pBR322 is the first artificial cloning vector developed in 1977 by Boliver and Rodriguez from E.coli plasmid
    III. Restriction enzymes belongs to a class of enzymes called nucleases.
    Choose the correct option regarding above statements

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How is Nicotiana exhibit self-incompatibility. Explain its mechanism.

  • 2)

    How sex is determined in monoecious plants. write their genes involved in it.

  • 3)

    What is gene mapping? Write its uses

  • 4)

    Draw the diagram of different types of aneuploidy.

  • 5)

    Mention the name of man-made cereal. How it is formed?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The point mutation sequence for transition, transition, transversion and transversion in DNA are ______.

  • 2)

    If haploid number in a cell is 18. The double monosomic and trisomic number will be _____.

  • 3)

    Changing the codon AGC to AGA represents _______.

  • 4)

    Assertion (A): Gamma rays are generally use to induce mutation in wheat varieties.
    Reason (R): Because they carry lower energy to non-ionize electrons from atom

  • 5)

    How many map units separate two alleles A and B if the recombination frequency is 0.09?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    An allohexaploidy contains ______.

  • 2)

    The A and B genes are 10 cm apart on a chromosome. If an AB/ab heterozygote is testcrossed to ab/ab, how many of each progeny class would you expect out of 100 total progeny?

  • 3)

    Which of the following sentences are correct?
    1. The offspring exhibit only parental combinations due to incomplete linkage
    2. The linked genes exhibit some crossing over in complete linkage
    3. The separation of two linked genes are possible in incomplete linkage
    4. Crossing over is absent in complete linkage

  • 4)

    Accurate mapping of genes can be done by three point test cross because increases _____.

  • 5)

    Due to incomplete linkage in maize, the ratio of parental and recombinants are ______.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Classical Genetics Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Describe dominant epistasis with an example. 

  • 2)

    Explain polygenic inheritance with an example.

  • 3)

    Differentiate continuous variation with discontinuous variation.

  • 4)

    Explain with an example how single genes affect multiple traits and alleles the phenotype of an organism.

  • 5)

    Bring out the inheritance of chloroplast gene with an example.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Classical Genetics Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are multiple alleles?

  • 2)

    What are the reasons for Mendel’s successes in his breeding experiment?

  • 3)

    Explain the law of dominance in monohybrid cross.

  • 4)

    Differentiate incomplete dominance and codominance.

  • 5)

    What is meant by cytoplasmic inheritance

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Classical Genetics Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name the seven contrasting traits of Mendel.

  • 2)

    What is meant by true breeding or pure breeding lines / strain?

  • 3)

    Give the names of the scientists who rediscovered Mendelism

  • 4)

    What is back cross?

  • 5)

    Define Genetics.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Classical Genetics Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    “Gametes are never hybrid”. This is a statement of ______.

  • 2)

    Gene which suppresses other genes activity but does not lie on the same locus is called as _____.

  • 3)

    The dominant epistatis ratio is ______.

  • 4)

    Select the period for Mendel’s hybridization experiments.

  • 5)

    Among the following characters which one was not considered by Mendel in his experimentation pea?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Classical Genetics Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Extra nuclear inheritance is a consequence of presence of genes in _____.

  • 2)

    In order to find out the different types of gametes produced by a pea plant having the genotype AaBb, it should be crossed to a plant with the genotype _____.

  • 3)

    How many different kinds of gametes will be produced by a plant having the genotype AABbCC?

  • 4)

    Which one of the following is an example of polygenic inheritance?

  • 5)

    In Mendel’s experiments with garden pea, round seed shape (RR) was dominant over wrinkled seeds (rr), yellow cotyledon (YY) was dominant over green cotyledon (yy). What are the expected phenotypes in the F2 generation of the cross RRYY x rryy?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    With a suitable diagram explain the structure of an ovule.

  • 2)

    Give a concise account on steps involved in fertilization of an angiosperm plant.

  • 3)

    What is endosperm. Explain the types.

  • 4)

    Differentiate the structure of Dicot and Monocot seed.

  • 5)

    Give a detailed account on parthenocarpy. Add a note on its significance.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Write short note on Pollen kitt.

  • 2)

    Distinguish tenuinucellate and crassinucellate ovules.

  • 3)

    ‘Pollination in Gymnosperms is different from Angiosperms’ – Give reasons.

  • 4)

    Write short note on Heterostyly.

  • 5)

    Enumerate the characteristic features of Entomophilous flowers

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is polyembryony. How it can commercially exploited.

  • 2)

    Why does the zygote divides only after the division of Primary endosperm cell.

  • 3)

    What is Mellitophily?

  • 4)

    “Endothecium is associated with dehiscence of anther” Justify the statement

  • 5)

    List out the functions of tapetum.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Discuss the importance of Modern methods in reproduction of plants.

  • 2)

    What is Cantharophily.

  • 3)

    List any two strategy adopted by bisexual flowers to prevent self-pollination.

  • 4)

    What is endothelium

  • 5)

    “The endosperm of angiosperm is different from gymnosperm”. Do you agree. Justify your answer.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is reproduction?

  • 2)

    Mention the contribution of Hofmeister towards Embryology.

  • 3)

    What is layering?

  • 4)

    A detached leaf of Bryophyllum produces new plants. How?

  • 5)

    “Tissue culture is the best method for propagating rare and endangered plant species”- Discuss.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    List out two sub-aerial stem modifications with example.

  • 2)

    What are clones?

  • 3)

    Differentiate Grafting and Layering.

  • 4)

    Distinguish mound layering and air layering.

  • 5)

    Explain the conventional methods adopted in vegetative propagation of higher plants.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Choose the correct statement(s) about tenuinucellate ovule.

  • 2)

    A Plant called X possesses small flower with reduced perianth and versatile anther. The probable agent for pollination would be ____.

  • 3)

    Consider the following statement(s)
    i) In Protandrous flowers pistil matures earlier
    ii) In Protogynous flowers pistil matures earlier
    iii) Herkogamy is noticed in unisexual flowers
    iv) Distyly is present in Primula

  • 4)

    Parthenocarpic fruits lack _____.

  • 5)

    In majority of plants pollen is liberated at _____.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    An eminent Indian embryologist is ______.

  • 2)

    Identify the correctly matched pair.

  • 3)

    Pollen tube was discovered by ______.

  • 4)

    Size of pollen grain in Myosotis ______.

  • 5)

    First cell of male gametophyte in angiosperm is ______.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How does recycling help reduce pollution?

  • 2)

    What is the primary purpose of the Kyoto Protocol?

  • 3)

    In what way Peyang conserves the forest?

  • 4)

    What are some solutions to toxic dumping in our oceans?

  • 5)

    How does forest conservation help to reduce air pollution?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What effect can fertilizer runoff have on an aquatic ecosystem?

  • 2)

    How can we control eutrophication?

  • 3)

    Mention the causes of enhanced use of ultraviolet radiation

  • 4)

    Discuss the role of women in protection and conservation of forests.

  • 5)

    Discuss the role of an individual to reduce environmental pollution.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    (i) CFC
    (ii) AQI
    (iii) PAN

  • 2)

    What is SMOG and how it is harmful for us?

  • 3)

    List all the wastes that you generate, at home, school or during your trips to other places. Could you very easily reduce the generation of these wastes? Which would be difficult or rather impossible to reduce?

  • 4)

    Discuss the causes and effects of global warming. What measures need to be taken to control global warming?

  • 5)

    Write notes on the following:
    a. Eutrophication
    b. Algal Bloom

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which among the following always decreases in a Food chain across tropic levels?

  • 2)

    In the E- waste generated by the Mobile Phones, which among the following metal is most abundant?

  • 3)

    The Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) are the compounds which have the following molecules:

  • 4)

    SMOG is derived from:

  • 5)

    Excess of fluoride in drinking water causes:

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Environmental Issues Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Right to Clean Water is a fundamental right, under the Indian Constitution

  • 2)

    With which of the following, the Agenda 21’ of Rio Summit, 1992 is related to?

  • 3)

    Which among the following awards instituted by the Government of India for individuals or communities from rural areas that have shown extraordinary courage and dedication in protecting Wildlife?

  • 4)

    As per 2017 statistics, the highest per capita emitter of Carbon dioxide in the world is

  • 5)

    The use of microorganism metabolism to remove pollutants such as oil spills in the water bodies is known as

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Biodiversity and its Conservation Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Alien species invasion is a threat to endemic species – substantiate this statement.

  • 2)

    Mention the major threats to biodiversity caused by human activities. Explain.

  • 3)

    What is mass extinction? Will you encounter one such extinction in the near future. Enumerate the steps to be taken to prevent it.

  • 4)

    In north eastern states, the jhum culture is a major threat to biodiversity – substantiate.

  • 5)

    How can we contribute to promote biodiversity conservation?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Biodiversity and its Conservation Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Extinction of a keystone species led to loss of biodiversity – Justify.

  • 2)

    Compare and Contrast the insitu and exsitu conservation. (or) What are the differences between in-situ and ex-situ conservation ?

  • 3)

    Why do we find a decrease in biodiversity distribution, if we move from the tropics towards the poles?

  • 4)

    What are the factors that drive habitat loss?

  • 5)

    Why is biodiversity so important and worthy of protection?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Biodiversity and its Conservation Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Define the following.
    a. Species richness.
    b. Endemism.

  • 2)

    How many hotspots are there in India? Name them

  • 3)

    What are the three levels of biodiversity?

  • 4)

    ‘Red data book’-What do you know about it?

  • 5)

    Why do animals have greater diversification than plant diversity?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Biodiversity and its Conservation Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following region has maximum biodiversity

  • 2)

    Conservation of biodiversity within their natural habitat is

  • 3)

    Which one of the following is not coming under insitu conservation

  • 4)

    Which of the following forests is known as the lungs of the planet earth?

  • 5)

    Which one of the following are at high risk extinction due to habitat destruction?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Give an account of the properties of soil.

  • 2)

    Differentiate between Tundra and Taiga Biomes.

  • 3)

    List the adaptations seen in terrestrial animals

  • 4)

    Describe Population Age Distribution

  • 5)

    Describe Growth Models/Curves.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Give the characters of a Biome ?

  • 2)

    Classify the aquatic biomes of Earth.

  • 3)

    Classify the adaptive traits found in organisms

  • 4)

    Differentiate J and S shaped curve

  • 5)

    What is ecological density, crude density and population density?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is a Habitat?

  • 2)

    Define ecological niche.

  • 3)

    What is soil permeability?

  • 4)

    Differentiate between Eurytherms and Stenotherms.

  • 5)

    Explain hibernation and aestivation with examples.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following is an r-species

  • 2)

    The relationship between sucker fish and shark is__________

  • 3)

    What type of human population is represented by the following age pyramid?

  • 4)

    Which of the following is correct for r-selected species

  • 5)

    Some organisms are able to maintain homeostasis by physical means _______

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Organisms and Population Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    All populations in a given physical area are defined as

  • 2)

    Organisms which can survive a wide range of temperatuer are called

  • 3)

    The interaction in nature, where one gets benefit on the expense of other is...

  • 4)

    Predation and parasitism are which type of interactions?

  • 5)

    Competition between species leads to

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    PCR is a useful tool for early diagnosis of an Infectious disease. Elaborate

  • 2)

    Mention the advantages (3) and disadvantages of cloning (3).

  • 3)

    Explain how recombinant Insulin can be produced.

  • 4)

    Explain the steps involved in the production of recombinant hGH

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain how ADA deficiency can be corrected

  • 2)

    What are DNA vaccines?

  • 3)

    Differentiate between Somatic cell gene therapy and germline gene therapy

  • 4)

    What are stem cells? Explain its role in the field of medicine

  • 5)

    One of the applications of biotechnology is ‘gene therapy” to treat a person born with a hereditary disease
    i) What does “gene therapy” mean?
    ii) Name the hereditary disease for which the first clinical gene therapy was used.
    iii) Mention the steps involved in gene therapy to treat this disease.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Mention the number of primers required in each cycle of PCR. Write the role of primers and DNA polymerase in PCR. Name the source organism of the DNA polymerase used in PCR.

  • 2)

    How is the amplification of a gene sample of interest carried out using PCR?

  • 3)

    What is genetically engineered Insulin?

  • 4)

    Explain how “Rosie” is different from a normal cow

  • 5)

    How was Insulin obtained before the advent of rDNA technology? What were the problems encountered?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which one of the following statements is true regarding DNA polymerase used in PCR?

  • 2)

    ELISA is mainly used for

  • 3)

    Transgenic animals are those which have

  • 4)

    Recombinant Factor VIII is produced in the ______ cells of the Chinese Hamster

  • 5)

    Vaccines that use components of a pathogenic organism rather than the whole organism are called

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Applications of Biotechnology Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The first clinical gene therapy was done for the treatment of

  • 2)

    Dolly, the sheep was obtained by a technique known as

  • 3)

    The genetic defect adenosine deaminase deficiency may be cured permanently by

  • 4)

    How many amino acids are arranged in the two chains of Insulin

  • 5)

    PCR proceeds in three distinct steps governed by temperature, they are in order of

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Microbes in Human Welfare Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following bacteria is used extensively as a bio-pesticide?

  • 2)

    Which of the following is not involved in nitrogen fixation?

  • 3)

    CO2 is not released during

  • 4)

    The purpose of biological treatment of waste water is to _______

  • 5)

    The gases produced in anaerobic sludge digesters are

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Microbes in Human Welfare Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following microorganism is used for production of citric acid in industries?

  • 2)

    Which of the following pair is correctly matched for the product produced by them?

  • 3)

    The most common substrate used in distilleries for the production of ethanol is_________

  • 4)

    Cry toxins obtained from Bacillus thuringiensis are effective against for______

  • 5)

    Cyclosporin – A is an immunosuppressive drug produced from _______

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    List the causative agent, mode of transmission and symptoms for Diptheria and Typhoid.

  • 2)

    A patient was hospitalized with fever and chills. Merozoites were observed in her blood. What is your diagnosis?

  • 3)

    (i) Write the scientific name of the filarial worm that causes filariasis.
    (ii) Write the symptoms of filariasis.
    (iii) How is this disease transmitted?

  • 4)

    List the common withdrawal symptoms of drugs and alcohol abuse.

  • 5)

    Why do you think it is not possible to produce vaccine against 'common cold'?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain the structure of immunoglobulin with suitable diagram.

  • 2)

    What are the cells involved innate immune system.

  • 3)

    What is vaccine? What are its types?

  • 4)

    A person is infected by HIV. How will you diagnose for AIDS?

  • 5)

    Autoimmunity is a misdirected immune response. Justify.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Given below are some human organs. Identify one primary and one secondary lymphoid organ. Explain its role. Liver, thymus, stomach, thyroid, tonsils.

  • 2)

    Name and explain the type of barriers which involve macrophages.

  • 3)

    What are interferons? Mention their role.

  • 4)

    List out chemical alarm signals produced during inflammation.

  • 5)

    Explain the process of replication of retrovirus after it gains entry into the human body.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Paratope is an

  • 2)

    Allergy involves

  • 3)

    Spread of cancerous cells to distant sites is termed as

  • 4)

    AIDS virus has

  • 5)

    B cells that produce and release large amounts of antibody are called

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Health and Diseases Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    A 30 year old woman has bleedy diarrhoea for the past 14 hours, which one of the following organisms is likely to cause this illness?

  • 2)

    Exo-erythrocytic schizogony of Plasmodium takes place in _______

  • 3)

    The sporozoites of Plasmodium vivax are formed from ________

  • 4)

    Amphetamines are stimulants of the CNS, whereas barbiturates are ______

  • 5)

    The Athlete’s foot disease in human is caused by _______

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Evolution Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Taking the example of Peppered moth, explain the action of natural selection. What do you call the above phenomenon?

  • 2)

    Darwin's finches and Australian marsupials are suitable examples of adaptive radiation – Justify the statement

  • 3)

    Who disproved Lamarck’s Theory of acquired characters? How?

  • 4)

    How does Mutation theory of De Vries differ from Lamarck and Darwin’s view in the origin of new species.

  • 5)

    Explain stabilizing, directional and disruptive selection with examples

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Evolution Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    List out the major gases seems to be found in the primitive earth.

  • 2)

    Explain the three major categories in which fossilization occur?

  • 3)

    Differentiate between divergent evolution and convergent evolution with one example for each.

  • 4)

    How does Hardy-Weinberg’s expression (p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1) explain that genetic equilibrium is maintained in a population? List any four factors that can disturb the genetic equilibrium.

  • 5)

    Explain how mutations, natural selection and genetic drift affect Hardy Weinberg equilibrium.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Evolution Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which period was called “Age of fishes”?

  • 2)

    Modern man belongs to which period?

  • 3)

    The Neanderthal man had the brain capacity of

  • 4)

    According to Darwin, the organic evolution is due to

  • 5)

    A population will not exist in Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium if

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Evolution Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The first life on earth originated

  • 2)

    Who published the book “Origin of species by Natural Selection” in 1859?

  • 3)

    Which of the following was the contribution of Hugo de Vries?

  • 4)

    The wings of birds and butterflies is an example of

  • 5)

    The phenomenon of “ Industrial Melanism” demonstrates

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    It is established that RNA is the first genetic material. Justify giving reasons.

  • 2)

    Explain how mutation can impact genetic code with an example

  • 3)

    Describe the steps involved in DNA finger printing.

  • 4)

    Give a detailed account of a transcription unit.

  • 5)

    Write the salient features of Human Genome Project.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    a) Identify the figure given below
    b) Redraw the structure as a replicating fork and label the parts
    c) Write the source of energy for this replication and name the enzyme involved in this process.
    d) Mention the differences in the synthesis of protein, based on the polarity of the two template strands.

  • 2)

    If the coding sequence in a transcription unit is written as follows:
    5' TGCATGCATGCATGCATGCATGCATGC 3' Write down the sequence of mRNA?

  • 3)

    How is the two stage process of protein synthesis advantageous?

  • 4)

    Why did Hershey and Chase use radioactively labelled phosphorous and sulphur only? Would they have got the same result if they use radiolabelled carbon and nitrogen?

  • 5)

    Explain the formation of a nucleosome.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are the three structural differences between RNA and DNA?

  • 2)

    Name the anticodon required to recognize the following codons: AAU, CGA, UAU, and GCA.

  • 3)

    Differentiate DNA and RNA.

  • 4)

    What is a anticodon?

  • 5)

    State Chargaff's rule.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Distinguish between structural gene, regulatory gene and operator gene

  • 2)

    A low level of expression of lac operon occurs at all the windows for treatment of various genetic disorders. Justify the statement

  • 3)

    Why the human genome project is called a mega project?

  • 4)

    From their examination of the structure of DNA, What did Watson and Crick infer about the probable mechanism of DNA replication, coding capability and mutation?

  • 5)

    Why tRNA is called an adapter molecule?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    State any three goals of the human genome project.

  • 2)

    In E.coli, three enzymes β- galactosidase, permease and transacetylase are produced in the presence of lactose. Explain why the enzymes are not synthesized in the absence of lactose.

  • 3)

    What are nucleotides?

  • 4)

    What is base pair rule?

  • 5)

    What is a nucleosomer?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Give reasons: ‘Genetic code is universal’.

  • 2)

    Name the parts marked ‘A’ and ‘B’ in the given transcription unit:

  • 3)

    Differentiate - Leading stand and lagging strand

  • 4)

    Differentiate - Template strand and coding strand.

  • 5)

    Mention any two ways in which single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) identified in human genome can bring revolutionary change in biological and medical science.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following statements is not true about DNA replication in eukaryotes?

  • 2)

    The first codon to be deciphered was ______ which codes for ________.

  • 3)

    Meselson and Stahl’s experiment proved

  • 4)

    An operon is a: ______.

  • 5)

    When lactose is present in the culture medium:

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Molecular Genetics Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Hershey and Chase experiment with bacteriophage showed that ______.

  • 2)

    DNA and RNA are similar with respect to _____.

  • 3)

    A mRNA molecule is produced by _____.

  • 4)

    The total number of nitrogenous bases in human genome is estimated to be about _____.

  • 5)

    E. coli cell grown on 15N medium are transferred to 14N medium and allowed to grow for two generations. DNA extracted from these cells is ultracentrifuged in a cesium chloride density gradient. What density distribution of DNA would you expect in this experiment?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are the applications of Karyotyping?

  • 2)

    Comment on the methods of Eugenics.

  • 3)

    Write a note on thalassemia.

  • 4)

    Write a note on any 2 Mendelian disorders occurring in human beings.

  • 5)

    Write notes on chromosomal abnormalities in human beings. (or) What is aneuploidy? Explain it

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain the mode of sex determination in honeybees.

  • 2)

    Discuss the genic balance mechanism of sex determination with reference to Drosophila.

  • 3)

    What are the applications of Karyotyping?

  • 4)

    Explain the inheritance of sex linked characters in human being.

  • 5)

    What is extra chromosomal inheritance? 

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Brief about female heterogamety.

  • 2)

    Give an account of genetic control of Rh factor.

  • 3)

    What is Pedigree analysis?

  • 4)

    What is euthenics?

  • 5)

    What is a genetic disorder? Mention its types?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Mention the symptoms of Down's syndrome.

  • 2)

    Differentiate Intersexes from Supersexes

  • 3)

    Explain the genetic basis of ABO blood grouping man.

  • 4)

    How is sex determined in human beings?

  • 5)

    What is male heterogamety?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are holandric genes?

  • 2)

    Mention the symptoms of Phenylketonuria

  • 3)

    What is a syndrome?

  • 4)

    Define multiple allelism.

  • 5)

    Define Barr body.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is haplodiploidy?

  • 2)

    Distinguish between heterogametic and homogametic sex determination systems

  • 3)

    What is Lyonisation?

  • 4)

    What is criss-cross inheritance?

  • 5)

    Why are sex linked recessive characters more common in the male human beings?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Improvement of human race by encouraging the healthy persons to marry early and produce large number of children is called

  • 2)

    The _______deals with the control of several inherited human diseases especially inborn errors of metabolism

  • 3)

    “Universal Donor” and “Universal Recipients” blood group are _____and_______respectively

  • 4)

    ZW-ZZ system of sex determination occurs in _____.

  • 5)

    Co-dominant blood group is ______.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Principles of Inheritance and Variation Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Haemophilia is more common in males because it is a ______.

  • 2)

    ABO blood group in man is controlled by _____.

  • 3)

    Three children of a family have blood groups A, AB and B. What could be the genotypes of their parents?

  • 4)

    Which of the following is not correct?

  • 5)

    Which of the following phenotypes in the progeny are possible from the parental combination AxB?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How are STDs transmitted?

  • 2)

    Write the preventive measures of STDs.

  • 3)

    Write a note on cervial cancer. (or) Write the risk factors for cervical cancer.

  • 4)

    What is ART? Explain any two for ART.

  • 5)

    Give a detailed account on various natural methods of contraception.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    How are STDs transmitted?

  • 2)

    Write the preventive measures of STDs.

  • 3)

    The procedure of GIFT involves the transfer of female gametes into the fallopain tube, can gametes be transferred to the uterus to achieve the same result? Explain.

  • 4)

    Amniocentesis, the foetal sex determination test, is banned in our country, Is it necessary? Comment.

  • 5)

    Open Book Assessment
    ‘Healthy reproduction, legally checked birth control measures and proper family planning programmes are essential for the survival of mankind’ Justify

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What are the strategies to be implemented in India to attain total reproductive health?

  • 2)

    Describe the major STDs and their symptoms.

  • 3)

    Mention the type of IUDs with example.

  • 4)

    What is micro-testicular sperm extraction (TESE)?

  • 5)

    Write a note on sterilization procedure in the male.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Expand the following
    a) ZIFT
    b) ICSI

  • 2)

    What are the strategies to be implemented in India to attain total reproductive health?

  • 3)

    Differentiate foeticide and infanticide

  • 4)

    Describe the major STDs and their symptoms.

  • 5)

    Write a note on Foetoscope.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is amniocentesis? Why a statutory ban is imposed on this technique?

  • 2)

    Select the correct term from the bracket and complete the given branching tree

    (Barriers, Lactational amenorrhoea, CuT, Tubectomy)

  • 3)

    Which method do you suggest the couple to have a baby, if the male partner fails to inseminate the female or due to very low sperm count in the ejaculate?

  • 4)

    Mention two sexually transmitted diseases caused by bacteria.

  • 5)

    What is IUT?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is amniocentesis? Why a statutory ban is imposed on this technique?

  • 2)

    Select the correct term from the bracket and complete the given branching tree

    (Barriers, Lactational amenorrhoea, CuT, Tubectomy)

  • 3)

    Correct the following statements
    a) Transfer of an ovum collected from donor into the fallopian tube is called ZIFT.
    b) Transfering of an embryo with more than 8 blastomeres into uterus is called GIFT.
    c) Multiload 375 is a hormone releasing IUD.

  • 4)

    Which method do you suggest the couple to have a baby, if the male partner fails to inseminate the female or due to very low sperm count in the ejaculate?

  • 5)

    Define birth control.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Read the given statements and select the correct option.
    Statement 1: Diaphragms, cervical caps and vaults are made of rubber and are inserted into the female reproductive tract to cover the cervix before coitus.
    Statement 2: They are chemical barriers of conception and are reusable.

  • 2)

    Match column I with column II and select the correct option from the codes given below.

    Column I Column II
    A. Copper releasing IUD (i) LNG-20
    B. Hormone releasing (ii) Lippes loop IUD
    C. Non medicated IUD (iii) Saheli
    D. Mini pills (iv) Multiload-375
  • 3)

    Select the incorrect action of hormonal contraceptive pills from the following

  • 4)

    Formation of chronic ulcer is a symptom of ______

  • 5)

    Which one of the following is not a step in IVF treatment?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproductive Health Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following is correct regarding HIV, hepatitis B, gonorrhoea and trichomoniasis?

  • 2)

    Which one of the following groups includes sexually transmitted diseases caused by bacteria only?

  • 3)

    Identify the correct statements from the following.

  • 4)

    A contraceptive pill prevents ovulation by ______.

  • 5)

    The approach which does not give the defined action of contraceptive is

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain the various phases of the menstrual cycle.

  • 2)

    Explain the role of oxytocin and relaxin in parturition and lactation.

  • 3)

    Describe the structure of a sperm. (or) Describe the structure of human sperm with a neat labelled diagram.

  • 4)

    Describe the structure of human ovary.

  • 5)

    Write a note on embryonic membranes

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Explain the various phases of the menstrual cycle.

  • 2)

    Explain the role of oxytocin and relaxin in parturition and lactation.

  • 3)

    Identify the given image and label its parts marked as a, b, c and d

  • 4)

    The following is the illustration of the sequence of ovarian events (a-i) in a human female.

    a) Identify the figure that illustrates ovulation and mention the stage of oogenesis it represents.
    b) Name the ovarian hormone and the pituitary hormone that have caused the above-mentioned events.
    c) Explain the changes that occurs in the uterus simultaneously in anticipation.
    d) Write the difference between C and H.

  • 5)

    Differentiate Spermatogenesis and oogenesis.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Describe the structure of the human ovum with a neat labelled diagram.

  • 2)

    Give a schematic representation of spermatogenesis and oogenesis in humans.

  • 3)

    What is menopause?

  • 4)

    Define menstrual cycle

  • 5)

    Explain gastrulation.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is inhibin? State its functions

  • 2)

    Mention the importance of the position of the testes in humans.

  • 3)

    What is the composition of semen?

  • 4)

    Name the hormones produced from the placenta during pregnancy.

  • 5)

    Define gametogenesis.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Mention the differences between spermiogenesis and spermatogenesis

  • 2)

    At what stage of development are the gametes formed in new born male and female?

  • 3)

    Expand the acronyms
    a. FSH
    b. LH
    c. hCG
    d. hPL

  • 4)

    What is Placentation?

  • 5)

    What is ovulation?

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    At what stage of development are the gametes formed in new born male and female?

  • 2)

    How is polyspermy avoided in humans?

  • 3)

    What is colostrum? Write its significance.

  • 4)

    Placenta is an endocrine tissue. Justify

  • 5)

    Draw a labeled sketch of a spermatozoan.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Which one of the following menstrual irregularities is correctly matched?

  • 2)

    Find the wrongly matched pair.

  • 3)

    Assertion(A): In human male, testes are extra abdominal and lie in scrotal sacs.
    Reason(R): Scrotum acts as thermoregulator and keeps temperature lower by 2oC for normal sperm production.
    (a) A and R are true, R is the correct explanation of A
    (b) A and R are true, R is not the correct explanation of A
    (c)  A is true, R is false
    (d) Both A and R are false

  • 4)

    Assertion(A): Ovulation is the release of ovum from the Graafian follicle.
    Reason(R): It occurs during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle.
    (a) A and R are true, R is the correct explanation of A
    (b) A and R are true, R is not the correct explanation of A
    (c)  A is true, R is false
    (d) Both A and R are false

  • 5)

    Assertion(A): Head of the sperm consists of acrosome and mitochondria.
    Reason(R): Acrosome contains spiral rows of mitochondria.
    (a) A and R are true, R is the correct explanation of A.
    (b) A and R are true, R is not the correct explanation of A.
    (c)  A is true, R is false.
    (d) Both A and R are false.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Human Reproduction Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The mature sperms are stored in the ____.

  • 2)

    The male sex hormone testosterone is secreted from _____.

  • 3)

    The glandular accessory organ which produces the largest proportion of semen is ______.

  • 4)

    The site of embryo implantation is the _____.

  • 5)

    The foetal membrane that forms the basis of the umbilical cord is _____.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is the difference between syngamy and fertilization?

  • 2)

    Write a note on regeneration.

  • 3)

    Write notes on binary fission in animals.

  • 4)

    Describe the regeneration process noticed in living organism.

  • 5)

    Given an account on following terms.
    (a) Hologamy
    (b) Isogamy
    (c) Anisogamy
    (d) Merogamy
    (e) Paedogamy

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Differentiate between the following:
    (a) Binary fission in amoeba and multiple fission in Plasmodium
    (b) Budding in yeast and budding in Hydra
    (c) Regeneration in lizard and Planaria

  • 2)

    How is juvenile phase different from reproductive phase?

  • 3)

    What is the difference between syngamy and fertilization?

  • 4)

    Explain parthenogenesis.

  • 5)

    Describe the regeneration process noticed in living organism.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    What is asexual reproduction?

  • 2)

    What are gemmules?

  • 3)

    What is ovoviviparous condition?

  • 4)

    How does budding occurs is hydra?

  • 5)

    Give the definition for (a) Arrhenotoky (b) Thelytoky (c) Amphitoky

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    The unicellular organisms which reproduce by binary fission are considered immortal. Justify

  • 2)

    Why is the offspring formed by asexual reproduction referred as a clone?

  • 3)

    Why are the offsprings of oviparous animal at a greater risk as compared to offsprings of viviparous organisms?

  • 4)

    Give reasons for the following:
    (a) Some organisms like honey bees are called parthenogenetic animals
    (b) A male honey bee has 16 chromosomes where as its female has 32 chromosomes

  • 5)

    Differentiate autogamy and exogamy.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name the phenomenon where the female gamete directly develops into a new organism with an avian example.

  • 2)

    What is epimorphosis?

  • 3)

    What is autogamy?

  • 4)

    Define hologamy.

  • 5)

    Define conjugation.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    Name an organism where cell division is itself a mode of reproduction.

  • 2)

    Name the phenomenon where the female gamete directly develops into a new organism with an avian example.

  • 3)

    What is parthenogenesis? Give two examples from animals.

  • 4)

    Which type of reproduction is effective -Asexual or sexual and why?

  • 5)

    Define conjugation.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    In which type of parthenogenesis are only males produced?

  • 2)

    Animals giving birth to young ones:

  • 3)

    In each of the following questions there are two statements. One is assertion (A) and other is reasoning (R). Mark the correct answer as
    Assertion (A) : In bee society, all the members are diploid except drones.
    Reason (R) : Drones are produced by parthenogenesis
    A. If both A and R are true and R is correct explanation for A
    B. If both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A
    C. If A is true but R is false
    D. If both A and R are false.

  • 4)

    In each of the following questions there are two statements. One is assertion (A) and other is reasoning (R). Mark the correct answer as
    Assertion (A): Offsprings produced by asexual reproduction are genetically identical to the parent.
    Reason(R): Asexual reproduction involves only mitosis and no meiosis.
    A. If both A and R are true and R is correct explanation for A
    B. If both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A
    C. If A is true but R is false
    D. If both A and R are false.

  • 5)

    Assertion and reasoning questions:
    In each of the following questions there are two statements. One is assertion (A) and other is reasoning (R). Mark the correct answer as
    Assertion: Viviparous animals give better protection to their off springs.
    Reason: They lay their eggs in the safe places of the environment.
    A. If both A and R are true and R is correct explanation for A
    B. If both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A
    C. If A is true but R is false
    D. If both A and R are false.

12th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Reproduction in Organisms Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    In which type of parthenogenesis are only males produced?

  • 2)

    Animals giving birth to young ones:

  • 3)

    The mode of sexual reproduction in bacteria is by ______.

  • 4)

    In which mode of reproduction variations are seen _____.

  • 5)

    In each of the following questions there are two statements. One is assertion (A) and other is reasoning (R). Mark the correct answer as
    Assertion (A) : In bee society, all the members are diploid except drones.
    Reason (R) : Drones are produced by parthenogenesis
    A. If both A and R are true and R is correct explanation for A
    B. If both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A
    C. If A is true but R is false
    D. If both A and R are false.

Stateboard 12th Standard Biology(Zoology) Subject English Medium Public Answer Key - March 2020 - by QB Admin View & Read

Stateboard 12th Standard Biology(Zoology) Subject English Medium Public Answer Key - March 2019 - by QB Admin View & Read

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Stateboard 12th Standard Biology(Botany) Subject English Medium Public Answer Key - March 2019 - by QB Admin View & Read

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12th Standard Biology Reduced Syllabus 2020-21 - by QB Admin View & Read

12th Standard Biology English Medium Reproduction Organisms Important Questions - by Question Bank Software View & Read

  • 1)

    In each of the following questions there are two statements. One is assertion (A) and other is reasoning (R). Mark the correct answer as
    Assertion (A) : In bee society, all the members are diploid except drones.
    Reason (R) : Drones are produced by parthenogenesis
    A. If both A and R are true and R is correct explanation for A
    B. If both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A
    C. If A is true but R is false
    D. If both A and R are false.

  • 2)

    Assertion and reasoning questions:
    In each of the following questions there are two statements. One is assertion (A) and other is reasoning (R). Mark the correct answer as
    Assertion: Viviparous animals give better protection to their off springs.
    Reason: They lay their eggs in the safe places of the environment.
    A. If both A and R are true and R is correct explanation for A
    B. If both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A
    C. If A is true but R is false
    D. If both A and R are false.

  • 3)

    Conjugation is seen in _____

  • 4)

    Starfish shown ______ type of regeneration.

  • 5)

    Transverse binary fission is noticed in _________________

12th Standard English Medium Biology(Zoology) Text Book - 2021 - by QB Admin View & Read

12th Standard English Medium Biology(Botany) Text Book - 2021 - by QB Admin View & Read