New ! Biology MCQ Practise Tests

12th Standard Biology Important 5 Mark Questions

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 150

    Answer all the following questions.

    30 x 5 = 150
  1. Give reasons for the following:
    (a) Some organisms like honey bees are called parthenogenetic animals
    (b) A male honey bee has 16 chromosomes where as its female has 32 chromosomes

  2. The following is the illustration of the sequence of ovarian events (a-i) in a human female.

    a) Identify the figure that illustrates ovulation and mention the stage of oogenesis it represents.
    b) Name the ovarian hormone and the pituitary hormone that have caused the above-mentioned events.
    c) Explain the changes that occurs in the uterus simultaneously in anticipation.
    d) Write the difference between C and H.

  3. How are STDs transmitted?

  4. Brief about female heterogamety.

  5. a) Identify the figure given below
    b) Redraw the structure as a replicating fork and label the parts
    c) Write the source of energy for this replication and name the enzyme involved in this process.
    d) Mention the differences in the synthesis of protein, based on the polarity of the two template strands.

  6. How does Mutation theory of De Vries differ from Lamarck and Darwin’s view in the origin of new species.

  7. Given below are some human organs. Identify one primary and one secondary lymphoid organ. Explain its role. Liver, thymus, stomach, thyroid, tonsils.

  8. Write short notes on the following.
    a) Brewer's yeast
    b) Ideonella sakaiensis
    c) Microbial fuel cells

  9. What are stem cells? Explain its role in the field of medicine

  10. List the adaptations seen in terrestrial animals

  11. In north eastern states, the jhum culture is a major threat to biodiversity – substantiate.

  12. How can we control eutrophication?

  13. With a suitable diagram explain the structure of an ovule.

  14. Differentiate continuous variation with discontinuous variation.

  15. What is gene mapping? Write its uses

  16. Write the advantages of herbicide tolerant crops

  17. Explain the basic concepts involved in plant tissue culture

  18. List out any five morphological adaptations of halophytes.

  19. Draw a pyramid from following details and explain in brief.
    Quantities of organisms are given-Hawks - 50, plants - 1000.rabbit and mouse - 250 + 250, pythons and lizard - 100 + 50 respectively.

  20. What are the effects of deforestation and benefits of agroforestry?

  21. What are the different types of hybridization?

  22. Give an account on the role of Jasminum in perfuming

  23. A person is infected by HIV. How will you diagnose for AIDS?

  24. Write notes on binary fission in animals.

  25. Name the three primary germ layers of embryo. Also, mention any three organs or organ systems developing from each layer.

  26. Give a detailed account on various natural methods of contraception.

  27. Write notes on chromosomal abnormalities in human beings. (or) What is aneuploidy? Explain it

  28. Explain the mechanism of lac-operon of the E-coli.

  29. How Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes evolved?

  30. Explain the events in life cycle of Plasmodium in the secondary host/Man.


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