New ! Biology MCQ Practise Tests

Zoology - Human Health and Diseases Book Back Questions

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 00:45:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 30
    5 x 1 = 5
  1. A 30 year old woman has bloody diarrhea for the past 14 hours, which one of the following organisms is likely to cause this illness?


    Streptococcus pyogens


    Clostridium difficile


    Shigella dysenteriae


    Salmonella enteritidis

  2. Cirrhosis of liver is caused by chronic intake of ______









  3. The sporozoite of the malarial parasite is present in ______


    saliva of infected female Anopheles mosquito


    RBC of human suffering from malaria.


    Spleen of infected humans


    Gut of female Anopheles mosquito

  4. Spread of cancerous cells to distant sites is termed as








    Malignant neoplasm

  5. AIDS virus has


    Single stranded RNA


    Double stranded RNA


    Single stranded DNA


    Double stranded DNA

  6. 3 x 2 = 6
  7. Given below are some human organs. Identify one primary and one secondary lymphoid organ. Explain its role. Liver, thymus, stomach, thyroid, tonsils.

  8. What are interferons? Mention their role.

  9. Explain the process of replication of retrovirus after it gains entry into the human body.

  10. 3 x 3 = 9
  11. Explain the structure of immunoglobulin with suitable diagram.

  12. What is vaccine? What are its types?

  13. Autoimmunity is a misdirected immune response. Justify.

  14. 2 x 5 = 10
  15. A patient was hospitalized with fever and chills. Merozoites were observed in her blood. What is your diagnosis?

  16. List the common withdrawal symptoms of drugs and alcohol abuse.


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