Half Yearly One Mark Revision Test 1

6th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Social Science

Answer all the questions 

Time : 01:15:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 50

    Part A

    15 x 1 = 15
  1. What was the step taken by the early man to collect his food?








    Rearing of animals

  2. Who was the first ruler to give up war after victory




    Raja Raja Chola





  3. Tanzania is situated in the continent of 









  4. Harpoons and spear throwers were used by _________ .


    Homo erectus


    Homo sapiens




    Homo habilis

  5. River valleys are said to be the cradle of civilisation because


    Soil is very fertile.


    They experience good climate


    They are useful for transportation.


    Many civilisations flourished on river valleys.

  6. The dancing girl statue was made out of









  7. Which one of the following is a Tamil city?









  8. Name the place related to the export of Sandal.


    Western Ghats


    Southern Sea


    Eastern Sea



  9. The Tropic of Capricorn faces the Sun directly on


    March 21


    June 21


    September 23


    December 22

  10. The solar system is believed to have formed about ___________billion years ago









  11. Which of the following is the smallest ocean on Earth?


    The Pacific Ocean


    The Indian Ocean


    The Atlantic Ocean


    The Arctic Ocean

  12. Andes mountain is located in


    North America


    South America





  13. India is known as a 




    Sub continent




    None of these

  14. Punjab is well known for_________________ dance.









  15. Which one of the following is not the reason for Prejudice?




    Economic Benefits


    Authoritarian personality



  16. Part B

    15 x 1 = 15
  17. Inscriptions are ___________  sources

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  18. The invention of _____________ made farming easier.

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  19. Archaeological Survey of India was founded by ____________ .

    A PHP Error was encountered

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    Alexander cunningham

  20. ______________ is known as the city of temples.

    A PHP Error was encountered

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  21. _________________ planet has many natural satellites.

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  22. The largest ocean is ___________ .

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    The Pacific Ocean

  23. Jaisalmer, the land of lowest rainfall is located in _________

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  24. People have false belief and ideas on others is called ____________.

    A PHP Error was encountered

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  25. Vedic culture was ____________ in nature.

    A PHP Error was encountered

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  26. Thiruparthikundram, a village in Kanchipuram was once called_________.

    A PHP Error was encountered

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     Jina Kanchi.

  27. ____________________ was the son of Bindusara.

    A PHP Error was encountered

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  28. ______________ resources are being used in the present.

    A PHP Error was encountered

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  29. The Indian National Flag was designed by ______________.

    A PHP Error was encountered

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    Pingali Venkayya

  30. ____________ protects our fundamental rights.

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  31. The percentage of population in the cities of Tamil Nadu is_________________.

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  32. Part C

    10 x 1 = 10
  33. The materials used by the ancient people are preserved in the museums by the Archaeological Department.

    (a) True
    (b) False
  34. The first scientific invention of humans was wheel.

    (a) True
    (b) False
  35. Humans domesticated hen, goat and cow after domesticating dogs.

    (a) True
    (b) False
  36. Granaries were used to store grains

    (a) True
    (b) False
  37. Indus Civilisation had covered 6 big cities.

    (a) True
    (b) False
  38. Many rock cut temples were made during the Pallava period.

    (a) True
    (b) False
  39. Chozha Nadu had plenty of elephants.

    (a) True
    (b) False
  40. The army chief was called Gramani.

    (a) True
    (b) False
  41. Gautama Swami compiled the teachings of Mahavira.

    (a) True
    (b) False
  42. The lions on the currency notes is taken from the Rampurwa bull capital.

    (a) True
    (b) False
  43. Part D

    5 x 1 = 5
  44. Name the following
    Cluster of stars.

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  45. Name the following:
    The nearest galaxy to the solar system.

    A PHP Error was encountered

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  46. Name the following:
    The brightest planet.

    A PHP Error was encountered

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  47. Name the following:
    The living sphere.

    A PHP Error was encountered

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  48. Name the following:
    The year which has 366 days.

    A PHP Error was encountered

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  49. Part E

    5 x 1 = 5
  50. Ashoka

  51. (1)

    The Pacific Ocean

  52. Herodoturs

  53. (2)

    Father of History

  54. Red Planet

  55. (3)


  56. Mercury

  57. (4)

    No natural satellite

  58. The Mariana Trench

  59. (5)

    the most famous king


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