6th Standard English Medium Science Subject Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

6th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 00:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 45
    15 x 3 = 45
  1. Why do gases not have fixed shape?

  2. Compare the taproot and fibrous root systems.

  3. Write the adaptive features of Polar bear and Penguin.

  4. What difference do you think heating the solid will make in their molecules ?

  5. Draw the circuit diagram for series connection.

  6. Can deforestation be considered a desirable change? Explain.

  7. Biscuits kept open on a plate during monsoon days lose its’ crispness. Why?

  8. Why cells are called building blocks of life?

  9. List out the functions of the human skeleton.

  10. A student who checked some magnets in the school laboratory found out that their magnetic force is worn out. Give three reasons for that?

  11. Write a few slogans of your own on the topic “Save Water”.

  12. Explain the process of manufacturing cement.

  13. How can we reduce water pollution?

  14. Write the uses of neem?

  15. What is Hardware and Software?


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