6th Standard English Medium Science Subject T3 - Magnetism Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

6th Standard

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Time : 00:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 15
    5 x 3 = 15
  1. Explain the attraction and repulsion between magnetic poles.

  2. A student who checked some magnets in the school laboratory found out that their magnetic force is worn out. Give three reasons for that?

  3. You are provided with iron filings and a bar magnet without labelling the poles of the magnet. Using this...
    a. How will you identify the poles of the magnet?
    b. Which part of the bar magnet attracts more iron filings? Why?

  4. Two bar magnets are given in the figure A and B. By the property of attraction,identify the North pole and the South pole in the bar magnet (B)

  5. Take a glass of water with a few pins inside. How will you take out the pins without dipping your hands into water?


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