VII STD Model Question

6th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Social Science

Time : 02:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 60

    I. Choose the best answer

    10 x 1 = 10
  1. Which dynasty was not in power during the Sangam Age?









  2. The ascending order of the administrative division in the ancient Tamizhagam was


    Ur˂ Nadu ˂ Kurram ˂ Mandalam


    Ur ˂ Kurram ˂ Nadu ˂Mandalam


    Ur ˂Mandalam ˂ Kurram ˂ Nadu


    Nadu ˂ Kurram ˂ Mandalam ˂Ur

  3. Sakas ruled over Gandhara region _____________ as their capital.









  4. Prayog Prashasti was composed by __________









  5. The monolithic iron pillar of Chandragupta is at __________









  6. Who among the following built the VaikundaPerumal temple?


    Narasimhavarma II


    Nandivarma II





  7. The shape of the Earth is _____________









  8. The North Pole is


    90° N Latitude


    90° S latitude


    90° W Longitude


    90° E longitude

  9. _______is National Panchayat Raj Day


    January 24


    July 24


    November 24


    April 24

  10. II. Fill in the blanks 

    5 x 1 = 5
  11. Land revenue was called ______________

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  12. __________ invasion led to the downfall of Gupta Empire.

    A PHP Error was encountered

    Severity: Warning

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  13. The music inscriptions in ____________and ____________show Pallavas interest in music.

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    Severity: Warning

    Message: A non-numeric value encountered

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    Kudumianmalai and Thirumayam temple

  14. The river _________ passes through nine countries of Europe  

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    Severity: Warning

    Message: A non-numeric value encountered

    Filename: material/details.php

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  15. The 90° lines of latitude on the Earth are called _____________.

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    Severity: Warning

    Message: A non-numeric value encountered

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  16. III. True or False

    5 x 1 = 5
  17. Kizhar was the village chief.

    (a) True
    (b) False
  18. Buddhacharita was written by Asvaghosha.

    (a) True
    (b) False
  19. Harsha belonged to Hinayana school of thought.

    (a) True
    (b) False
  20. The famous musician Rudracharya lived during Mahendravarma I.

    (a) True
    (b) False
  21. The Virupaksha temple was built on the model of Kanchi Kailasanatha Temple.

    (a) True
    (b) False
  22. IV. Match the following

    5 x 1 = 5
  23. Eastern Chalukyas

  24. (1)


  25. Western Chalukyas

  26. (2)


  27. Rice Bowl of southeast asia

  28. (3)


  29. 0° line of latitude

  30. (4)


  31. 0° line of longitude

  32. (5)


    IV. Answer any 10 in the following questions

    10 x 2 = 20
  33. What did Indian scientists achieve in astronomy and mathematics during the Gupta period?

  34. Give an account on Western Chalukyas of Kalyani.

  35. How many times would the sun pass overhead a line of longitude?

  36. Name the four hemispheres of the Earth.

  37. Define Disaster

  38. Differentiate: Landslide – Avalanche

  39. Define: Representative Democracy

  40. Compare and contrast direct democracy and representative democracy.

  41. What are the divisions of a Urban local body?

  42. Who are the representatives elected in a Village Panchayat

  43. What is the importance of Grama Sabha?

  44. Discuss about the statistics of 2017 accidents data

  45. V. Answer any 3 in detail:

    3 x 5 = 15
  46. Discuss the status of women in the Sangam Society.

  47. Write a note on Gautamiputra Satakarni.

  48. Give an account of the religious policy of Kanishka.

  49. Highlight the contribution of Guptas to architecture.

  50. Asia is called the ‘Land of Contrasts’- Justify.

  51. Name the important mountains found in the Alpine system.

  52. Explain: Indian Standard Time.

  53. Find out your area's representative’s names and write down 
    a. MP b. MLA 3. Local body member

  54. Prepare a questionaire to interview a local body representative

  55. If I were a local body representative, I would.....

  56. Mark the following places.
    a. Korkai b. Kaveripoompattinam c. Musiri d. Uraiyur e. Madurai

  57. Mark the following in the outline map of Asia and Europe
    Asia: Ural mountain, Himalayas, Pamir knot, Gobi Desert, Arabian Peninsula, Deccan plateau, River Yangtze, River Ob, Aral Sea and Lake Baykal.
    Europe: The Pyrenees, Black forest, Apennines, Hungarian Plain, Caucasus Mountain, River Volga, River Danube, Strait of Gibraltar, Lake Ladoga, North Sea


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