T2 - Measurements English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020-2021

7th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 00:10:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 10

    Part A

    10 x 1 = 10
  1. Formula used to find the circumference of a circle is


    2πr units


    πr2 + 2r units


    πr2 sq. units


    πr3 cu. units

  2. In the formula, C = 2πr, ‘r’ refers to









  3. If the circumference of a circle is 82π , then the value of ‘r’ is


    41 cm


    82 cm


    21 cm


    20 cm

  4. Circumference of a circle is always


    three times of its diameter


    more than three times of its diameter


    less than three times of its diameter


    three times of its radius

  5. The formula used to find the area of the circle is ________ sq.units.








    πr2 + 2r

  6. The ratio of the area of a circle to the area of its semicircle is









  7. Area of a circle of radius ‘n’ units is


    2πrp sq. units


    πm2 sq. units


    πrsq. units


    πn2 sq. units

  8. The formula to find the area of the circular path is


    π(R2 − r2 ) sq. units


    πr2 sq. units


    2πr2 sq. units


    πr2 + 2r sq. units

  9. The formula used to find the area of the rectangular path is


    π(R2 − r2 ) sq. units


    (L × B) − (l × b) sq. units


    LB sq. units


    lb sq. units

  10. The formula to find the width of the circular path is


    ( L − l ) units


    ( B − b ) units


    ( R − r ) units


    ( r − R ) units


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