The Delhi Sultanate Book Back Questions

7th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Social Science

Time : 00:45:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 30
    3 x 1 = 3
  1. _______laid the foundation of ‘Mamluk’ dynasty.


    Mohammad Ghori




    Qutb-ud-din Aibak



  2. _____ completed the construction of the Qutb-Minar.




    Qutb-ud-din -Aibak





  3. _______laid the foundation of the city Tughluqabad near Delhi.


    Muhammad-bin -Tughluq


    Firoz shah Tughluq


    Jalal –ud-din


    Ghiyas –ud-din

  4. 3 x 1 = 3
  5. ______ was the founder of Tughluq dynasty.

    A PHP Error was encountered

    Severity: Warning

    Message: A non-numeric value encountered

    Filename: material/details.php

    Line Number: 1002



  6. _________ patronized the famous Persian poet Amir Khusru.

    A PHP Error was encountered

    Severity: Warning

    Message: A non-numeric value encountered

    Filename: material/details.php

    Line Number: 1002



  7. The threat of Mongols under Chengizkhan to India was during the reign of________.

    A PHP Error was encountered

    Severity: Warning

    Message: A non-numeric value encountered

    Filename: material/details.php

    Line Number: 1002



  8. 4 x 1 = 4
  9. Qutb-ud-din Aibak died of mysterious fever.

    (a) True
    (b) False
  10. Razia was an able and brave fighter.

    (a) True
    (b) False
  11. The Turkish nobles chose Iltutmish, son of Aibak, as Sultan after the death of Aibak.

    (a) True
    (b) False
  12. FirozShah Tughluq refused to accept an invitation from a Bahmani Prince to intervene in the affairs of the Deccan.

    (a) True
    (b) False
  13. 4 x 1 = 4
  14. Tughril Khan

  15. (1)

    Jalal-ud-din Yakut

  16. Ala-ud-din

  17. (2)

    Governor of Sirhind

  18. Bahlol Lodi

  19. (3)

    Governor of Kara

  20. Razia

  21. (4)

    Governor of Bengal

    4 x 2 = 8
  22. Name the land granted to army officials in lieu of a regular wage.

  23. Name the ruler who established Muslim rule in India in 12th century A.D (CE).

  24. Write a note on chahalgani.

  25. How did Ala-ud-din Khalji consolidate the Delhi Sultanate?

  26. 1 x 3 = 3
  27. Write about the invasion of Timur in 1398.

  28. 1 x 5 = 5
  29. How would you evaluate Muhammad-bin-Tughluq as Sultan of Delhi?


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