Algebra Two Marks Questions

8th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 00:45:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 30
    15 x 2 = 30
  1. Multiply a monomial by a monomial

  2. Multiply a monomial by a monomial
    −3x, 7y

  3. Find the product of the terms.
    −2mn,(2m)2 , −3mn

  4. Find the missing term 6xy x _________= −12x3y

  5. Find the missing term _________x (−15m2n3p) = 45m3n3p2

  6. Find the missing term  2y(5x2y −___+3___) = 10x2y− 2xy + 6y3

  7. Expand using appropriate identitie.

  8. Expand using appropriate identitie
    (3x)- 52

  9. Expand using appropriate identitie.
    Find the area of the rectangle whose length and breadth are (y + 4) and (y - 3).

  10. Factorize the following 10x2+15y2

  11. Find the product of the following
    (4a, 3a2)

  12. Divide. -15a2 bc3 by 3ab

  13. Divide :25x3y2 by -15x2y

  14. Evaluate:

  15. Factorize:9a2 -16b2


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