8th Standard English Medium Maths Subject Term 1 Algebra Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II

8th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 20

    2 Marks

    10 x 2 = 20
  1. Expand (3m + 5)2

  2. Factorise the following by taking out the common factor (ax + ay) + (bx + by)

  3. Factorise the following by taking out the common factor a3− 3a+ a −3

  4. Factorise :(7y2- 19y- 6)

  5. Pick out the like terms from the following.

  6. The sides of a triangle are 2x - 5y + 9, 3y + 6x -7 and -4x + y +10. Find perimeter of the triangle.

  7. The length of a log is 3a + 4b - 2 and a piece (2a - b) is remove from it. What is the length of the remaining log?

  8. Multiply (m4+ n4) and (m - n)

  9. Are the following correct?
    \(\cfrac { { 10m }^{ 4 } }{ 10{ m }^{ 4 } } =0\)

  10. 4m2n + 9n2m + 3mn \(\div \)4mn


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