8th Standard English Medium Maths Subject Term 3 Statistics Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

8th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 10

    2 Marks

    5 x 2 = 10
  1. The continuous series of

    10 -20         
  2. Income from various sources for Government of India from a rupee is given below. Draw a pie chart.

    Source Corporation tax  Income tax  Customs Excise duties Service Tax Others
    Income (in paise) 19 16 9 14 10 32
  3. Monthly expenditure of Kumaran’s family is given below. Draw a suitable Pie chart.

    Particulars Food Education Rent Transport Miscellaneous
    Expenses (in %) 50 % 20 % 15 % 5 % 10 %

    1. Find the amount spent for education if Kumaran spends Rs.6000 for Rent.
    2. What is the total salary of Kumaran?
    3. How much did he spend more for food than education

  4. Which of the following data can be represented in a histogram?
    (i) The number of mountain climbers in the age group 20 to 60.
    (ii) Production of cycles in different years.
    (iii) The number of students in each class of a school.
    (iv) The number votes polled from 7 am to 6 pm in an election.
    (v) The wickets fallen from 1 over to 50th over in a one day cricket match.

  5. In a village, there are 570 people who have cell phones. An NGO survey their cell phone usage.
    Based on this survey a histogram is drawn. Answer the following questions.
    (i) How many people use the cell phone for less than 3 hours?
    (ii) How many of them use the cell phone for more than 5 hours?
    (iii) Are people using cell phone for less than1 hour?


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