8th Standard English Medium Social Science Subject Book Back 5 Mark Questions With Solution Part - II

8th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Social Science

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 125

    5 Marks

    25 x 5 = 125
  1. How did the fall of Constantinople affect the European nations?

  2. Apart from the exploiting through taxes, how did the British further exploit the land?

  3. Explain the process of soil formation.

  4. List out the weather elements and associated measuring instruments.

  5. Explain the run-off and its types.

  6. What are the functions of Money? and explain it.

  7. What are the difference between savings and investment?

  8. How does the flagship programme of SSA achieve Universal Elementary Education?

  9. What are the different types of migration? Explain.

  10. Discuss the problems of urbanisation.

  11. Define earthquake and list out its effects.

  12. Elaborately discuss the effects water pollution.

  13. To whom does the Universal Declaration of Human Rights apply? Why is it important to you?

  14. Tabulate tips for avoiding driver fatigue.

  15. Trace the role of women in the freedom struggle.

  16. Give a detailed account of the Impact of reform movement?

  17. Explain the Geographical factors which affect the location of industries?

  18. Name the physical divisions of Africa and explain any one.

  19. Describe the Cadastral map and its importance.

  20. Describe the structure and administration of the Indian Army.

  21. Write about the role of the judiciary.

  22. Describe Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.

  23. Write briefly explain the history of the public sector?

  24. What is the importance of the public sector?

  25. Write the functions of the private sector?


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