9th Standard English Medium Social Science Subject Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

9th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Social Science

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 50

    2 Marks

    25 x 2 = 50
  1. Write a note on the impact of pastoralism on the prehistoric people in Tamil Nadu.

  2. List out the features of Megalithic Burial types.

  3. Examine the tool making technical skills of lower Palaeolithic people.

  4. Is weathering a pre-requisite in the formation of soil

  5. Glaciers do not form deep narrow valleys. Why?

  6. Name the different atmospheric layers

  7. What are the units used to measure the temperature?

  8. What are isotherms?

  9. Polar Easterlies are cold and dry. Why it is so?

  10. Will you have the right to equality under dictatorship? What would be the attitude regarding public opinion in such a country?

  11. Mention the various terrestrial biomes.

  12. What are the Child Rights define by the UNO?

  13. What are the contributions to labourers by B.R. Ambetkar?

  14. Write about the Right against exploitation.

  15. What were the items used as barter during olden days?

  16. What is meant by foreign exchange?

  17. What do you know about the Quakers?

  18. Sketch the role of Lafayette in the French Revolution.

  19. What do you know of Louis Renault?

  20. Distinguish between Colonialism and Imperialism.

  21. State the three phases in the colonialisation of Indian economy.

  22. What is 'black death'?

  23. What is a map?

  24. Though Japan has the densest seismic network, Indonesia has the most number of earthquakes. Why?

  25. Unitary form of government


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