9th Standard English Medium Social Science Subject Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II

9th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Social Science

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 50

    2 Marks

    25 x 2 = 50
  1. Discuss how the age of speculation made humans become conscious and knowledgeable.

  2. Enumerate the distinctive characteristics of Neanderthals.

  3. The Egyptians excelled in art and architecture Illustrate.

  4. Hammurabi Code is an important legal document. Explain.

  5. Define atmosphere.

  6. What is insolation?

  7. How is the atmospheric Pressure measured?

  8. How are Cyclones classified?

  9. What is an ecosystem?

  10. Narrate the given food web of Arctic Tundra in your own words.

  11. Point out the significance of “the Boston Tea Party”.

  12. What was the background for the storming of Bastille Prison?

  13. Colonel Pennycuick.

  14. Write any two ways of how the locals and the government restored Palk Bay.

  15. Name the different methods to represent the Earth.

  16. What are the components of a map?

  17. What are the components of remote sensing?

  18. Unitary and federal forms of government.

  19. Democracy in Nepal

  20. Name the taxes levied by the Village Panchayat.

  21. Mention the important functions of the Village Panchayat.

  22. Who monitors the quantity and quality of ground water?

  23. On what factors does crop cultivation depend? List out the factors on which crop cultivation depend.

  24. Name four districts in Tamil Nadu which record low number of migration.

  25. List the four destinations and the percentage of migrants from Tamil Nadu


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